Explosive Powder

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

Resource used for producing explosive weapons.
In-game description

Explosive Powder (also known as Explosive Materials or emats) is a material used in the crafting of most explosive weapons and shells.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Refinery 10 x  Salvage SalvageIcon.png 1 x  Explosive Powder ExplosiveMaterialIcon.png 00:00:33.3

The refining speed is much slower than for Basic Materials, it takes 5.5 minutes to refine 100 salvage into 10 explosive materials. Once refined the emats can be retrieved as is with left click or as crates using the right click context menu. A crate of explosive materials holds 20 units.


Explosive materials are the main material to craft explosive weapons and ammunitions at a Factory and Mass Production Factory. Only the heaviest of explosive ordnances are crafted with Heavy Explosive Powder instead.


It stacks up to 100 per slot in inventories. It can be stored in the stockpiles of Bases (32k max), Resource Containers (5k), Resource Transfer Stations (15k), and Resource Ship (95k).
It can be crated (need stack of 20 per crate) and uncrated with the right click context menu while interfacing a Seaport, Storage Depot, or Shipping Container.
Crates of Explosive Powder can be directly submitted to any item stockpile that accepts that item to transfer their content. The crates can also be stored in the crate stockpiles of Storage Depots (1000 public, 300 per Reserve Stockpile), Seaports (1000 public, 300 per Reserve Stockpile), Shipping Containers (60), or Storage Ships (1000).

It can be transported by almost any vehicle with inventory slots, but is most commonly transported by normal Trucks, Resource Trucks, Small Container Car, Resource Ship, or shipping vehicles carrying Resource Containers. Although it can also be transported as crates by shipping vehicles carrying Shipping Containers, it is much less efficient due to its small crate size.


  • Due to its slow refining speed, it is important to always think ahead and refine a bunch of them before you need them, as it can take hours for the required emats to finish refining.
  • If you want to privately store crates of explosive materials for later, always remember to retrieve the materials as crates using the right click context menu.
  • Explosive materials have no direct use on the frontlines, and should never be transport there.
  • Due to the relatively small number of emats per crate, it is often more efficient to transport emats uncrated as stacks of 100 per slot (on Resource/Logistic Truck) as long as you intend to spend them on arrival and not store them in a Reserve Stockpile. You can also use a Resource Container. A truck can carry 2000/1500 uncrated emats and a Resource Container holds 5000, while a shipping container can only carry 1200 (20x60) total due to the requirement of being crated in a shipping container.


  • Prior to Update 1.57, they were called Explosive Materials. The biggest change to them was the ability to transport them via resource container or resource Truck, effectively giving them greater transportation capacity.
