Community Guides/Vehicle Guide

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Disambig.svg This article is about general info for vehicles. For the list of all vehicle types, see Vehicles.

This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

This is a Community Guide on how to obtain, operate, and to better understand vehicles within Foxhole.

How to obtain Vehicles

Nearly all vehicles in Foxhole must be constructed by players, either by making them in a specific structure, or modifying an existing one. Here is a list of the structures that can make vehicles:

GaragesMapIconVehicle.png & ShipyardsShipyard.png

Garages MapIconVehicle.png are world structures where individual land vehicles can be built using a hammer and Basic Materials or Refined Materials depending on the vehicle type. Once you're inside the Garage press E to open its menu, it will show a list of all vehicles buildable here and their cost. Select a vehicle type among the ones available, it will spawn a blueprint of the vehicle in the center of the Garage. Now equip your hammer, make sure you have the required materials in your backpack, and start hitting the blueprint by holding Left Click.

Ships can be built in a similar process at a Shipyard Shipyard.png.

The only exceptions to this system are the Motorboat, Crane, and Construction Vehicle which must be built through the hammer's construction menu: press B with hammer in hand and make sure it is in Build Mode (toggle hammer mode with F). The motorboat can only be built on beaches while the Crane and Construction Vehicle can only be built right next to a World Base or Border Base.

Bicycles cannot be built, they randomly spawn in towns.

Mass Production Factory

Vehicles can also be built in larger quantities at the Mass Production Factory via the production of Shippable Crates.


Small Assembly Station and Large Assembly Station

How to use vehicles

Getting In

Press Q to enter a vehicle. The seat you're put in depends on where you were standing relative to the vehicle, if you press Q while close to the left door of a Truck you'll be put in the driver seat, if you are on the right side you'll be put in the passenger seat, etc. To switch seats press Z or use Ctrl+1/2/3/... to switch to a specific seat number (where 1 is always the driver seat). You cannot enter a vehicle if you're encumbered (too much weight in your inventory).

Instead of Q you can also use Shift+Q to open the Seat Selection Menu to select the seat you want to get in or to check which seats are occupied/free.

Vehicles like the Barge or Landing APC lets you freely mount on their back, move around, and use your weapons even when the vehicle is moving.


Use WASD to move your vehicle around and spacebar to activate the handbrakes. Make sure to drive carefully so as to not run over friendly players or drive through a cliff. Land vehicles that fall in the sea cannot be retrieved and will be destroyed after a few seconds. While you're driving a minimap shows up at the bottom left of your screen.

If the vehicle has a boost system, hold shift to use it.

There are three types of Roads in the game: Mud, Dirt, Asphalt. Higher Tier roads let you drive faster. Driving off-road will significantly slow your vehicle unless it has all-terrain capabilities. Some vehicles, like Trucks, move slower when loaded with heavy things (see Encumbrance).

Unique Actions

Certain vehicles have unique actions available while in the driver seat (activating the ramp of your Barge, etc...), press F to toggle it.

Certain vehicles like the Truck or LUV lets you access the menu of buildings from the driver seat, simply park your vehicle directly in front of the building and press E. This allows for an easy transfer of items to and from the vehicle without leaving the driver seat. If you are retrieving items from a stockpile, the assembly time is significantly shorter than on foot. You can use Shift + Left click to extract 3 units of an item instead of one. Items unloaded in excess will be dropped under the vehicle.

Vehicles with mounted weapons let you use them by getting in a specific seat, press R to reload the weapon.

All land vehicles let you open and close Gates from the driver seat by pressing E when close to the gate. Ships can open Drawbridges in similar fashion.

A few vehicles like the Motorboat, the open-topped LUVs, or the Motorcycle have passenger seats that let you use your secondary equipment while seated. The Commander seat in Battle Tanks lets you do the same and let you toggle the Commander seat hatch by pressing E.


While most vehicles uses Diesel or Petrol as fuel, certain vehicles have special fuels, propelled by players, or require another vehicle to push them.

See: Fuel

Lock BtLock.png

All vehicles can be locked by a player pressing L while standing at one of the vehicle's doors or sitting in the driver's seat, or by clicking the Lock button in the vehicle's menu. Locking a vehicle prevents anyone but the player who locked it from entering it or opening its inventory. The lock may be removed by the player who unlocked it or with the use of a Wrench. Wrenching a locked vehicle can only be achieved if the vehicle hasn't been used for 5 minutes. Note that, unlike in many games, the opposing team can also enter or access the inventory of your unlocked vehicle in the same way as members of your team. The Construction Vehicle is the only exception, the opposing team can access its inventory but not enter it. You can check if a vehicle is locked by standing next to its doors, a BtLock.png symbol will appear on the top right of your screen. A vehicle needs to be controlled by your faction to be locked.

The Bicycle is the only vehicle that cannot be locked.

Squad Reservation

A player can reserve a vehicle for their active squad BtReserve.png or a particular squad IconFilterSquadOther.png in the vehicle's menu. While the vehicle is claimed, only members of the reserving squad can package it, change its fuel, lock/unlock it, or transfer items in or out of its inventory. Squad members can also enter the vehicle even when it is locked. Using a wrench on the vehicle only removes the lock, not the squad claim. The squad claim is automatically removed after 45 minutes, the only way to prevent that is for a squad member to toggle it off and on again to reset the timer. Enemy players are not affected by the reservation.

