Base Upgrades

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Base Upgrades are new functionalities that Bases can unlock over time at a rate determined by the amount of player activity at the base. Certain base types have multiple upgrades trees and certain Upgrades have requirements before they can be progressed. You can check a Base's upgrade progress by opening its menu or by putting your mouse over its icon on the map.

Unlocking Rate

The unlocking rate of a Base's Upgrades follows the Player Activity at that Base. Player Activity is primarily determined by the number of online players that have this base assigned as their Home or Forward Base spawn point and are in the Region.

Player Activity is also influenced by the amount of supplies in a Base. If the Base has at least 800 Salvage (or 400 Basic Materials or other amount of items of equivalent value) in its stockpile, the unlocking rate increases. The increase is roughly equal to having one additional player spawn assigned to the Base.

Player Activity is also influenced by the amount of friendly structures within the Base's garrison range (e.g. 80m for Encampment). Each additional structure, or structure blueprint, in range increases the unlocking rate. The effect is maxed out after at least 5 structures are in range and is roughly equal to two additional player spawns assigned to the Base. Neutral structures such as Trenches, simple Bunker pieces, Barbed Wire, or Storage Boxes do not count. You can use your Hammer in Upgrade Mode on a structure to check for neutrality. Friendly world structures like Garrisoned Houses do count.

Additionally, a Base located in a Region Zone marked as "Neutral/Enemy" territory rather than "Friendly" will have an overall unlocking rate 3 times slower.

The unlocking rate of a particular Base Upgrade at Bunker Bases can also be stopped if its Infrastructure Modification requirement is not met.

If a Base's player activity is zero then the upgrade progress halts completely.

The visual progress of upgrades in the Base's menu updates every 5 minutes.

Upgrade Prioritization

For Bases with multiple upgrade trees, the unlocking rate is evenly split between the next available Base Upgrades of each tree. However, players that have their spawn at a particular Base can choose to prioritize one Upgrade over another by clicking on it (a green check mark appears). The Upgrade that is prioritized by the most players progresses the fastest.

Upgrades List

Base Upgrades available at Encampments.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low (<10 player spawns assigned). 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius).

Prevents nearby structure decay by consuming Maintenance Supplies from the stockpile.

12hrs 33hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius). 2days 5.5days

Base Upgrades available at Keeps.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low (<10 player spawns assigned). 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius).

Prevents nearby structure decay by consuming Maintenance Supplies from the stockpile.

12hrs 33hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius). 2days 5.5days

Base Upgrades available at Safe Houses.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (100m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low (<10 player spawns assigned). 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (100m radius).

Prevents nearby structure decay by consuming Maintenance Supplies from the stockpile.

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 2.

16hrs 43hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (100m radius).

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 3.

2days 5.5days
"Garrison Station" Tree IconFilterGarrisonStation.png
IconFacilitiesRadioStation.png Radio Station Provide map intelligence (100m radius). 12.5hrs 33hrs
IconFacilitiesArtilleryShelter.png Artillery Shelter Structure can only be destroyed from the interior. Outside damage does nothing when structure has less than 30% hp left. 33.3hrs 3.7days

Base Upgrades available at Town Bases.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A Provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low. If the Town Base is a Victory Condition Town, getting this upgrade claims it towards the Victory Condition. 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius).

Prevents nearby structure decay by consuming Maintenance Supplies from the stockpile.

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 2.

16hrs 43hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius).

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 3.

2days 5.5days
"Town" Tree IconFilterTown.png
IconFacilitiesIndustry.png Industry Enables the construction of logistics structures such as Factory, Refinery, Storage Depot. 32hrs 3.5days
IconGarrisonHouse.png Occupied Town Enables Garrisoned Houses and Safe Houses to be built in this town. 16hrs 43hrs
IconFacilitiesFortifications.png Fortifications Enables additional town defenses to be built such as Mortar Houses. 16hrs 43hrs

Base Upgrades available at Relic Bases.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A Provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low (<10 player spawns assigned). 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius).

Prevents nearby structure decay by consuming Maintenance Supplies from the stockpile.

16hrs 43hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius). 2days 5.5days
IconFacilitiesFortifications.png Fortifications Enables additional town defenses to be built such as Mortar Houses. 24hrs 64hrs

Base Upgrades available at Border Bases.

Image Name Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A Provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (40m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low (<10 player spawns assigned). 5min 10min

For Bunker Bases some upgrades require Infrastructure, which is provided by building Infrastructure Modifications in bunkers connected to the base by trenches or bunkers. Once the upgrades are unlocked the required infrastucture can be removed without losing the upgrade. Once an upgrade for a specific bunker garrison is unlocked, bunkers that are connected to the bunker base via trenches or bunkers can be modified to become that specific bunker garrison type. The maximum range of the bunker upgrades is a chain of 40 connected bunker/trench pieces (distance to Bunker Base is irrelevant), i.e. the upgrade doesn't reach a bunker if the shortest connection to the bunker base is a chain of more than 40 trench/bunkers. Once a particular bunker has been modified into a bunker garrison it won't lose its modification if its connection with the bunker base is severed, it can even still have its tier upgraded.

Image Name Required Infrastructure Modifications Description Unlock Time*
"Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time*
"Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"Base" Tree IconFilterBase.png
IconFacilitiesProvisionalGarrison.png Provisional Garrison A Provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity (set spawn) is too low (<10). 25min 80min
IconFacilitiesSmallGarrison.png Small Garrison A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius).

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 2.

16hrs 43hrs
IconFacilitiesLargeGarrison.png Large Garrison A large Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (80m radius).

Required to upgrade Base to Tier 3.

2days 5.5days
"Garrison" Tree IconInfrastructureGarrison.png
InfantryGarrisons.png Infantry Garrisons 4 Allows connected bunkers to be upgraded into Rifle Garrisons or Machine Gun Garrisons. 10min 20min
FortT3ATGunAIIcon.png AT Gun Garrison 12 Allows connected bunkers to be upgraded into AT Gun Garrisons. 10hrs 27hrs
FortT3HowitzerAIIcon.png Howitzer Garrison 24 Allows connected bunkers to be upgraded into Howitzer Garrisons. 2days 5.5days
"Command" Tree IconInfrastructureCommand.png
ObservationBunkerT3ItemIcon.png Support Bunkers 6 Allows Observation Bunkers and Medical Rooms to be built in this network. 1.5hrs 4hrs
CivicMaterialsIcon.png Concrete Structures 12 Allows construction of concrete bunkers and upgrades in this network. 26.5hrs 71hrs
IconFacilitiesDeploymentPoint.png Deployment Point 24 Allows players to deploy to this forward base from the Home Region. 2days 5.5days
AdvancedBunkerIcon.png Advanced Bunker 40 Allows construction of Storm Cannon, Intelligence Center, and Weather Station. 3days 8days

*Unlock Times listed here are approximate values and correspond to a Base's passive unlock time: zero player spawns assigned, 5+ friendly structures in range, 800+ Salvage (or equivalent value) in stockpile. Unlock times can be much shorter if many player spawns are assigned.
