Rare Alloys

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.59) of Foxhole.

Bars of incredibly rare materials used in some of the most advanced and complex constructions, such as large naval vessels and AEON Rockets.
In-game description

Rare Alloys are a type of advanced Large Facility Material used in the production of parts for Large Ships and Rockets and certain advanced vehicles, and in the construction of various advanced structures and upgrades related to those.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
FacilityRefinery2Icon.png Metalworks Factory (Blast Furnace) 20 x Rare Metal RareMaterialsIcon.png
5 x Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
60 x Coke CokeIcon.png
10 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
1 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png 00:03:00

The Dry Dock must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order for the material to be produced.


Structure Construction

Rare Alloys are used in the construction of Dry Docks and A0E-9 Rocket Platforms.

It is also used to install the Naval Works and Rocket Manufactory upgrades on Small Assembly Station]s.

Shippable Production

They are used in the production of various Ship Parts and Rocket Parts.

Structure Input(s) Output Time
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Rocket Manufactory) 20 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
75 x Thermal Shielding FacilityMaterials11Icon.png
55 x Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
150 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
25 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
A0E-9 Rocket Booster RocketPartBottomIcon.png 24:00:00
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Rocket Manufactory) 20 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
75 x Thermal Shielding FacilityMaterials11Icon.png
65 x Assembly Materials I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png
125 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
25 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
A0E-9 Rocket Body RocketPartCenterIcon.png 24:00:00
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Rocket Manufactory) 75 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
165 x Unstable Substances FacilityMaterials10Icon.png
45 x Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
A0E-9 Rocket Warhead RocketPartTopIcon.png 24:00:00
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Naval Works) 60 x Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
2 x Assembly Materials I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png
2 x Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
10 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
4 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
4 x Thermal Shielding FacilityMaterials11Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
Naval Hull Segments ShipPart1.png 00:25:00
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Naval Works) 20 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
20 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
Naval Turbine Components ShipPart3.png 12:00:00

Vehicle Production

They are also directly used in the production of certain rare vehicles.

Structure Input(s) Output Time
LargeAssemblyStationIcon.png Large Assembly Station (Train Assembly) 285 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
95 x Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
105 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
105 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
6 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
8 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
Tempest Cannon RA-2 TrainLRArtilleryVehicleIcon.png 72:00:00
LargeAssemblyStationIcon.png Large Assembly Station (Train Assembly) 60 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
45 x Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
55 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
40 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
2 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
8 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
BMS Bloodtender TrainHospitalItemIcon.png 36:00:00
LargeAssemblyStationIcon.png Large Assembly Station (Heavy Tank Assembly) 275 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
105 x Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
95 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
105 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
3 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
8 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
Cullen Predator Mk. III SuperTankWVehicleIcon.png 48:00:00
LargeAssemblyStationIcon.png Large Assembly Station (Heavy Tank Assembly) 275 x Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
105 x Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
95 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
105 x Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
3 x Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png
8 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
O-75b “Ares” SuperTankCtemIcon.png 48:00:00

Due to their value and rarity, it is important to not waste them and to keep them secured in an area that cannot be easily destroyed.


It does not stack in inventories (1 per slot). It can be stored in the stockpiles of Bases (32k max), Facilities that produces it (32k), Material Pallets (120), Material Transfer Stations (1000), Rooster - Tumblebox Trailer (32), and Small Flatbed Car (100).
It can be crated (need stack of 1 per crate) and uncrated with the right click context menu while interfacing a Seaport, Storage Depot, or Shipping Container.
Crates of Rare Alloys can be directly submitted to any item stockpile that accepts that item to transfer their content. The crates can also be stored in the crate stockpiles of Storage Depots (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Seaports (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Shipping Containers (60), or Storage Ships (1000).

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots, but is most commonly transported by Trucks, Small Flatbed Car, or shipping vehicles carrying Material Pallets. Delivering it in crate form is possible but extremely inefficient.


  • Due to the relative scarcity of obtaining its raw resource, it is highly recommended for any logi players not planning on constructing Large Ships or Rockets to give them to players who are going to build them, or to store them in places with easy to see Stockpiles.


  • During the devbranch of 1.54 Naval Warfare, Rare Alloys used to be called Rare Metals. This was later changed from community feedback due to their confusing names.
