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Every item in the game has a weight. When the player puts items in their backpack or equips them their weight increases. Weight also increases when mud IconStatusMuddy.png accumulates on your soldier from moving on muddy terrain during Rain Storm.

Weight is displayed as a percentage in the top right of the backpack menu.

Soldier's weight in their backpack inventory

Effect on Players

Weight directly affects the player's movement speed.

Being above certain weight levels gives special Status Effects:

HUD Icon name Weight Effects
IconStatusEncumbered.png Encumbered 66% - 99% None
Encumbered Red.png Overencumbered 100% and more

Increased stamina consumption rate
Walking consumes stamina (proportional to weight amount above 100%)
Cannot enter vehicles
Player collapses for a moment if stamina bar goes under 20% and turns red

Past 100%, more weight keep increasing stamina consumption rate but the speed won't decrease anymore.

Effect on Vehicles

Some vehicles have weight, visible in their inventory menu. Item weight in a vehicle inventory is 5.45 times lower than in a player's inventory (e.g. an item that weighs 54.5% on a soldier weighs 10% in a vehicle). The weight of players in the vehicle and the fuel in the fueltank do not count towards the weight of the vehicle.

The weight affects the vehicle's speed and acceleration. A vehicle is slowed down the more weight it has, however additional weight past 100% has no effect. The effects of weight on top speed is different for each vehicle, you can review the top speed of each vehicle at 0%, 50%, and 100% weight in Movement Speed.

The weight does NOT affect fuel consumption.

List of vehicles affected by weight: