Damage Types

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This is a list of all the damage types in the game and their effects. See Damage Resistance to check how each damage type is mitigated by various armor types.

Name Icon Effects Used By
Light Kinetic SubtypeSBIcon.png No damage to structures (except Fire Pit and structure blueprints).
Extremely reduced damage to armored vehicles.
Cannot damage Vehicle Subsystems.
A3 Harpa Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Kinetic SubtypeHBIcon.png Reduced damage to "Tier 1" Structures, no damage to other structures.
Reduced damage to light armored vehicles and extremely reduced damage to heavy armored vehicles.
Cannot damage Vehicle Subsystems.
Anti-Tank Kinetic SubtypeAntiTank.png No damage to structures
Effective against armored vehicles
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Shrapnel SubtypeSHIcon.png Always makes players bleed.
No damage to structures
Reduced damage to light armored vehicles and extremely reduced damage to heavy armored vehicles.
Cannot disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Bomastone Grenade
Shrapnel Mortar Shell
Flare SubtypeFLIcon.png Illuminates an area, revealing the soldiers in it.
Deals no damage
Flare Mortar Shell
Poisonous Gas SubtypeGAIcon.png Deals damage to players regardless of cover (inside a structure or vehicle) if they don't wear a gas mask with filter.
Deals no damage to structures or vehicles
Green Ash Grenade
Explosive SubtypeSEIcon.png Effective against structures and vehicles.
Reduced damage to fortified structures and Trenches.
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Mammon 91-b
Tremola Grenade GPb-1
High Explosive SubtypeHEIcon.png Effective against structures.
Reduced damage to fortified structures and extremely reduced to Trenches.
Reduced damage to vehicles except medium and Large Ships
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
E680-S Rudder Lock
Model-7 “Evie”
Moray Torpedo
Mortar Shell
Demolition SubtypeLRAIcon.png Very effective against all structures and unarmored vehicles.
Reduced damage to armored vehicles.
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Alligator Charge
Havoc Charge
Hydra's Whisper
Armour Piercing SubtypeAPIcon.png Reduced damage to structures.
Very effective against all vehicles
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Ignifist 30
Anti-Tank Explosive SubtypeATIcon.png No damage to structures
Very effective against all vehicles.
Can disable Vehicle Subsystems.
Abisme AT-99
Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb
BF5 White Ash Flask Grenade
Incendiary SubtypeFireIcon.png Effective against unarmored vehicles.
No damage to armored vehicles.
No "direct" damage to structures.
Can set structures on fire, dealing damage over time and preventing their repair.
Cannot disable Vehicle Subsystems.
“Molten Wind” v.II Ammo
Flame Ammo
Willow's Bane Ammo
Incendiary High Explosive SubtypeIHEIcon.png Effective against structures.
Reduced damage to fortified structures and extremely reduced to Trenches and Dragon's Teeth.
Reduced damage to vehicles.
Reduced damage to Large Ships.
Can set structures on fire, dealing damage over time and preventing their repair.
Cannot disable Vehicle Subsystems.
3C-High Explosive Rocket
4C-Fire Rocket