Rare Resource Node

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

The Rare Resource Node is a harvestable node that yields Wreckage and randomly spawns across the map rather than on Resource Fields


Rare Resource Nodes spawn individually around the map, primarily near roads or region borders. Though, they won't appear in unsuitable locations (cliffs, under water, intersecting with structures).

These nodes can also appear on both faction's Home Region.

Harvesting Nodes

They can be harvested using a Hammer or Sledgehammer, yielding Wreckage. One node gives a total of 5 Wreckage, unless the node is "shiny" (up to 13). The Wreckages then need to be sorted in a Refinery to provide either Basic Materials, or Refined Materials in varying amount.

They are useful in the early-game, as they provide resources that are typically in high demand, such as Refined Materials.


See Also