“Molten Wind” v.II Flame Torch

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.56) of the game.

Using a deadly mix of flammable gasses and chemical compounds, the “Molten Wind” is the Colonial Legion’s most devastating infantry weapon. Employing ancient techniques, Mesean chemists developed a technique to stabilize and weaponize liquid flames, which quickly transform any flammable structure into a raging inferno.
In-game description

The “Molten Wind” v.II Flame Torch is a Colonial handheld Flamethrower.


The “Molten Wind” v.II Flame Torch is a Colonial handheld Flamethrower. Due to its incendiary damage and AoE, it's best used against Structures and swarms of infantry. It can damage unarmored vehicles but not armored ones.

It does not directly damage structures but if enough flame is applied a fire will start inside which slowly damages the structure.

It fires 4 "rounds" per second. On impact the flame has an effect radius of 2 meters.

It can use both “Molten Wind” v.II Ammo (75 rounds) and Willow's Bane Ammo (55 rounds) as ammunition.

The Soldier Uniform reduces the Encumbrance of this weapon by 25%.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Factory (Heavy Arms) 185 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png
25 x  Refined Materials Refined Materials.png
Crate of 10 x  “Molten Wind” v.II Flame Torch Molten Wind Flame Torch Icon.png 00:00:50
Mass Production Factory (Heavy Arms) 185 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png
25 x  Refined Materials Refined Materials.png
Crate of 10 x  “Molten Wind” v.II Flame Torch Molten Wind Flame Torch Icon.png 00:08:20


It's much more effective around places without Water since an unattended fire can be lethal to its target.


  • Despite having a similar function to the Willow's Bane Model 845, it does have slightly different properties. Despite these differences, they operate essentially the same as the differences are extremely small.
