Field Range

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

This easy-to-construct range is perfect for keeping warm in the cold, while being sturdier than a simple firepit.
In-game description

The Field Range is a faction-neutral, player-built structure designed to warms up soldiers and thaws frozen pipes and vehicles. It is the upgraded version of the Fire Pit, giving it more durability against damage and vehicle impacts.


It is built by upgrading a Fire Pit with 3 Metal Beams.


It doesn't have a proper interface.


In order to work it must be fueled with Diesel, no other fuel type is accepted. Equip a Diesel can and click on the Field Range by pressing LMB. The fire automatically starts as soon as the Field Range has diesel. It can hold up to 100L of Diesel (one can) and consumes 5L per minute, meaning the fire lasts 20 minutes when fully fueled. How much fuel remains in the Field Range is represented by the visual size of the burning fire.


When fueled, it quickly and automatically warms up soldiers and thaws frozen pipes and vehicles in a 6m radius. Warming up/thawing something never takes more than 30 seconds and the warming rate does not depend on how much Diesel is in the Field Range.

It has no effect when there is no Snow Storm.


It is more resistant than a Fire Pit and cannot be rammed by vehicles, but it can be dismantled with a Wrench.


  • It is the only method (along with its inferior version) to thaw frozen vehicles (besides waiting for the end of the Snow Storm). However armored vehicles can also be thawed with flamethrowers because they are immune to Incendiary damage.
