This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.
The Town Base is an upgradable defensive world structure found in all towns that serves as a Home Base where players can deploy, respawn, and rearm.
A garrisoned focal building vital for the defence of a town. Players can spawn and stockpile items here.
— In-game description
It cannot be built, it is found at the center of every town in the world. Their location is indicated by an icon on the map.
A destroyed Town Base can be rebuilt with a Construction Vehicle and 200 Basic Materials. Drive to it, press F to switch to upgrade mode, aim at it with RMB and press E, then hit the blueprint by holding LMB until completion.
If the faction which previously owned the base rebuilds it then it regains all the stockpile and every Base Upgrades that were unlocked. But if the enemy faction captures it by rebuilding it then the base keeps 25% of its stock (none of the Soldier Supplies or Maintenance Supplies) and loses all its base upgrades.
Ownership of a Town Base determines the ownership of the Region Zone it's in.
A Tier 1 Town Base can be upgraded to Tier 2 with a Construction Vehicle and 200 Basic Materials if it has unlocked the Small Garrison upgrade.
Town Bases have Tiers, represented by the type of material covering their reinforced windows: Cloth at Tier 1, Wood at Tier 2, Metal at Tier 3.
A garrisoned focal building vital for the defence of a town. Players can spawn and stockpile items here.
— In-game description
A Tier 1 Town Base can be upgraded to Tier 2 with a Construction Vehicle and 200 Basic Materials if it has unlocked the Small Garrison upgrade.
A Tier 2 Town Base can be upgraded to Tier 3 with a Construction Vehicle and 200 Basic Materials if it has unlocked the Large Garrison upgrade.
Town Bases have Tiers, represented by the type of material covering their reinforced windows: Cloth at Tier 1, Wood at Tier 2, Metal at Tier 3.
A garrisoned focal building vital for the defence of a town. Players can spawn and stockpile items here.
— In-game description
A Tier 2 Town Base can be upgraded to Tier 3 with a Construction Vehicle and 200 Basic Materials if it has unlocked the Large Garrison upgrade.
Town Bases have Tiers, represented by the type of material covering their reinforced windows: Cloth at Tier 1, Wood at Tier 2, Metal at Tier 3.
Base Upgrades
Base Upgrades are additional functionalities that the base can unlock. They are slowly and automatically unlocked over time. Upgrades progress faster the more people assign their spawn to that base. A particular upgrade can be prioritized by voting for it in the menu of the Base if you've assigned your spawn there. Progression is sped up by things like supplying the base and building structures. You can check the base upgrades unlocked at a given Base by hovering your mouse over its icon on the map.
Unlock Time* "Friendly" Territory
Unlock Time* "Neutral/Enemy" Territory
"BASE" Tree
Provisional Garrison
A Provisional Garrison connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius). Defensive structures will deactivate if player activity is too low. If the Town Base is a Victory Condition Town, getting this upgrade claims it towards the Victory Condition.
Small Garrison
A small Garrison permanently connects the base to nearby defensive structures (150m radius).
Enables additional town defenses to be built such as Mortar Houses.
*Unlock Times listed here are approximate values and correspond to a Base's passive unlock time: zero player spawns assigned, 5+ friendly structures in range, 800+ Salvage (or equivalent value) in stockpile. Unlock times can be much shorter if many player spawns are assigned.
Defensive Position
It has a walkable interior where infantry can seek shelter, multiple doorways, opened windows, and reinforced windows.
The reinforced windows are firing positions that friendly soldiers can access by going to their particular entry point in the base interior (marked with a large "X") and pressing Q. While inside they cannot be injured by anything except Gas Grenades or heat. They also instantly die if the house is destroyed. Being inside the base also warms up soldiers during Snow Storms.
When garrisoned, its reinforced windows automatically fire weak rifle bullets at enemy infantry and vehicles within 25 meters. At Tier 3 they start shooting weak 20mm rounds at vehicles instead. The state of the garrison is visually represented by faction-colored fabric appearing under each window. The garrison cannot be suppressed and does not retaliate beyond its range when shot at. It cannot shoot at enemy infantry that manage to get inside the house.
When it is destroyed, all players that have their spawn assigned to it will have their spawn points migrated to the connected Safe House with the most Soldier Supplies stockpiled. As such, Safe Houses serve as a backup to their Town Base.
It provides Garrison to all friendly structures in a 150m radius if it has unlocked the Small Garrison upgrade, or if it has the Provisional Garrison upgrade and at least 10 players have their spawn assigned there.
A Tier 1 Town Base is immune to small arms fire and 12.7mm machine gun fire. It is pretty resistant to most heavy explosives but is vulnerable to High Explosive damage (Artillery) and Demolition damage. Tier 2 and 3 give more resistance to heavy explosive but still none to Demolition.
There exists three models of Town Base: "Town Center", "School", and "Post Office", each with its own size, layout and health.
Unlike a Garrisoned House, it cannot be permanently ruined by devastation.
Victory Condition
Certain town bases are "victory condition" town bases, indicated on the map by a faint gray circle around the town's base . To win, a faction must upgrade a specific number of these town bases with the Provisional Garrison upgrade. This number can be reduced if Victory Condition towns are permanently destroyed by ballistic rockets.
The Town Center model of town base (Large)
The School model of town base (Medium)
The Post Office model of town base (Small)
A destroyed "School" town base
A "School" town base being rebuilt with a Construction Vehicle.