Power Switch

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

A power interface for manually disabling power in a circuit.
In-game description

A Power Switch is a small player built utility structures that is similar to a Power Pole, connecting Power Lines together to power nearby facilities, but it can be turned off to stop the power transfer.


It is built with a Hammer and costs 25 Construction Materials. It can be built anywhere on land except on Roads, rocks, or Bridges.


It can be connected with up to 4 Power Lines. Two power switches can be linked with a power line if they are less than 25m apart. You can disconnect all power lines attached to the pole by pressing the "Disconnect All Power" BtPowerDisconnect.png button.


The original builder, and squad members if reserved, can instantly demolish it BtDemolish.png if it was built less than 28 days ago. The materials used in the construction are refunded and dropped under the player.


The original builder can reserve it for a Squad BtReserve.png for 52 hours in the menu to prevent non-members from modifying it and from toggling the power switch. The reservation can be refreshed BtRefreshBunker.png by any squad member. If the reservation expires, the structure can never be reserved again.


It is immune to Friendly Fire but it can be flagged for "Disruptive Structure Placement" BtRemove.png to remove the immunity (5 "votes" needed).

Actions Log

In its interface you can view the Actions Log BtLog.png to check the modifications done to it.


You can access its interface when on foot by pressing E.

Power Network

Connected Power Poles, Power Switches, and Power Lines form a network that provide power to nearby facilities. From the facility that produces it, power cannot travel through a chain of more than 20 linked poles (power drops to zero past that). This means that power cannot travel more than 500 meters from its production site.

The Power Switch's interface shows how much power is currently in the power line (out of the maximum of 30MW). A power network cannot have more than 30 MW, any additional power introduced into the network is simply lost.

Power Toggling

It can be toggled off to stop the power transfer.
