Deployed Tripod
The Deployed Tripod is a player deployed structure used as a mounting point for certain Large Items, mostly Mounted Weapons.
It is created by deploying a Tripod on the ground with B
and Left Click
Tripods can be deployed on nearly any terrain and on top of structures. They can't be deployed in knee-deep water, on top of field bridges, barbed wires, or AT mines, inside buildings, or in the no-build zone near region borders.
To uninstall the Deployed Tripod press E
to open the tripod menu and click the "Pack Up" button at the bottom. Once uninstalled, the tripod will be on the ground as well as the item that was mounted on it and the ammunition that was in its inventory. Press V
to pick up the Tripod item.
It's considered a neutral structure and can be disassembled and reused by the enemy.
Mounting Point
It's only use is to mount another item on it. To install a mountable item on it, equip the item and press B
then LMB
on the Deployed Tripod.
For Mounted Weapons, once they're installed on the tripod, press Q
to use them. Depending on the tripod's placement you may or may not need to crouch to man the weapon (on the ground vs in a trench).
The firing arc of the weapon is determined by the orientation of the tripod. You need to uninstall and reinstall the tripod if you want to change its firing arc.
Mountable Items:
The deployed tripod is invisible at night, just like infantry. It can also be hidden by being placed inside bushes, but is revealed to people within 10m. Only the firing effects of the mounted weapon (smoke and flashes from the barrel) will betray its presence.
It is more resistant than it looks. Unlike every other structure, the deployed tripod uses the damage behavior of light armored vehicles. It takes heavy damage from every anti-tank weaponry. Its amount of health and resistance type makes it very similar to Armoured Cars or Half-Tracks in terms of survivability. It is the only structure with Fire Pit that can be damaged by Light Kinetic damage.
It can be fully repaired by simply uninstalling and reinstalling it.
Deployed tripods can be run over by APCs, Half-Tracks, and Tanks (not Tankettes though).
Tripods with mounted weapons can be installed on regular terrain but can also be smartly placed on rocks or on top of Bunkers. They can be placed on the edge of trenches. They can ambush the enemy when placed inside large bushes making them invisible. When placed behind cover the tripod, its mounted weapon, and the shooter are invisible. Even with a cover as short as a Sandbag Cover or Storage Box you are invisible to anyone at the same elevation and further than just a few meters if you tuck the tripod as close as possible to the cover.
You instantly die if the tripod-mounted weapon you are using is destroyed.
- Using a Motorcycle's inventory to transport a tripod and mounted weapon while you carry the ammo in your backpack can make moving a tripod mounted weapon much faster.
- You can check the deployed tripod's health with a hammer in "upgrade mode" (press
) - As a player made structure, it can decay.
A Deployed Tripod on the ground, with a Malone Ratcatcher MK.1 mounted on it.
A Deployed Tripod on the edge of a Trench, with a Malone Ratcatcher MK.1 mounted on it.