Repairs & Damages BtRepair.png

When a vehicle takes damage, it can be repaired with Basic Materials and a hammer. Just put the materials in your inventory and hit the vehicle with your hammer. The more damage, the more materials you need to get the vehicle back to full health. Each vehicle type needs more or less materials to be repaired.

Alternatively, you can repair any land vehicle at a Garage and ships at a Shipyard. Drive the land vehicle inside the building and click the Repair button BtRepair.png in the bottom right of the Garage menu. It will fully repair the vehicle instantly for 100 Basic Materials (must be placed in the Garage inventory). Garage Repairs also fully repair the Tank Armor of armored vehicles, unlike manual hammer repairs. Note that vehicles of enemy design cannot have their tank armor repaired by your faction.

Disabling Threshold

A disabled colonial truck.

When a vehicle takes damage, if its health gets below a certain threshold, specific to the vehicle type, it becomes disabled indicated by grey smoke coming out of it. Disabled land vehicles cannot move, ships can still move at an extremely slow pace. Mounted weapons can still be used while disabled. The vehicle can move again if it is repaired to above the threshold.


Certain armored vehicle have an armor system which allows them to potentially deflect incoming fire. The status of a vehicle's armor is visually represented on the vehicle by wear and tear. See Tank Armor.

Vehicle Subsystems

Certain armored vehicles have subsystems that can be disabled when taking damage. See Vehicle Subsystems

Vehicle Death

When a vehicle's health reaches zero, it explodes. The explosion kills any players inside but is harmless to people outside. The vehicle's wreck disappears after a few seconds and a temporary box appears in its place, containing the items that were in the vehicle's inventory.

Vehicle Tiers

Vehicles unlocked in the vehicle Tech Tree can exist as a Prototype, Normal, Tier 2, or Tier 3 vehicle.

Prototype vehicles can only be repaired at a Garage and can't be stored in a Storage Depot or Seaport.

Tier 2 & 3 vehicles have increased durability (less damage is taken) and unique visuals. Colonial vehicles use green and yellow camouflage paint, Warden vehicles use white and blue camouflage paint.

Storage MapIconStorageFacility.pngMapIconSeaport.png

Vehicles can be stored in a Storage Depot or Seaport. Put your vehicle in front of the building, from the driver seat press E to open the Building's menu, and click the Submit Vehicle button BtSubmitVehicle.png. The vehicle must be fully repaired (and its armor if it has any) and its inventory must be empty for it to be stored. The vehicles can then be retrieved by selecting the vehicle icon in the Building's menu.

Shippable Crates ProductionPartsStructureIcon.png

The mass production factory can produce large shippable crates containing 3 vehicles by default. You can't directly open those crates to grab the vehicles. The crates must be transported with a Crane or Flatbed Truck to be submitted to a Storage Depot or Seaport and unpacked there.

Packaging BtUnpackage.png

Most land vehicles can be packaged to then be lifted by a Crane. To be packageable, a vehicle must be at full health and for armored vehicles the armor must be fully repaired. To package a vehicle use the Package button in the bottom right of the vehicle menu. To unpackage a vehicle simply press E next to it. If the vehicle has a mounted weapon, any ammo that has been loaded into the gun (as opposed to sitting in the inventory) will be lost when packaging.

The only land vehicles that cannot be packaged are the Construction Vehicle, Crane, Flatbed, Bicycle, and Transport Bus.


  • Do not go AFK in a vehicle seat, the game will kick you out after an hour. Going AFK while on foot only kicks you after an hour if you are in a region with a player queue.
  • If you don't want to keep holding W while driving, you can press Enter, Ctrl+W, Enter to activate cruise control.
  • Land vehicles bigger than the motorbike can run over and destroy Sandbags and Sandbag Walls.
  • The only vehicles that can cross Trenches (without the bridge add-on) are tanks (excluding Tankettes and Scout Tanks).
  • If your vehicle gets stuck in terrain, type the !unstuck command in chat and press enter, it should hopefully unstuck your vehicle after 2 minutes, but you only get to use the command 8 times per war.
  • Vehicles are not affected by Barbed Wire, even ones like the FMG where the driver is virtually on foot.
  • Structure blueprints can be run over by any vehicle if no construction material has been submitted to it yet.
  • Sandbags, Wall (Tier 1), and Firepit blueprints can always be run over by vehicles.
  • Anti-Tank Mines can only be triggered by armored vehicles (Armored Car, APC, Tanks, etc...), they pose no risk to other vehicles.
  • There are no collision damages in the game, you can ram your vehicle at full speed into a wall and nothing bad will happen.
  • In a Snow Storm, your vehicle will freeze if you leave your vehicle with its engine off (no one in driver seat or no fuel) for a few minutes. Build a Fire Pit next to it to unfreeze it.
  • Most vehicles are automatically deleted if left unused for 72 hours.

Tutorial Video