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Facilities are a group of player-built logistics structures that form a whole logistics system independent from the main logistics system present in the world (Refinery, Factory, Storage Depot, etc...). While it is possible to play the game without needing to use a Facility, various items and vehicles can only be produced at facilities (All vehicle variants, Harvesters, Trains, other high end vehicles, etc...). Various Facilities and Facility Upgrades are locked behind the tech tree, requiring your faction to advance through tech in order to unlock various upgrades or structures.

To learn more about facilities, please read our guide on Getting Started with Facilities.


  • Most Facilities can be reserved for a Squad BtReserve.png to prevent other players from modifying, upgrading, or attaching structures to them.
  • The original builder of a facility can instantly demolish it BtDemolish.png if it was built less than 28 days ago (materials refunded) (except Provisional Road and railways tracks).
  • Facilities are immune to Friendly Fire. However one can be flagged for "Disruptive Structure Placement" BtRemove.png to remove its Friendly Fire immunity (multiple "votes" needed).
  • Most facilities keep a record of actions recently done to them in their Structure Event Log. In their interface you can click the "View Actions Log" button BtLog.png to view a list of recent events, with timestamps and player names displayed. Events recorded include structure modifications, production orders, who entered/exited the structure. The log only displays the last 128 events (8 pages) and is cleared when the server restarts.


Most production or storage facilities require to be built on Foundations. Foundation tiles comes in different sizes and shapes:

Railway Tracks

Small Railway Tracks:

Small Gauge Railway Tracks can be built next to facilities to easily transport supplies between them using small trains. Small Train Locomotives can retrieve items from facility stockpiles at an extremely fast rate.

Railway Tracks:

Railway Tracks are used to transport supplies and vehicles in bulk using large trains.

Crane Railway Tracks:

Crane Railway Tracks are tracks built on Foundations that are used by Large Cranes.


Catwalks are structures designed to allow players to travel above various structures, usually near other Facilities. They must be built on Foundations. They function as raised walkways, and are useful to allow soldiers to pass above a Railway Track with a long train on it blocking the way. They are not tall enough to pass above most production facilities or Power Poles. Players cannot vault over the guardrail.


Pipeline segments can be built and joined to together to form pipeline networks. They can be connected to facilities that have inlets and outlets to automatically transfer liquid resources.

Each pipeline segment has an interaction menu that can be accessed by pressing E at one of the end of the segment, it shows how much liquid is in the pipeline.

Pipeline Segment Types:

Liquid Flow Mechanics:

  • Only one type of liquid can flow in a network, there's no mixing of liquids.
  • Pipes have a maximum fluid flow of 50L/s (considering the Pipeline Valve settings.
  • In a linear pipe, liquid gets split evenly between all outlets of a pipe, so every next pipe has 1/2 the amount of fluid in it, though this is often not a problem as the backflow makes its way back to the front slowly. This only becomes a noticeable problem once the backflow fills a pipe completely, rendering it impossible for new fluid to make its way into the clogged pipe. Backflow can be solved by placing Fuel Silos regularly along large pipelines.
  • Pipelines can freeze during a Snow Storm, reducing their flow rate, and preventing any liquids from transferring. This can be prevented by upgrading them with a Pipe to make them insulated.
  • A reserved pipeline segment can be drained using a button BtDrainPipe.png in its menu. This removes all liquid of the type stored in this pipe from the connected network, allowing new liquids to flow through it.
  • A pipeline segment and its network can be restricted to only allow a specific liquid type using the "Cycle Liquid Filter" button BtCycleLiquid.png in its menu (pipeline must be empty).
  • When reserved to a squad, only the original builder and the players in that squad can attach other structures to it or drain it.



Many facilities require to be powered ProductionPowerIcon.png to work. Power is generated by Diesel Power Plant and Power Station facilities then distributed to other facilities through networks of Power Poles and Power Lines. In a power network, all power is evenly distributed between all facilities. The interface of every facility and power pole shows how much power is received and how much is consumed. The amount of power on a network affect the efficiency of the facility productions. If a facility has less power than it needs it will slow down its production proportionally and only pause its production if power supply is less than one tenth of the demand. A power generating facility will consume proportionally fewer resources when the supply of power on its network is greater than the demand, and it will stop using resources when the the network demand is 0. If a prodution facility has multiple orders running, it only consumes the power amount required by the most power consuming order.

Only one power line can be attached to a given facility. Power lines always require power poles to connect facilities, you cannot directly connect two facilities together with a single power line. A power line cannot have a chain of more than 20 poles, power drops to zero past that.

