Storm Cannon

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.56) of the game.

A heavy fixed position artillery piece that can release devastating firepower on distant enemy targets.
In-game description

The Storm Cannon is a Bunker modification with a large player-controlled powered artillery piece that fires 300mm shells over very large distances, even into other regions. It is visible on the world map for both factions at all times, with its own unique icon MapIconStormCannon.png.


The Storm Cannon is crewed by one soldier:

  • Cannoneer
    • Access the seat via the central pillar inside the bunker
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the cannon
    • Rotates the cannon with RMB
    • Adjust the range with Mouse Scroll Wheel

Inventory & Armament

It has one armament:

  • Storm Cannon
    • Built on a bunker (can rotate 360 degrees)
    • Ammo Used: 300mm
    • Range: 400-1000 meters
    • Reload Duration: 4.5 seconds
    • Firing Duration: 1.5 seconds
    • Fire Rate: 10 per minute
    • Accuracy: 50m radius at minimum range up to 50m at max range (not including Wind effect)
    • Can fire into other regions, but not into the Rapid Decay Zone near the borders.

The Storm Cannon's inventory can only hold one 300mm shell (accessible at the central pillar below the cannon inside the bunker).

Power Consumption

Using the Storm Cannon consumes power from its reserve power pool:

  • Firing consumes 2% power
  • Adjusting azimuth by 1 degree consumes 3.6% power
  • Changing the distance does not consume power

The power costs of firing and turning can be reduced by installing certain Infrastructure Modifications in Bunkers connected to the Intelligence Center by Trenches or Bunkers. Each modification reduces the cost by 1% and the total reduction can't go beyond 20%.

The reserve power pool is recharged by Engine Rooms connected to the Storm Cannon through pipes modifications. One Engine Room recharges 1% of power every 24 minutes. Up to 12 connected Engine Rooms (35 kW) can supply power to recharge the reserve power pool. The Storm Cannon's menu shows the reserve power gauge and indicates whether it is currently recharging.


The Storm Cannon costs 200 Concrete Materials to build.

It can only be built on the center piece of a 3 by 3 Tier 3 Bunker complex with the following requirements:

It must dry for 48 hours before it can be used, instead of the usual 24 hours that every other concrete structure has.

The Storm Cannon modification greatly decreases the Structural Integrity of its bunker.


  • It is immune to friendly fire.
  • It can be reserved for a Squad TrenchReservationIcon.png to prevent non-members from getting in the operator seat if at least 5 squad members are in the region.
  • The list of all special actions done to it (with timestamps) can be viewed with the "View Action Logs" button Log.png (who entered/exited the operator seat and who fired it, but not the range/azimuth changes).


Like other artillery pieces, its inventory only holds a single shell, so a new shell must be submitted every time it is reloaded. It takes at least one dedicated loader to fire it at the maximum rate.

Since turning the gun rapidly depletes its power, the Storm Cannon can take days to reorient, and should mostly be left facing the same general direction, with only small adjustments to account for wind or precise targeting.

A fully charged Storm Cannon is able to fire a barrage of about 50 shots (without turning), and takes at least 3 1/3 hours or 200 minutes to recharge with the max number of engine rooms (12).

The cannon firing is heard by everyone in the region it's in and everyone in the region it's firing at.

Despite the gunner seat being outside next to the cannon, the player in it cannot be hit by incoming fire, but they can freeze to death.
