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Refined Coal required for various Facility processes.
In-game description

Coke is a type of material required for various Facility processes.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Coal Refinery (Coke Furnace) 200 x  Coal CoalIcon.png
3 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
165 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
15 x  Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
Coal Refinery 200 x  Coal CoalIcon.png
3 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
180 x  Coke CokeIcon.png 00:04:30
Coal Refinery (Advanced Coal Liquefier) 300 x  Coal CoalIcon.png
100L x  Water WaterIcon.png
6 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
260 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
60L x  Heavy Oil FacilityOil1Icon.png


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Materials Factory (Forge) 15 x  Salvage SalvageIcon.png
75 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
2 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  Assembly Materials I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png 00:01:00
Materials Factory (Smelter) 15 x  Salvage SalvageIcon.png
25 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
4 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
3 x  Construction Materials ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png 00:00:25
Metalworks Factory (Engineering Station) 3 x  Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
245 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
10 x  Assembly Materials I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png
10 x  Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
8 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  Assembly Materials V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png 00:02:00
Metalworks Factory (Engineering Station) 3 x  Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
200 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
65 x  Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
35L x  Heavy Oil FacilityOil1Icon.png
9 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png 00:01:30
Metalworks Factory (Engineering Station) 9 x  Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
375 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
90L x  Enriched Oil FacilityOil2Icon.png
100L x  Water WaterIcon.png
12 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
3 x  Steel Construction Materials SteelConstructionMaterialsIcon.png 00:01:30
Metalworks Factory (Blast Furnace) 20 x  Rare Metal RareMaterialsIcon.png
5 x  Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
60 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
10 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x  Rare Alloys FacilityMaterials09Icon.png 00:03:00
Power Station (Sulfuric Reactor) 30 x  Coke CokeIcon.png
1L x  Water WaterIcon.png
5 x  Sulfur SulfurIcon.png
16 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png


It stacks up to 100 per slot in inventories. It can be stored in the stockpiles of Bases (32k max), Resource Containers (5k), Resource Transfer Stations (15k), and Resource Ship (95k).
It can't be packed into crates.

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots, but is most commonly transported by normal Trucks, Resource Trucks, Small Container Car, Resource Ship], or shipping vehicles carrying Resource Containers.


Despite being a product of a raw resource, coal, it is the only type of resource that can be stored in those types of stockpiles.