A power network cannot transport more than 30MW. If more than 30MW of power is generated in the network, the excess is lost.

Power producing facilities can only have 1 order running, public or private. If set to public, any resources within the structure's stockpile will be used for the power production order. If set to personal, each player will have their own output slot for each recipe allowing items to be stored securely whilst production is underway. Items in private production slots are released into the structure's public stockpile 28 hours after the order is complete. The exact production recipes available at a power Facility can be viewed by putting your cursor on the "Facility Recipe" button FacilityRecipeIcon.png on each production line.

Structure Input(s) Output Time
DiesePowerPlanetBaseIcon.png Diesel Power Plant 25L x Diesel ResourceFuelIcon.png 5 MW of power IconFilterPower.png 00:00:45
DiesePowerPlanetBaseIcon.png Diesel Power Plant (Coal Power Plant) 60 x Coal CoalIcon.png 5 MW of power IconFilterPower.png 00:01:30
DiesePowerPlanetBaseIcon.png Diesel Power Plant (Petrol Power Plant) 50L x Petrol RefinedFuelIcon.png 12 MW of power IconFilterPower.png 00:01:30
FacilityPowerOilIcon.png Power Station 30 x Coal CoalIcon.png
1L x Water WaterIcon.png
10 MW of power IconFilterPower.png 00:01:30
FacilityPowerOilIcon.png Power Station 50L x Oil OilIcon.png 10 MW of power IconFilterPower.png 00:01:30
FacilityPowerOilIcon.png Power Station (Sulfuric Reactor) 50L x Heavy Oil FacilityOil1Icon.png 5 x Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
16 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
FacilityPowerOilIcon.png Power Station (Sulfuric Reactor) 30 x Coke CokeIcon.png
1L x Water WaterIcon.png
5 x Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
16 MW of power IconFilterPower.png

Resource Extraction

Certain Facilities can only be constructed next to a particular resource source (Resource Fields, bodies of water) to extract that resource. Resource Extracting facilities can have 5 orders running concurrently, public or private. If set to public, any resources within the structure's stockpile will be used for the production order. If set to personal, each player will have their own output slot for each recipe allowing items to be stored securely whilst production is underway. Privately stored output items are released into the structure's public stockpile 28 hours after the order is complete. If there are more than five Production Orders at a structure a queue will be formed. Power cost is set by the order with the highest power cost in that Structure. The exact production recipes available at a Facility can be viewed by putting your cursor on the question mark button BtQuestionMark.png on each production line.

Item Production

Certain Facilities can produce items, either supplies to deliver to the front or materials that will be consumed by other facilities. They must be built on Foundations (except the Concrete Mixer produced at Construction Yard). Those facilities can have 5 orders running concurrently, public or private. If set to public, any resources within the structure's stockpile will be used for the item production order. If set to personal, each player will have their own output slot for each recipe allowing items to be stored securely whilst production is underway. Privately stored output items are released into the Structure's public Stockpile 28 hours after the order is complete. Private Output items can be retrieved as reservable crates with RMB menu. If there are more than five Production Orders at a Structure a queue will be formed. Power cost is set by the order with the highest power cost in that Structure. The exact production recipes available at a Facility can be viewed by putting your cursor on the question mark button BtQuestionMark.png on each production line.

Large Production

Certain large Facilities can produce vehicles or shippable structures. Only one production can run at a given time. They must be built on Foundations (except the Dry Dock which is built on water).


Certain Facilities are used to store large quantities of resources or items. They must be built on Foundations.

Supply Flow

A general chart showing Facility materials/resources, and where they're made:

A general chart showing Facility materials/resources, and where they're made

Other Utilities


  • Facilities (in their current version) were introduced in 1.50 Inferno and provided a brand new way of doing logistics.
    • This version allowed players to construct their own logistical network that can either complement, or run parallel to the standard logistics system.
  • Facilities (in terms of their name) were originally introduced in 0.17 Industry of War and were modules to world structures.
    • There were two versions in the game; ones that belonged to bases, and ones that belonged to factories. These would allow the production of various supplies, or reduce the cost of decay prevention.
    • Over the course of the game's development, these would eventually be integrated with other mechanics, either being built-in, or being unlocked via Base Upgrades.
  • Originally, there was no good ways to prevent pipelines from freezing, other than placing Fire Pits next to them. This was later resolved with the addition of the 'Insulated Pipes' upgrade.
