Status Effects

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Status Effects are all special effects that can affect the Player. They are shown in the top left of the screen under the Stamina bar.

Icon Name Description
Bleeding UI Icon.png Bleeding You are bleeding, slowly losing Health. Bandage yourself or seek medical help.
IconStatusEncumbered.png Encumbered You are encumbered, it indicates your weight is between 66 and 99%.
Encumbered Red.png Overencumbered You are overencumbered, you're extremely slow and you cannot get inside a vehicle. Starts at 100% weight.
Gas Mask0 UI Icon.png Empty Gas Mask You're wearing a Gas Mask but without a Gas Mask Filter equipped within.
IconStatusGasMask.png Full Gas Mask You're wearing a Gas Mask with a Gas Mask Filter in good condition.
Gas Mask2 UI Icon.png Low Gas Mask You're wearing a Gas Mask with less than a third of its Filter left and no spare filter in your inventory.
IconStatusMuddy.png Muddy Mud from the Rain Storm has accumulated on you, increasing your weight. Walk on non-muddy surfaces or go for a swim to lose it.
IconStatusFreezingState.png Cold You're getting cold from the Snow Storm. Seek shelter or warmth.
IconStatusCriticalFreezingState.png Freezing You're freezing to death. You will die soon if you don't find shelter or warm up.
IconStatusSlowWarmingState.png Slow Warming You're slowly warming up, slowly reversing the effects of the cold.
IconStatusWarmingState.png Warming You're warming up from the heat. Get away from the heat source.
IconStatusFireState.png On Fire You're on fire, from becoming too warm due to heat.
IconStatusNormalizingState.png Normalizing Your temperature is normalizing. Either you're cooling, reversing the effect of the heat, or you're quickly warming up (Fire Pit), reversing the effects of the cold.
IconStatusBroadcast.png Transmitting You're transmitting Map Intelligence from your surroundings, like a Watch Tower. Radio Backpack and driving intel broadcasting vehicles cause this effect.
IconStatusHidden.png Hidden You're hidden. You're invisible to everyone except people right next to you. Concealing foliage and smoke grenades cause this effect.

Cover & Suppression

Cover & Suppression effects do not show up under the stamina bar but are shown in the middle of your screen.

  • Cover IconStatusCover1.pngIconStatusCover2.pngIconStatusCover3.png: you're behind cover, you regain your accuracy faster and are harder to hit.
  • Suppression IconStatusSuppression.png: you're being suppressed. You regain your aim accuracy slower and lose any cover bonuses.

Vehicle Status Effects

Vehicle Subsystems can be disabled and show up for the driver as a status effect.

Icon Name Description
IconStatusTrack.png Tracked Movement speed and turn rate are significantly reduced
IconStatusTurret.png Disabled Turret Prevents turret from firing and turning.
IconStatusFuelTank.png Ruptured Fuel Tank Fuel drains at a very fast rate, even when not accelerating.