Bunker Hearth

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

The Bunker Hearth is a Bunker modification that warms up soldiers when fueled with Diesel.

The keystone to any bunker, this simple hearth functions both as oven and warmth in the coldest weather, heating a fair area around it when built on solid foundations.
In-game description


A Tier 1 Bunker Hearth can be built by modifying any Tier 1 Bunker.

Use Mouse Scroll Wheel to select the bunker wall where the hearth will be placed.

Unlike bunker garrisons, the Bunker Hearth doesn't prevent the construction of Structure Upgrade modifications (Rifle Garrison, etc...) on bunkers adjacent to it. Two hearth can even be adjacent.

Structural Integrity

The Tier 1 Bunker Hearth modification significantly decrease the Structural Integrity of its Bunker Network.

The keystone to any bunker, this simple hearth functions both as oven and warmth in the coldest weather, heating a fair area around it when built on solid foundations.
In-game description


A Tier 2 Bunker Hearth can be built by modifying a Tier 2 Bunker or by upgrading an existing Tier 1 Bunker Hearth to Tier 2.

Use Mouse Scroll Wheel to select the bunker wall where the hearth will be placed.

Unlike bunker garrisons, the Bunker Hearth doesn't prevent the construction of Structure Upgrade modifications (Rifle Garrison, etc...) on bunkers adjacent to it. Two Bunker Hearths can even be adjacent.

Structural Integrity

The Tier 2 Bunker Hearth modification slightly decreases the Structural Integrity of its Bunker Network.

The keystone to any bunker, this simple hearth functions both as oven and warmth in the coldest weather, heating a fair area around it when built on solid foundations.
In-game description


A Tier 3 Bunker Hearth can be built by modifying a Tier 3 Bunker or by upgrading an existing Tier 2 Bunker Hearth to Tier 3 and costs 15 Concrete Materials, the latter being cheaper overall as you only need to spend Concrete Materials once. For both cases the Bunker must be connected to a Bunker Base (either through trenches or other bunker pieces) with the Concrete Structures CivicMaterialsIcon.png upgrade.

Use Mouse Scroll Wheel to select the bunker wall where the hearth will be placed.

Unlike bunker garrisons, the Bunker Hearth doesn't prevent the construction of Structure Upgrade modifications (Rifle Garrison, etc...) on bunkers adjacent to it. Two Bunker Hearths can even be adjacent.

Structural Integrity

The Tier 3 Bunker Hearth modification very slightly decreases the Structural Integrity of its Bunker Network.

Concrete Settling

It must dry off for 24 hours but it already works while wet. The duration increases during Snow Storms and Rain Storms depending on their intensity (up to double with highest intensity).

While very sturdy when dry, it is vulnerable while still wet. The vulnerability depends on how wet the concrete is and functions as a damage multiplier. Wet concrete that's just been placed has a x10 damage multiplier compared to dry concrete. After 8 hours the damage multiplier is roughly x3, and x2 after 12 hours.


It doesn't have a proper interface.


In order to work it must be fueled with Diesel, no other fuel type is accepted. Equip a Diesel can and click on the pit by pressing LMB. The fire automatically starts as soon as the Hearth has diesel. It can hold up to 100L of Diesel (one can) and consumes 5L per minute, meaning the fire lasts 20 minutes when fully fueled. How much fuel remains in the Hearth is represented by the visual size of the burning fire.


When fueled, it quickly and automatically warms up soldiers in the Bunker Hearth and in the bunker directly adjacent to it (even diagonally). Warming up/thawing something never takes more than 30 seconds and the warming rate does not depend on how much Diesel is in the Hearth.

It has no use when there is no Snow Storm.
