Flame Ammo

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A drum containing fuel used for flame weapons.
In-game description

Flame Ammo is a large Magazine used by vehicles with mounted Flame weaponry.



When used, it fires "bullets" that travel instantly (despite the visual effect) and explode on contact.

By default the "explosion" deals 25 Incendiary damage in a 1.75m radius and decreasing amounts in a 3m radius.

It does not deal any direct damage to structures but can potentially set them on fire.

It is very effective against unarmored vehicles but deal no damage to armored ones.

It is a Large Item and thus each drum must be loaded one at a time, carried on a soldier's shoulder.


The following infantry weapons, vehicles, and structures use Flame Ammo:


Structure Input(s) Output Time
AmmoFactoryBaseIcon.png Ammunition Factory 1 x Construction Materials ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
4 x Heavy Explosive Powder HeavyExplosiveMaterialsIcon.png
4 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
1 x Flame Ammo FlameAmmoIcon.png 00:00:25

Tier 2 Facilities must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Individual Flame Ammo in Facility personal orders can be retrieved as crates from a logistics vehicle with RMB > "Retrieve as crate" (needs 1 per crate).


It does not stack in inventories (1 per slot) except in ammo slots dedicated to it in certain vehicle or structure inventories (varying stack sizes).
It can be stored in stockpiles of Bases (32k max) but also in Material Pallets (60), Rooster - Tumblebox Trailer (20), Material Transfer Stations (1000), Small Flatbed Car (50) or Storage Rooms (100).
Crates of Flame Ammo can be directly submitted to any item stockpile that accepts that item to transfer their content. The crates can also be stored in the crate stockpiles of Storage Depots (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Seaports (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Shipping Containers (60), or Storage Ships (1000).

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots, but is most commonly transported by Trucks, Small Flatbed Car, or shipping vehicles carrying Material Pallets. Delivering it in crate form is possible but extremely inefficient.

