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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

This short-range cannon is designed to bombard enemy infantry with indirect fire.
In-game description

The Cremari Mortar is a handheld artillery launcher that fires various types of Mortar Shells over obstacles and at relative long ranges.



It fires different Mortar Shell types at a range between 40 and 85 meters:

  • Mortar Shells are designed to destroy structures except Trenches (and potentially vehicles), dealing 300 High Explosive damage in a 2.5m radius and decreasing amounts in a 5m radius.
  • Shrapnel Mortar Shells are designed to kill infantry, dealing 125 Shrapnel damage in a 4.5m radius and decreasing amounts in a 7.5m radius.
  • Flare Mortar Shells are designed to ignite midair and illuminate an area in a 30m radius for 30 seconds at night, revealing enemy targets

It can only used from a crouched or prone position.

The Mortar Shells have a 1-4 second travel time depending on the range and their trajectory is affected by the Wind.

Like other artillery armaments, the mortar has an innate inaccuracy that grows with range: 5.5m at minimum range up to 12m at maximum range.

Wielding the mortar massively slows down the player.


  1. Find a suitable firing position
  2. Equip the Mortar
  3. Crouch or go prone
  4. Select the mortar shell type with F if you have multiple.
  5. Adjust the azimuth by aiming with RMB
  6. Adjust range with Mouse Scroll Wheel
  7. Take Wind into account before firing
  8. Have someone spot with Binoculars where your shells land to adjust your fire


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Factory (Heavy Arms) 100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png
25 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png
Crate of 5 x  Cremari Mortar MortarItemIcon.png 00:00:50
Mass Production Factory (Heavy Arms) 100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png
25 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png
Crate of 5 x  Cremari Mortar MortarItemIcon.png 00:8:20

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.


The Cremari Mortar does not stack in inventories.

It can be stored in Base stockpiles.

Cremari Mortar crates can be stored in the stockpile of a Storage Depot, Seaport, or Storage Ship. Crates can be submitted to any stockpile that accept Cremari Mortars to transfer their content into it.


  • Due to the weapon's significant slowdown when wielded, it is recommended to switch to your secondary weapon to re-position before firing again.
  • Its main advantage is firing from a distance. Keep yourself behind the front line to greatly increase your chance of survival.
  • A mortar's fire can be seen through the night, like gunshots.
  • Mortar Shells do not stack, so it is imperative that a mortar crew be well supplied by a logistics team.
  • Predict enemy movement as the shells have a 1-4 second travel time based on distance.
  • Remember what mortars sound like, as it is easy to tell if you are under attack by them and need to retreat.
  • Adjust your shots by taking wind into account by checking the flags on pillboxes and other garrisoned structures.
  • Warden players can wear a Heavy Ammo Uniform to reduce the weight of the mortar shells they carry.


  • The design and icon for the Cremari Mortar appear to be based off the Japanese Type 89 Mortar


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