Resource Field

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Resource Fields are locations on the map where Players can harvest large amounts of raw resources. Unlike World Resource Mines, Resource Fields must be manually harvested using various pieces of equipment.


Resource Fields are indestructible world structures. Their locations are predetermined at the start of each war and are always visible on the map. When a field's resource reserve is depleted, it replenishes after a certain amount of time.

The amount of resources collected, as well as their respawn rate depends on the type of Resource Field:

  • Oil Fields - constantly produces resources (no respawn timers)
  • Coal and Salvage Fields - contains 250 reserve nodes (respawns in 80-140 minutes)
  • Component and Sulfur Fields - contains 167 reserve nodes (respawns in 6-8 hours)

NOTE: Respawn timers depends on overall population, which will increase or decrease depending on the number of players currently online.

Stationary Harvesters

All Resource Fields can have up to three Stationary Harvesters built next to them (with Oil Fields requiring the Oil Well). These are built next to the Resource Field and will automatically harvest resources when fueled (up to 3 per field)

Types of Resource Fields

There are five types of Resource Fields located around the map:

Coal Field MapIconCoal.png produces Coal

Component Field MapIconComponents.png produces Components

Salvage Field SalvageMapIcon.png produces Salvage

Sulfur Field MapIconSulfur.png produces Sulfur

Oil Field MapIconFuel.png produce Oil


  • In Update 1.50 (officially known as 'Inferno'), two new resource fields were added into the game
    • Coal Fields introduced a new raw resource, which is used in various Facilities, in addition to being Fuel
    • Oil Fields are a revamped way of obtaining Petrol, in addition to other oil-based materials
