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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

An optical instrument used for viewing distant objects.
In-game description

The Binoculars (also known as "Binos") is a utility item used to increase the player's viewing distance.


It is placed in the player's secondary equipment slot.

When equipped, the player can "aim" the binoculars like any other weapon by pressing RMB. While aiming, the game view will detach from the player's current location and will be able to see beyond their usual field of vision. The binoculars has a max range of 125 meters.

When using them, the cursor location's azimuth and distance will be displayed right above the HUD.

It gives the player a tactical overview on the battlefield and can help them spot for artillery.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Factory (Utility) 75 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png Crate of 5 x  Binoculars BinocularsItemIcon.png 00:00:50

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.


It does not stack in structure or vehicle inventories (1 per slot). It can only be stored in the stockpile of Bases (32k max).
It can't be packed into crates.
Crates of Binoculars can be directly submitted to any item stockpile that accepts that item to transfer their content. The crates can also be stored in the crate stockpiles of Storage Depots (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Seaports (1000 public, 100 per Reserve Stockpile), Shipping Containers (60), or Storage Ships (1000).

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots. However it is much more efficient to transport it in bulk amounts as crates, either delivering them to a Base's stockpile with a Truck or to a crate stockpile with shipping vehicles carrying Shipping Containers.


  • Binoculars are extremely useful, and essential when using any artillery pieces, as they allow the user to get an accurate examination of the battlefield and see where the artillery shots are landing.
    • With additional calculations, getting the exact measurement of range and azimuth to the target allows for greater accuracy.
  • Binoculars should be used by Armored Vehicle Commanders in order to get info regarding the battlefield, which is essential to keeping a tank alive and reduce the risk of getting flanked or being ambushed by enemy tanks or infantry.


  • Despite their long range, the ability to see the topography of the battlefield depends on where you are standing, as binoculars cannot see the top of certain locations.
    • You cannot see the top of a bunch of rock formations, however it is possible to clip through them and see inside of them.
