Enriched Oil

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

Oil that has been purified and enriched for advanced Facilities processes.
In-game description

Enriched Oil (also known as E. Oil) is a late-game advanced liquid resource primarily used as fuel for certain vehicles and facility recipes. It is stored within a 30L canister.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Offshore Platform 100 x  Coal CoalIcon.png 1 x  Enriched Oil FacilityOil2Icon.png 00:01:30
Oil Refinery (Petrochemical Plant) 60 x  Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
30L x  Heavy Oil FacilityOil1Icon.png
6 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
30L x  Enriched Oil FacilityOil2Icon.png 00:03:20

Tier 3 Facilities must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.



  1. Put the canister in your tertiary slot
  2. Equip it with 3
  3. Hold LMB near the target.

The canister's weight changes proportionally to how much liquid is left in it.


Enriched Oil is primarily used to refuel Super Tanks and Long-Range Artillery Cars (the Artillery Car requires it to fire the weapon, in addition to the shell)


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Metalworks Factory (Engineering Station) 9 x  Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
375 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
90L x  Enriched Oil FacilityOil2Icon.png
100L x  Water WaterIcon.png
12 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
3 x  Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png 00:01:30


As a liquid resource, the Enriched Oil canister does not stack in inventories (1 per slot). It can be stored in the stockpiles of Bases (32k max), Small Liquid Container Cars (50), Liquid Containers (100) and Liquid Transfer Stations (500). It cannot be submitted into a stockpile if the canister is not full.
When a canister is full, it can be crated (need stack of 1 per crate) and uncrated with the right click context menu while interfacing a Seaport, Storage Depot, or Shipping Container.
Crates of Enriched Oil can be directly submitted to any item stockpile that accepts that item to transfer their content. The crates can also be stored in the crate stockpiles of Storage Depots (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Seaports (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Shipping Containers (60), or Storage Ships (1000).

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots, but is most commonly transported by Fuel Tankers, Small Liquid Container Cars, and shipping vehicles carrying Liquid Containers. The liquid can also be delivered by Pipelines. Delivering it in crate form is possible but much less efficient.
