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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

A small-scale vehicle production center.
In-game description

The Garage is a logistical world structure that allows the production and repair of certain land-based vehicles.


It cannot be built, it is found in certain towns in the world. Its location is indicated by an icon MapIconVehicle.png on the map.


A destroyed Garage can be rebuilt with a Construction Vehicle and 400 Basic Materials if the nearby Town Base has unlocked the Industry IconFacilitiesIndustry.png base upgrade.


Its interface can be accessed on foot or from the driver seat of a logistics vehicle by pressing E.

Vehicle Production

In its interface players can select a vehicle they want to build. A blueprint of the vehicle spawns in the center (if the area isn't blocked). Players can start building it by using their Hammer with the required materials in their Backpack inventory. Up to 3 players can construct a single vehicle at the same time. The blueprint disappears after 10 second if construction is not started. Only one blueprint can be present at a given time.

Only vehicle models belonging to your Faction and that have been researched can be created.

Vehicles produced start with 5% fuel (Diesel) in their tank.

Vehicle List

Input(s) Output Time
150 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  R-12 - “Salus” Ambulance Ambulance.png 150 Hammer hits
150 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Dunne Responder 3e AmbulanceWar.png 150 Hammer hits
25 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  O'Brien V.110 ArmoredCarWarVehicleIcon.png 25 Hammer hits
40 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  O'Brien V.190 Knave ArmoredCarTwinWIcon.png 40 Hammer hits
25 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  T3 “Xiphos” ArmoredCarVehicleIcon.png 25 Hammer hits
155 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Silverhand - Mk. IV WardenMediumTankIcon.png 155 Hammer hits
135 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  85K-b “Falchion” ColonialMediumTankIcon.png 135 Hammer hits
165 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  86K-a “Bardiche” MediumTank2CIcon.png 165 Hammer hits
150 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Gallagher Outlaw Mk. II MediumTank2RangeWIcon.png 150 Hammer hits
160 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Noble Widow MK. XIV DestroyerTankWVehicleIcon.png 160 Hammer hits
50 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  120-68 “Koronides” Field Gun FieldArtilleryColVehicleIcon.png 25 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  AA-2 Battering Ram FieldAntiTankColVehicleIcon.png 20 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Collins Cannon 68mm FieldAntiTankWarVehicleIcon.png 20 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Balfour Wolfhound 40mm FieldCannonWVehicleIcon.png 20 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Swallowtail 988/127-2 FieldMachineGunWar.png 20 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  G40 “Sagittarii” FieldMachineGun.png 20 Hammer hits
35 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Balfour Falconer 250mm FieldMortarWIcon.png 35 Hammer hits
30 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  BMS - Packmule Flatbed FlatbedTruckVehicleIcon.png 30 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Dunne Fuelrunner 2d OilTankerWarIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  RR-3 “Stolon” Tanker OilTankerIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
60 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Niska Mk. I Gun Motor Carriage HalfTrackWarVehicleIcon.png 60 Hammer hits
55 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  HH-a “Javelin” HalfTrackColVehicleIcon.png 55 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Mulloy LPC LandingCraftWarVehicleIcon.png 20 Hammer hits
20 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  AB-8 “Acheron” LandingCraftVehicleIcon.png 20 Hammer hits
120 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Devitt Mk. III LightTankWarVehicleIcon.png 120 Hammer hits
115 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  H-5 “Hatchet” LightTankColVehicleIcon.png 115 Hammer hits
10 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Drummond 100a ScoutVehicleWarVehicleIcon.png 10 Hammer hits
10 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  UV-05a “Argonaut” ScoutVehicleMobilityVehicleIcon.png 10 Hammer hits
85 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Kivela Power Wheel 80-1 MotorcycleWIcon.png 85 Hammer hits
85 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  03MM “Caster” MotorcycleVehicleIcon.png 85 Hammer hits
70 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  King Spire Mk. I ScoutTankWIcon.png 70 Hammer hits
155 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  HC-7 “Ballista” MortarTankVehicleIcon.png 155 Hammer hits
35 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  T12 “Actaeon” Tankette TanketteCVehicleIcon.png 35 Hammer hits
10 x  Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png  Rooster - Junkwagon ResourceTrailerIcon.png 10 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Dunne Caravaner 2f BusWarIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  R-15 - “Chariot” BusIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Dunne Transport TruckWarVehicleIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
100 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  R-1 Hauler TruckVehicleIcon.png 100 Hammer hits
120 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  Dunne Loadlugger 3c TruckUtilityWarVehicleIcon.png 120 Hammer hits
120 x  Basic Materials BasicMaterialsIcon.png  R-5 “Atlas” Hauler TruckUtilityVehicleIcon.png 120 Hammer hits

All vehicles that are buildable in a Garage can also be mass produced at a Mass Production Factory.

Vehicle Repair

It can instantly repair land vehicles via a button BtRepair.png in its menu. The vehicle must be parked inside the Garage. The action costs 100 Basic Material that must be in the Garage's inventory. Repairing will also reset armor on armored vehicles, and is currently the only way to do so. However vehicles that cannot be produced by the player's faction cannot be repaired at a Garage.


It has an inventory with 15 slots.


  • Prior to Update 1.50 ('Inferno'), the Garage and the MPF were able to build all land vehicles. This was changed so that you needed to use Facilities (more specifically, the Small Assembly Station) in order to produce the other vehicles, which was done by modifying an existing one.
    • This was a large step in differentiating the term 'Base Vehicles' and 'Variants', which were terms used to describe vehicles that use the same chassis, but had minor changes to them, or had specialized roles. As such, 'Base Vehicles' referred to ones that could be built in a Garage, while 'Variants' could only be created by modifying that 'Base Vehicle'.
    • Despite the terms 'Base Vehicles' and 'Variants', some land vehicles are considered 'Base Vehicles' but are not able to be built in the Garage.
