Field Launcher

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.59) of Foxhole.

Lyle Rycker first built a prototype of the Wasp Nest as a test for his rack mounted rocket batteries that would eventually find their way onto armoured vehicles. Capable of firing twelve compact rockets in quick succession, the Wasp Nest became a quick favourite of the Warden infantry testing it, so an official design was requisitioned.
In-game description

The Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest (also known as a Wasp Nest or Field Launcher) is a Warden Field Weapon that must be deployed in order to fire. It is equipped with a Rocket Battery for 4C-Fire Rockets designed to destroy and set fire to structures at a long range.

General Info


The Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest houses a crew of two soldiers:

  • Driver (Left Side)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle - requires a soldier in the Gunner seat in order to move
    • Able to deploy/undeploy the vehicle - press F
  • Gunner (Right Side)
    • Controls the reloading, and firing of the hull-mounted Rocket Battery
    • Controls the azimuth of the Rocket Battery - press and hold RMB in the direction you are aiming. Does NOT require a Driver
    • Uses the Mouse Scroll Wheel to adjust the firing distance
    • Required to move the vehicle

NOTE: Despite not having an actual Passenger seat, it is possible for a soldier to stand on the Spade (the long metal piece on the back of the vehicle) and move with the crew.

Unlike enclosed vehicles, Field Weapons cannot switch seats, requiring the crew to exit the vehicle in order to change seats.


The Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest is equipped with one main armament:

  • 4C-Fire Rockets Battery
    • Mounted on the chassis (10 degree firing arc)
    • Ammo Used: 4C-Fire Rocket FlameRocketAmmoIcon.png
    • Range: 225-325 meters
    • Reload Duration: 3.5 seconds per projectile
    • Firing Duration: 0.4 seconds
    • Fire Rate: 15 per minute (reloading after each shot); Salvo of 12 in 4.4 seconds
    • Magazine Size: 12
    • Accuracy: 25m radius at minimum range up to 37.5m at max range (not including Wind effect)
    • Reloading immobilizes the vehicle


It has a dedicated ammo slot that can hold one 4C-Fire Rocket.

Engine & Mobility


  • Can be towed by certain vehicles
    • Hitch and unhitch the towed vehicle via the Shift + E interaction menu (the two vehicles must be very close and you in between them).


Structure Input(s) Output Time
AssemblyStationIcon.png Small Assembly Station (Battery Line) 20 x Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
15 x Assembly Materials II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
3 x Assembly Materials IV AssemblyMaterials4Icon.png
2 MW of power IconFilterPower.png
Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest FieldMultiWItemIcon.png 00:10:00

Tier 2 Facilities must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

The Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest can be stored in a Storage Depot, Seaport or Storage Ship.

It can be packaged into a medium Shippable and transported by any Shipping Vehicle (Crane, Flatbed Truck, Barge, Freighter, Storage Ship, Landing Ships, Flatbed Car, or Large Crane).
It can also be towed by certain Trucks and Half-Tracks.


Like other push guns, the Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest requires two players in order to be used effectively. It should be used as a mix of regular Artillery and Rocket Artillery in that it must be moved, loaded, and fired, but should be fired in entire bursts rather than sustained barrages. As such, players must prepare defenses in case of enemy counterattacks or counter-artillery.

Although its mobile, it should follow standard artillery defensive precautions, and set up a defensive perimeter around it to protect it from enemy infantry, vehicles, or counter-artillery.

Due to its ammunition, it relies more on their ability to set targets ablaze and catching them on fire, rather than Heavy Explosive damage.

Like other artillery shells, the fire rockets are more inaccurate at longer range and their trajectory are affected by Wind. Rocket Artillery Strategy
All equipment that uses rockets excel at burst damage, compared to regular 120mm artillery, which are suited for sustained barrages. Due to the rocket's relatively low damage and their high dispersion, they are most effective when attacking in groups, as the large volume of rockets increases the chances of hitting targets. Additionally, every rocket has a chance of setting their target on fire, preventing them from being repaired (though the 4C-Fire Rockets do this nearly twice as fast). This fire effect blocking repairs has good synergy with conventional artillery. A single hit from a rocket can start a low level fire which will burn for at least 5 seconds, preventing all repairs for that time. By preventing repairs, the time to destroy the target and cost to destroy can be minimized. Note that not all structures can be set on fire.

There are 2 challenges when aiming a rocket platform: First, the 225m minimum range is at the limit of what a forward spotter with a pair of binoculars can see and triangulate, or what a spotter in an Observation Tower can see. At greater distances, more advanced artillery tactics will be needed. The spotter needs to be close enough to determine the effect of the wind and the effect of tall obstacles. Second, many rocket platforms need to undeploy and rotate to aim at a new heading, then redeploy to fire. Determining the correct aim can be a slow and tedious process. This can be sped up using a Wind Sock. If using a wind sock, be sure to place it out of the way so it is not unintentionally run over and destroyed.

Rockets have a lower "angle of attack" than other artillery platforms. They do not strike their target from straight above, but at an angle roughly equal to the viewpoint of the player (if the rocket is fired in the same direction as the top of the player's screen). This makes it easier to hit taller structures, which can be useful if the tall structure is the target (such as a Town Base) but more difficult if the target is obscured by hills or unimportant structures.

Rocket Ammo Strategy
High Explosive Rocket ammo deals roughly 2x the damage of an Incendiary rocket per hit, while the fire effect from incendiary rockets is nearly 2x as strong. The fire damage over time requires about a minute of burn time to reach the same damage done as High Explosive Rockets (assuming equal hits, assuming fire is self sustaining). If damage needs to be done in less than 1 uninterrupted minute, then HE Rockets will be more damaging. If Damage can be done over more than a minute then Fire rockets are more damaging.

All push guns, by their nature, are one of the most vulnerable vehicles in the game in terms of crew protection. They are exposed to the enemy, making them susceptible to all enemy fire. Due to push guns requiring both crew members to move them, the death of a single crew member could result in the push gun being lost. Due to this, it is recommended to only lock the gun when it looks like enemy infantry are going to overwhelm you and can steal it. This tactic is vital if a push gun is decrewed, as it allows a friendly soldier to quickly man it and drive it back to safety.

Since it needs to be deployed in order to be fired, it is essential that the crew sets up in a good defensive position. This firing position should be in a position where the Field Weapon can be used with maximum effectiveness, as well being able to be retrieved by friendly troops or vehicles (via towing).

Visibility Mechanics
Push guns have a visibility mechanic, which allows it to operate differently compared to regular vehicles. Similar to infantry, they are affected by vision, meaning their movements cannot be seen unless it is within your line of sight. Due to this, they can hide behind structures, or even bushes (depends on how big the bush is). It's also affected by the time of day, with nighttime making it possible for push guns to become invisible to the enemy if you're far enough from them. Keep in mind that if the enemy decides to illuminate your position, this will expose it until the flare dies out. The push gun's position will be exposed anyway if the crew decides to fire its main armament.


  • Like all artillery equipment, rockets can be quickly submitted into them without accessing their inventory
    • While this can be done for all vehicles, it should only be done if they can carry/use large items
  1. Equip the rocket and walk up to the vehicle
  2. Submit the rocket into the vehicle - press V


  • The Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest is currently the only Field Weapon in the game that is made in a Small Assembly Station without a base chassis. As such, players just need to gather the materials in order to create it.
    • This unusual compared to all Field Weapons that can be made either in a Garage/MPF, or modifying an existing Field Weapon to make it one of its variants.
  • In 1.54 Naval Warfare, the Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest received multiple changes.

Historical Reference
