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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.58) of the game.

Towing is a game mechanic that allows certain vehicles to move around other vehicles, without the need for larger equipment.

How To Tow a Vehicle

  • Park the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle back to back and close together, relatively aligned, with their rear attachment point touching or very close.
  • Go between the two vehicles and use Shift + E to open the interaction menu, then select the "Hitch/Unhitch Trailer" option to attach/separate the vehicles. If the option isn't listed, the vehicles are not positioned correctly.

Towed Weight

Each towable vehicle has a towed weight and each towing vehicle has a towing capacity. Vehicles move slower while towing a vehicle, depending on its weight. Towing vehicles can tow any towable vehicle, however they'll be very slow if they try to tow something beyond their weight capacity. The capacity isn't a hard threshold though, going over it doesn't apply any special penalty.

List of Towing Vehicles

Listed by towing capacity:

List of Towable Vehicles

Currently only Trailers and Field Weapons can be towed.

Listed by towed Weight:


Towable vehicles can be towed by any vehicle regardless of lock status, faction status, or if the vehicle is disabled or not. As such, using a towing vehicle to steal enemy towable vehicles is a viable strategy, as well as using a towing vehicle to recover a disabled towable vehicle.
