Infantry Car

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

An armoured train car with a mounted machinegun position for transporting infantry safely over long distances.
In-game description

The BMS Holdout (also known as an Infantry Car) is a lightly armored train car capable of transporting infantry over large distances. It is equipped with two mounts, where a tripod weapon can be mounted and fired.

General Info


The BMS Holdout holds two passengers, and houses a crew of two soldiers:

  • Gunner (Right) (Seat 1)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the right tripod weapon
    • Only accessible if a tripod weapon is installed
  • Gunner (Left) (Seat 2)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the left tripod weapon
    • Only accessible if a tripod weapon is installed
  • Passenger(s) (Seat 3 - 6)
    • Can't do anything


The BMS Holdout is not equipped with a main armament, however it can be mounted with any Tripod Weapon:

  • Must be mounted to the vehicle in order to be used - mounted to the chassis, has a limited firing arc


It has 14 inventory slots and 6 dedicated ammo slots that can only hold tripod ammunition. Depends on the tripod weapon(s) installed, it can hold:

Engine & Mobility

  • Uses no fuel
  • Can only move on Railway Tracks, must be placed on tracks with a crane
  • Cannot move on its own, requires a Locomotive connected to it to be moved
  • Can ram and destroy any structures (such as Deployed Tripods) in its path
  • Instantly destroys any unarmored vehicle in its path if there are no friendly soldiers inside of them
  • Does not trigger Anti-Tank Mines


  • Couple two cars together - hold Shift + E and press Couple Cars (they must be touching/close together)
  • Decouple two connected cars - requires a Wrench used in the area between the two cars
  • Mounting a tripod weapon - press B then LMB on the vehicle
    • Must be holding the tripod weapon and the blueprint must be green
  • Dismounting a tripod weapon - open up the vehicle's menu and click the "Detach Tripod Weapon" button BtDisassembleTripod.png (located in the bottom right corner)
    • Depends on where the player is standing - will dismount the one the player is closest to
A train can have up to 15 cars connected, Locomotive(s) included.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Large Assembly Station 20 x Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
15 x  Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
5 x  Assembly Materials III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
8 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
 BMS Holdout InfantryCarVehicleIcon.png 00:30:00

The BMS Black Bolt Locomotive must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

The BMS Holdout cannot be stored in a Storage Depot, Seaport or Storage Ship.

It can be packaged into an extra large Shippable and transported by a Large Crane, otherwise it must be moved on Railway Tracks.


The BMS Holdout is useful in protecting the train, especially when transporting large amounts of equipment towards frontline/midline depots, such as Seaports and Storage Depots. This is extremely important, especially if the equipment is high-value enough for armed escort, or traveling through undefended territory.

It is important to have a tripod weapon equipped that can quickly dispatch enemies if they get into close proximity. However, due the limited firing arc of the vehicle, it can only protect one side of the train, with its firing arc also depending on the shape of the railway track.


  • When it was introduced in 1.50 Inferno, the BMS Holdout was stated that it could mount two tripod weapons, however, only one of these mounts were present, meaning it could only mount one tripod weapon.
    • This was resolved in Update 1.53, where two tripod weapons could be mounted (fulfilling its original design).
  • If there is no tripod weapon installed in the Gunner's seat, the seat cannot be hopped on.
