Advanced Construction Vehicle

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

An advanced variant of the Universal Assembly Rig, the BMS - Fabricator is fitted with a unique kit designed to handle advanced or specialized construction and excavation jobs.
In-game description

The BMS - Fabricator (also known as an Advanced Construction Vehicle, or ACV) is an extremely slow logistics vehicle specially designed to build, rebuild, and upgrade large Structures (including certain player-built ones). It's visually distinct from the BMS - Universal Assembly Rig by its black chassis.

General Info


The BMS - Fabricator holds one passenger, and houses a crew of one soldier:

  • Driver/Operator (Seat 1)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the vehicle
    • Interacts with nearby structures - press E or Shift + E
    • Controls the construction arm - Aim RMB, build LMB, switch mode F
  • Passenger (Seat 2)
    • Can't do anything


The BMS - Fabricator is not equipped with a main armament, however it is equipped with a Construction Arm.

  • Construction Arm - mounted to the chassis, rotates 360 degrees
    • Interacts with structures and cannot damage players - must be in close proximity towards target'
A screenshot of the inventory of an Advanced Construction Vehicle


It has 12 inventory slots that can hold any item. It primarily uses Basic Materials, Construction Materials, Gravel (stacks up to 100), Concrete Materials, and Processed Construction Materials (does not stack).


  • Can interact with most structures in proximity - press E or Shift + E
    • Pulls items from stockpiles twice as fast compared to on foot
    • Can pull three times the normal amount from stockpiles - press Shift + LMB
  • Its construction arm can build, rebuild, and upgrade certain structures - press/hold LMB


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Small Assembly Station (Field Station) 10 x Processed Construction Materials ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
2 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x   BMS - Universal Assembly Rig ConstructionVehicleIcon.png
 BMS - Fabricator AdvancedConstructionVehicleIcon.png 00:15:00

Must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

The BMS - Fabricator can be stored in a Storage Depot, Seaport or Storage Ship.

It can be packaged into a medium Shippable and transported by any Shipping Vehicle (Crane, Flatbed Truck, Barge, Freighter, Storage Ship, Landing Ships, Flatbed Car, or Large Crane).


CVs and ACVs build faster than a player with a hammer at a rate of 2 materials per second, with multiple ACVs able to work on the same blueprint. As such they are an important tool for constructing defenses or structures in a timely manner, which also makes them a nice target for Partisans and enemies. When near the front, it is advised for ACVs to be escorted by infantry so they safely arrive to their destination, as they will help construct larger defenses (such as bunker bases constructed during pushes into enemy territory) at a quicker rate, allowing pushes to be more aggressive

ACVs should ALWAYS be left unlocked when you are done using it so others can use them. Due to them not being able to be stolen by enemy infantry, their protection varies depending on the situation (ACVs are high-priority targets due to their relatively high production cost)

ACVs can still build even if they are damaged, however they will not operate if they are disabled. Like all Construction Vehicles, an ACV created by the enemy faction cannot be driven, however its inventory can still be accessed, allowing for Partisans to dump its contents.

For a more comprehensive, and detailed guide regarding building in Foxhole:


  • The BMS - Fabricator was introduced as a wider update to building, and adding Quality-of-Life features to building
    • A lot of the added features added revolve around decreasing building time and increased storage capacity for builders, especially when constructing
