Power Line

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Conducts power between a Power Pole and another structure.
In-game description

A Power Line is a small player built utility structure connected to Power Poles, Power Switches, and Facilities to conduct up to power to Facilities.


It is built with any construction tool and costs nothing. The length of a Power Line can be between 1 and 25 meters. Both ends need to be attached to a Power Pole, Power Switch, or power-consuming Facility.

You can disconnect all power lines attached to a structure by pressing the "Disconnect All Power" BtPowerDisconnect.png button, which will delete all power line segments attached to it.

A facility can only have a single Power Line attached to it, but Power Poles can have up to 4. A Power Line cannot directly connect two facilities, you always need a Power Pole.

You can't attach or disconnect power lines on Power Poles, Power Switches, or Facilities if they have been reserved by a Squad you're not in.


Power Lines are invulnerable, unlike Power Poles and Power Switches, they only disappear if one of the structures they are connected to is destroyed. They do not suffer from decay and do not consume Maintenance Supplies.


Power Transfer

A chain of Power Lines cannot have more than 20 poles, power drops to zero past that. This means a power line cannot travel more than 500 meters. It can conduct up to 30MW of power, additional power is lost.

Power Network

Connected Power Poles and Power Lines form a network that provide power to nearby facilities. From the facility that produces it, power cannot travel through a chain of more than 20 linked poles (power drops to zero past that). This means that power cannot travel more than 500 meters from its production site.

A power network cannot have more than 30 MW, any additional power introduced into the network is simply lost.
