Type C - “Charon”

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.59) of Foxhole.

Designed for river patrols, the Type-C Charon is fitted with twin tripod mounts, and a midship mortar cannon designed to sunder any armoured resistance on the shore or on open waters.
In-game description

The Type C - “Charon” is the Colonial Gunboat. It is equipped with a mortar turret and two mounts for mounted weapons.

General Info


The Type C - “Charon” houses a crew of 5 soldiers:

  • Driver
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the vehicle, the speed in knots, and the azimuth of the ship in degrees.
  • Cannoneer (Gunner)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the mortar cannon
    • Uses the Mouse Scroll Wheel to adjust the firing distance
    • Switch ammo types - press F
    • Switch the gun between indirect and direct fire mode - press Shift + F
  • Gunner (Right)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the Mounted Weapon installed on the right mount
  • Gunner (Left)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the Mounted Weapon installed on the left mount
  • Spotter
    • Seat accessed next to the driver's seat.
    • Can view 230m in all directions without Binoculars.

NOTE: Players cannot switch between seats, they have to walk on the deck.

Ship Deck:

Additionally, up to 6 soldiers can be on the Gunboat deck and move around (not counting seated crew). The ship cannot move if there are more than 6 passengers. They can access the vehicle's inventory. The passengers can vault out of the ship but only when it's not moving.


The Type C - “Charon” has three main armaments:

  • 2x Tripod Mount
    • Empty mounts on the left and right sides where a Mounted Weapon can be installed (90 degree firing arc)
  • Mortar Cannon
    • Mounted on the turret (can rotate 300 degrees), turns 35° per second)
    • Ammo Used: Mortar Shell MortarAmmoIcon.png, Shrapnel Mortar Shell MortarAmmoIconShrapnel.png, Flare Mortar Shell MortarAmmoIconFlare.png, Incendiary Mortar Shell MortarAmmoIconFlame.png
    • Range: 75-100 meters
    • Reload Duration: 2 seconds
    • Firing Duration: 0.67 seconds
    • Fire Rate: 22.5 per minute
    • Accuracy: 2.5m radius at minimum range up to 14.5m at max range (not including Wind effect)
    • Can also be used in direct fire mode (Max Range: 45 meters)

The mortar cannon cannot be used for 1 minute after crossing a Region border.

The soldiers on the deck can use their own weapons but are restricted from using heavy weapons such as Anti-Tank Rifles, AT RPGs, Cutler Launchers, Grenade Launchers, Sniper Rifles, and handheld 12.7mm machine guns.

The mounted weapons can be used if the main turret is disabled.


It has four dedicated ammo slots that can hold 100 Mortar Shells, 100 Shrapnel Mortar Shell, 100 Incendiary Mortar Shells, and 30 Flare Mortar Shells respectively. It also has additional dedicated ammo slots that can only hold ammunition for the mounted weapons. The ammo these slots can hold depends on the weapon(s) installed: 30 12.7mm OR 15 20mm OR 14 30mm OR 10 RPG OR 8 ARC⧸RPG OR 12 Tremola Grenade GPb-1, 4 PT-815 Smoke Grenade, and 4 Green Ash

Items can be dropped on the deck and the ship can still move with dropped items on its deck. If not picked up for 5 minutes they are automatically submitted to the ship's inventory or deleted if no slot is available.

Health & Armor

The Type C - “Charon” has 1750 HP and is disabled under 30% health. It has "Ship" armor resistance: it can soak small arms fire, shrapnel, 12.7mm machine guns, and it is immune to Flamethrowers. It's also somewhat resistant to anti-tank weaponry. High explosive shells are very effective against it.
It has subsystems that have a chance to be disabled by heavy explosives and anti-tank weaponry if hit specifically: Turret/Cannon: 10%.
It has Tank Armor. With it, in best case scenario, penetrating projectiles only have a 25% chance of penetrating and doing damage. That chance goes up quickly if the armor is worn or if it is shot from up close, or on the side or rear from a direct angle, or with ammo that has penetration bonuses.
It takes 150 Basic Materials to fully repair it from 1% to 100% health with a Hammer. Its health, subsystems, and Tank Armor can be instantly repaired at a Shipyard for 50 Basic Materials.

NOTE: Being on a Gunboat deck prevents players from doing any manual repairs with a Hammer and Basic Materials. Manually repairing a Gunboat can thus only be done from land or from a ship that isn't a Gunboat.


The Type C - “Charon” can:

It is automatically deleted if left unused in the world for 60 hours.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
MapIconMassProductionFactory.png Mass Production Factory 375 x Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png Crate of 3 x Type C - “Charon” GunBoatVehicleIcon.png 01:44:10
Shipyard.png Shipyard 125 x Refined Materials RefinedMaterialsIcon.png Type C - “Charon” GunBoatVehicleIcon.png 125 Hammer hits

Must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

The Type C - “Charon” can be stored in a Seaport.

It cannot be packaged or transported by another vehicle. As such, it must be driven to its destination, regardless of where it is.


The Type C - “Charon”, like all gunboats, are capable of attacking, and eliminating regular naval vehicles, but will not be super effective against Large Ships, which have much stronger weaponry. Due to this, gunboats should not engage them in direct fire, unless the situation demands it.

Whenever possible, it is recommended to use the main mortar cannon, as High Explosive damage is the best way of damaging most naval vehicles, mainly those with the "Tier1LargeShip" armor type. Since the tripod mounts are located on the sides of the ship, in order to provide firing arcs for them, the Driver needs to steer the boat parallel towards their target(s). Generally speaking, there are few tripod weapons that can effectively damage ships, but the Daucus isg.III and Typhon ra.XII are excellent choices from the Colonial arsenal for fighting Large Ships and other gunboats. The mounted anti-tank rifle is arguably the best gunboat tripod weapon in the game, with a high rate of fire, inventory-efficient magazine sizes, and a damage type that's favorable against Large Ship armor. If the crew is planning on taking down infantry targets, it is better to use Mounted Machineguns. Mounted Fissura gd.Is are not advised- Tremolas would be redundant and Green Ash and PT-815 Smoke Grenade storage is extremely limited.

Ideal Ammunition Loadout
Although the vehicle can hold up to 100 ammo for two of three of its ammo types, it's recommended to bring fewer than that (between 40 to 80) due to oversupplying (as any engagement will use far less than 100 ammo). If the vehicle runs out, they can resupply at a nearby naval base.


  • The word "Charon" is of Greek mythological origin and is the name of the ferryman to the Greek underworld of Hades
  • Prior to Update 0.45, the Type C - “Charon” used 14.5mm, which was later removed from the game
    • It was changed to 12.7mm and given a high-velocity modifier to keep its damage output the same as before
  • In Update 1.54 ("Naval Warfare"), the "Charon" was completely redesigned.
    • The dual 12.7mm turret was completely removed.
    • The artillery turret was moved to the front and its ammunition changed from 120mm to Mortar Shells.
    • Two tripod mounts compatible with Tripod Weapons were added, one on each side of the ship.
    • A fully walkable deck was added, and the color scheme changed to a greenish-grey.
