Rank & Level

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Rank & Level are terms that refer to the individual levelling of a player. While certain ranks and levels unlock certain in-game tools, they are largely cosmetic and do not affect overall gameplay.


Rank is a system primarily used to identify a player's participation in the game. While it can tell others how long other players have played the game, it is more noticeable when a player participates in the game's Logistics System. It is based on the Commendation system, which uses Commends, or player-rewarded "marks of approval" (i.e. doing things that players deem helpful, like running supplies or helping them out with a task). The more commends a player receives, the higher their rank is. Rank will never reset and is kept across factions and server shards.

Players can see Rank through a multiple of ways:

  • In the player menu - pressing F1.
    • Individual's Rank is shown at the top of the menu.
    • All players within the same Region - shown on the left of the menu.
    • All players within a Regiment (if the player themselves are a part of one) - shown on the right of the menu.
  • After a player's nametag that's visible above their soldier - only visible to other players.

Rank differs from your Level, with the latter only based on doing certain useful actions (farming resources, killing enemies, etc...).


The Commendation system is a system that allows players to reward other players for their good behaviour. Commends (to be given to others) can be earned through the positive actions listed below:

Action Reward To get 1 Commend
Dealing damage to enemy soldiers 0.0019 Commend per damage dealt ~500 damage (~5 kills)
Reviving friendlies with a Trauma Kit 0.1 Commend per revive 10 friendly revives
Collecting resources from resource nodes at Resource Fields with a Hammer, Sledge Hammer, or Harvester. Commends per hit
Hammer Sledge Harvester
Salvage 0.0033 0.0066 0.005
Coal 0.0066 0.0133 0.01
Components 0.0066 0.01
Sulfur 0.0133 0.01
Hits required
Hammer Sledge Harvester
Salvage 300 150 200
Coal 150 75 100
Components 150 100
Sulfur 75 100
Retrieving completed orders at a Factory or Mass Production Factory. 0.0025 Commend per Basic Materials in production cost 400 Basic Materials in production cost
Building structures, vehicles, or shippable structures that cost Basic Materials, Construction Materials or Refined Materials with a Hammer. 0.0033 Commend per materials used 300 materials used
Repairing structures or vehicles with a Hammer. 0.0033 Commend per Basic Materials used 300 Basic Materials used

Commends Available (to give) can be viewed in the player screen by pressing F1. The maximum possible Commends Available is 100.

Commend other players, via the player list, by right-clicking a user's name and selecting "Commend" in the context menu, or through Alt+Click context menu on a player model while both are on foot/not in a vehicle seat. The amount of Commends players can give is limited to 100 per day, and of those only 3 per individual. The amount of Commends a player can receive is unlimited.

The amount of commends required per rank grows exponentially with every rank.

Rank-locked functionalities

Very few things in the game require a rank, they include:

Ranks list

# Rank Description Required Commends
Total To advance from
0 None N/A - 1
1 Pte Private 1 3
2 LCpl Lance Corporal 4 4
3 Cpl Corporal 8 12
4 Sgt Sergeant 20 30
5 SSgt Staff Sergeant 50 50
6 WO2 Warrant Officer 2 100 50
7 WO1 Warrant Officer 1 150 50
8 OCdt Officer Cadet 200 300
9 2Lt Second Lieutenant 500 300
10 Lt Lieutenant 800 400
11 Capt Captain 1200 600
12 Maj Major 1800 900
13 Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel 2700 1200
14 Col Colonel 3900 2000
15 Brig Brigadier General 5900 3000
16 Maj Gen Major General 8900 4500
17 Lt Gen Lieutenant General 13400 6500
18 Gen General 19900 10000
19 FM Field Marshal 29900 -


Level is distinct from rank, as it slowly increases by doing useful actions (actions which earn you commends such as farming resources, killing enemies, etc...). Level is shown in the player menu by pressing F1. Level cannot be viewed by other players.

It only has one use, which is allowing any player under level 5 that has been faction-locked (i.e. playing a faction for more than six minutes into a war) to get one free faction unlock. This allows these players to switch factions (i.e. Switching from the Colonial faction to the Warden faction). In order to do this, they must access the faction select screen located in the top-right corner of the deploy screen (after pressing PLAY in the main menu).

Like Rank, your Level never resets and is kept across factions and server shards.


  • The Rank System uses the exact same structure as the current British Army ranks.
  • During the game's development, there used to be a way to see the progression of your Rank, allowing players to figure out how many more commends they needed in order to reach the next level. This was removed later in development, and players can no longer see how many more commends they need to level up.
  • Earlier in the game's development, it was possible to "dump" all your commends onto a single person, which meant that a single player could receive thousands of commends in a single day. Due to this mechanic (which was known as "Boosting" in the community), this was removed from the game and commends were limited to three commends per day.
    • Despite this limiter, it is possible for a player to be "boosted" through other means, though it is highly discouraged as Rank does not do anything and discouraged on a social level as it can seem like a player's Rank was earned through unhelpful ways (i.e. not contributing to the faction as a whole).