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Squad Window

Squads are a system to help players organize. The Squad Window is shown on the right side of the screen.

A player can be part of 4 differents Squads but only one can be "Active".

Squads have their own voice chat (Press G to talk) and a text chat ("squad") to allow members to communicate. Members of the same Squad can retrieve the orders created by other members at a Factory or Mass Production Factory if the order is set to that squad. Members can also use a vehicle or structure that's reserved for the squad by another member.

The Squad window show the names of all squad members and which ones are in game. The names of members of your active Squad appear in yellow instead of green above their head to allow you to easily identify them.

Any players with a Rank of Cpl or higher can create a squad. Unlike regiments all squads are automatically disbanded at the start of a new World Conquest or Resistance Phase.


  • Create a squad: Click the IconSquadCreate.png button
  • Join a squad: Right click the name of the squad you want to join. If the squad is private, you must select the option to send a request to join.
  • Leave a squad: Click the IconSquadExit.png button.
  • Activate squad: Select the squad's tab and click the BtMakeActiveSquad.png
  • Show/hide the squad list:IconSquadSearch.png
  • Show/hide the squad window: Click the "+" or "-" at the top right of the squad window.
  • Mute a squad member: Click the sound icon BtVoiceChecked.png next to their name.
  • Use Vocal Chat: G

Squad Leader

Orange arrow points towards the squad leader.

A Squad always has a Squad Leader, their name is shown in orange at the top of the members list with an orange star next to it, and their name above their soldier's head appear orange for the squad members.

They are the only member who can:

  • Invite players to the squad (Right Click their name in the f1 menu or Alt + Left Click on their soldier).
  • Kick players from the squad (Right Click).
  • Change whether the squad is private or public, using the small button at the top of the squad window (IconSquadPrivate.png = Private, IconSquadPublic.png = Public).
  • Accept or refuse player requests to join the squad if it is private (requests show up as alerts in top left of the screen).

When squad members are less than 200m from the squad leader an orange arrow show up on their compass pointing towards the Squad Leader's current location.

They can give the squad lead to another squad member by right clicking their name and choosing the relevant option. If they leave the squad or disconnects whoever was connected the longest and in the squad becomes Squad Leader.

Squad members names appears in pale yellow and Squad Leader name in orange, instead of green.

Squads List

List of available Squads

The squad list window shows all existing squads and whether they're private (IconSquadPrivate.png). A squad is listed under "Local" if a member of that squad is near you, "regional" if a member is in the same region, "global" otherwise.

Joining a Squad

Invite Message

A squad can be set to either private or public. Anyone can join public squads with one click, private squads IconSquadPrivate.png are joined by sending a join request to the squad leader which he can accept or reject.

if you are invited into a squad by its leader, the invitation will show up as an Alert in the top left of the screen where you can accept or refuse.

When a squad reaches 40 members the players requesting an invite get a message that the squad is full and their request is automatically ignored. They can send a message to the squad leader by right clicking the squad name. The squad leader can send valid squad invites even when the squad has 40 members or more. A squad cannot have more than 55 members.

Active Squad

Players can join up to 4 squads but only one squad can be active at a time. Each squad has a tab at the top of the Squad Window. To activate a squad open its tab and press the "Make Active Squad" button BtMakeActiveSquad.png, the button will be replaced by a large check mark IconActiveSquadCheck.png.

Squad voice and text chat is only active for the active squad.

Just clicking a squad tab doesn't make it the active squad.

Squad Reservation

Certain vehicles and structures can be reserved by certain players for their active Squad BtReserve.png or a particular Squad IconFilterSquadOther.png via buttons at the bottom of the vehicle or structure's menu.


While a vehicle is reserved, only members of the reserving squad can package it, change its fuel, lock/unlock it, or transfer items in or out of its inventory. Squad members can also enter the vehicle even when it is locked. Using a wrench on the vehicle only removes the lock, not the squad claim. The squad claim is automatically removed after 30 minutes without a driver. The timer can be reset by a squad member getting in the driver seat or toggling the squad claim off and on again. Enemy players are not affected by the reservation.

Large Ships

Large Ships can be reserved to prevent any non members from toggling the ship's anchor or changing the engine settings and to allow members to eject any player from the driver seat with the "Eject Driver" button in the menu BtEjectDriver.png. Unlike other vehicles, the reservation lasts for 2 days.


Player Manned Structures:
Certain structures can be reserved by any player if they are not currently reserved and certain requirements are met. The reservation duration and effects depend on the structure type. The timer can be reset by toggling the reservation off and on again. The reservation can be removed by any squad member. The structure can be reserved again after the reservation expires.

Structures Restrictions Duration Requirements
Light Artillery
Heavy Artillery
Cannot package it 52h At least 3 squad members in the region
Storm Cannon
Intelligence Center
Weather Station
Cannot use it (even if the original builder) 52h At least 5 squad members in the region
Structure's concrete must be dry

Bunkers & Facilities:
Some other structures can only be reserved by their original builder. The original builder can also reserve a whole group BtReserveBunker.png of Facilities connected to the same power network or that shares a common Foundation, a whole group of connected Bunkers and Trenches, or group of connected Pipelines (only reserves the structures built by that player among the connected group). Only the original builder can remove the reservation. The original builder also cannot lose access to their structure even if they are no longer a member of the reserving squad.

The reservation duration and effects depend on the structure type.

The reservation can be refreshed BtRefreshBunker.png at any moment by the original builder or any squad member. The original builder can also reset the reservation timer by removing and readding the reservation. If the reservation expires the structure cannot be reserved again (except the A0E-9 Rocket Platform).

The structures that can be reserved and the reservation effect for non-members are:

Structures Restrictions Duration Requirements
Can't modify it or connect pieces to it. 52h Must be original builder
Storage Room Can't modify it or connect pieces to it. Can't retrieve items from the stockpile. 52h Must be original builder
Production Facilities
Power Pole
Power Switch
Facility Crane
Resource Transfer Station
Liquid Transfer Station
Can't modify settings, upgrade it, attach/detach a Power Line, or connect a Pipeline.
Stockpile access NOT RESTRICTED
52h Must be original builder
Material Transfer Station
Maintenance Tunnel
Can't modify settings or retrieve items from the stockpile. 52h Must be original builder
A0E-9 Rocket Platform Can't modify settings or connect a Pipeline 76h At least 5 squad members in the region
Must be original builder (unless previous reservation expired)