R-12b - “Salva” Flame Truck

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

This simple variant of the “Salus” ambulance is fitted with a high-powered hose designed to quell wildfires.
In-game description

The R-12b - "Salva" Flame Truck is a Colonial Fire Engine equipped with a rear-mounted Water Cannon designed to combat fires from incendiary weaponry and extinguish them.

General Info


The R-12b - "Salva" Flame Truck houses a crew of two soldiers:

  • Driver (Seat 1, Front)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the tank
    • Interacts with nearby structures - press E or Shift + E
    • Activates siren sound - press LMB
  • Passenger (Seat 2, Front)
    • Can't do anything
  • Turret Gunner (Seat 3, Rear)
    • Controls the movement and firing of the Water Cannon. Has a somewhat limited firing arc
    • Located in the back, being directly exposed
NOTE: Players cannot switch between front and rear seats. Players can initially access all seats when pressing Shift + Q and standing directly behind the vehicle.


The R-12b - "Salva" Flame Truck is equipped with one main armament:

  • Water Cannon
    • Mounted to the rear (110 degree firing arc)
    • Ammo Used: Water
    • Range: 15 meters
    • Reload Duration: 3.5 seconds
    • Fire Rate: 300 rounds per minute
    • Magazine Size: 100 rounds


It has a dedicated ammo slot that can hold 30 Water cans.


  • The driver can interact with most structures and access their inventory and stockpile - press E or Shift + E
    • Can pull three times the normal amount from stockpiles - press Shift + LMB


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Small Assembly Station 15 x Construction Materials ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
5 x  Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
2 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x   R-12 - “Salus” Ambulance Ambulance.png
 R-12b - “Salva” Flame Truck AmbulanceFlameC.png 00:05:00

The R-12 - "Salus" Ambulance must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

The R-12b - “Salva” Flame Truck can be stored in a Storage Depot, Seaport or Storage Ship.

It can be packaged into a large Shippable and transported only by certain Shipping Vehicles (Barge, Freighter, Storage Ship, Flatbed Car, or Large Crane).


Due to the destructive nature of fire, it is vital to have any firefighting equipment on the frontlines, and especially in easy to reach areas, as fire can spread and quickly lead to a front's collapse. Fire Engines should always be nearby, in easily accessible areas where anyone can quickly respond to a fire before it gets out of control. Additionally, it should be in the backlines in case Partisans with flamethrowers start burning down structures. Ideally, they should be fully loaded with water cans, ready for immediate action.

Due to fire being a powerful tool, it is also a tactical advantage to target Fire Engines, as you could make a frontline vulnerable to flamethrowers, which could destabilize a front.

In order to get the most coverage out of the Water Cannon, it is best for the driver to point the vehicle directly at the fire.


  • Fire Engines are the only type of vehicles in the game that has armament incapable of damaging players, as firing the Water Turret on players will not kill them.
  • "Salva" means "Save" in Italian.
