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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Uniforms are an equippable item that allows the player to specialize in a type of role, giving them buffs, and allowing the player to do better in certain roles. Unlike other pieces of equipment, the player wears it at all time, and can only swap uniforms and not fully removed them.

Note: No matter what Uniform you are wearing you are wearing, you are able to do any role, as uniforms just give buffs to a specific type of role. Equipping a certain uniform does not prevent you from doing anything.


Uniforms are a piece of equipment designed to give the player various benefits which can increase their capabilities in that role, such as building, scouting, and survivability. Each type of uniform grants the wearer certain buffs related to that role, which can increase their survivability, or make certain tasks easier to manage. Each Faction has a different set of uniforms, with most of them being shared and only having cosmetic differences (certain uniforms have more buffs given to them compared to their counterpart). There are faction-specific uniforms, but most of these uniforms have an asymmetrical counterpart, which makes them specialized in other types of roles.

While all uniforms have different properties for different pieces of equipment and ammunition, 8mm and .44 ammunition stack (up to 3 per slot) in all uniforms. All uniforms, except for Armour Uniforms, weigh nothing when equipped on the player.

Upon death, Uniforms are permanently destroyed and cannot be recovered. Warden players are unable to equip any uniform that belongs to the Colonials, and visa versa.


All Uniforms (except for the Soldier Uniform, which spawns with the player) can be produced either at a Factory or the Mass Production Factory under the 'Uniforms' category.

The type of uniform must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

List of Uniforms

Soldier Uniform

The in-game icons for Soldier Uniforms.

The Soldier Uniform is the default uniform, provided to the player whenever they spawn. It allows Light Kinetic Ammunition to stack (3 per slot), and reduces the Weight of Light Firearms. Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences. The uniforms have 8 inventory slots and does not provide protection against the weather.

This uniform cannot be manufactured.

Engineer Uniform SubtypeEngineerIcon.png

The in-game icons for Engineer Uniforms.

The Engineer Uniform reduces the Weight gained by carrying various materials used in construction and facilities (this does not apply to Large Materials). Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences. The uniforms have 8 inventory slots and does not provide protection against the weather.

Medic Uniform SubtypeMedicIcon.png

The in-game icons for Medic Uniforms.

The Medic Uniform allows Bandages and Blood Plasma to stack, and reduces the Weight of First Aid Kits and Trauma Kits. Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences. The uniforms have 6 inventory slots and does not provide protection against the weather, and it does not reduce the carrying weight of wounded players.

Scout Uniform SubtypeScoutIcon.png

The in-game icons for Scout Uniforms.

The Scout Uniform gives players a high chance of not being seen by enemy Map Intelligence structures per map ping (80% chance of not being detected for both uniforms). In addition, medical items stack (up to 2 per slot). Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences, and gameplay differences. The Warden's Scout Uniform has a small resistance to Snow Storms, while the Colonial uniform does not. The uniforms have 5 inventory slots, with the Colonial Scout Uniform not providing protection against the weather.

Tank Uniform SubtypeTankIcon.png

The in-game icons for Tank Uniforms.

The Tank Uniform reduces the weight of Basic Materials in their inventory, as well as allowing Gas Mask Filters to stack (up to 2 per slot). Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences. The uniforms has 6 inventory slots, and does not provide protection against the weather.

Snow Uniform SubtypeSnowIcon.png

The in-game icons for Snow Uniforms.

The Snow Uniform gives the player varying protection against Snow Storms, increasing their exposure to the snow storm, and extending the time before they freeze to death. Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences, and gameplay differences. The Warden's Uniform provides strong protection against Snow Storms, while the Colonial's Uniform only provides light protection against Snow Storms. Unlike the Soldier Uniforms, Light Kinetic Ammunition stacks, but does not reduce Light Weapon weight. The uniforms have 6 inventory slots.

Rain Uniform SubtypeSnowIcon.png

The in-game icon for the Rain Uniform.

The Rain Uniform is a uniform exclusive to the Colonials, and grants strong protection from Rain Storms, increasing the mobility of the Colonial Soldier by reducing the weight added due to mud. Unlike the Soldier Uniforms, Light Kinetic Ammunition stacks, but does not reduce Light Weapon weight. The uniform have 6 inventory slots.

Grenade Uniform SubtypeGrenadeIcon.png

The in-game icon for the Grenade Uniform

The Grenade Uniform is a uniform exclusive to the Colonials, and allows various types of Grenades, as well as 30mm shells, to stack (up to 2 per slot) while also reducing their Weight by 25%. The uniform have 6 inventory slots, and does not provide protection from the weather.

Heavy Ammo Uniform SubtypeAmmoIcon.png

The in-game icon for the Heavy Ammo Uniform.

The Heavy Ammo Uniform is a uniform exclusive to the Wardens, and allows various Shells to stack (up to 2 per slot) while also reducing their Weight by 33.3%. The uniforms have 5 inventory slots, and does not provide protection from the weather.

Armour Uniform SubtypeArmourIcon.png

The in-game icons for Armour Uniforms.

The Armour Uniform gives the player various buffs that increase their survivability on the battlefield, with both uniforms reducing small arms damage (at range), and bleed chance. Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences, and gameplay differences. The Colonial's uniform reduces small arms damage by 33%, and reduces bleed chance by 75%. The Warden's uniform reduces small arms damage by 50%, and reduces bleed chance by 25%. Uniquely, the Warden Uniform reduces Bayonet and Melee damage by 60%. Unlike the other uniforms, the armour uniform increases weight when worn (35% weight for the Colonial uniform and 45% for the Warden uniform). The Warden uniform has 3 inventory slots, while the Colonial uniform has 4 inventory slots. Both uniforms do not provide protection from the weather.

Officer Uniform SubtypeOfficerIcon.png

The in-game icons for Officer Uniforms.

The Officer Uniform is a roleplaying uniform whose only gameplay purpose is to allow you to kill members of your own Regiment without any repercussions. Both factions have these, with both of them having visual differences. The uniforms have 6 inventory slots and does not provide protection against the weather.


  • Uniforms were first introduced in Update 0.46 (officially known as 'Entrenched'), which allowed players to specialize in certain roles, allowing them to perform better in that task, than without it
  • When Bases are captured, either by your faction or by the enemy, Uniforms, Soldier Supplies and Maintenance Supplies are deleted from the Stockpile
