Maintenance Supplies

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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

Supplies for maintaining structures. Store at Bases or Maintenance Tunnels to prevent decay on surrounding structures.
In-game description

Maintenance Supplies (also known as Msupps) are a type of supplies used to prevent the decay of surrounding player-built structures.


Structure Input(s) Output Time
Factory (Resources) 250 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png Crate of 100 x  Maintenance Supplies G.Supplies.png 00:02:05
Mass Production Factory (Resources) 250 x  Basic Materials Basic Materials.png Crate of 100 x  Maintenance Supplies G.Supplies.png 00:20:50
Materials Factory 100 x  Salvage SalvageIcon.png
3 MW of power ProductionPowerIcon.png
20 x  Maintenance Supplies G.Supplies.png 00:00:25


Maintenance Supplies prevents the decay of all player-made structures around them when they are stored in a Base's or Maintenance Tunnel's stockpile. While in there, they will be consumed over a period of time, with the amount depending on the Region Zone and the amount of surrounding structures. They will also repair any decay damage on structures at a slow rate (consuming additional supplies).

Maintenance Supplies cannot prevent the fast decay of structures within 150 meters of a region border (also known as the Rapid Decay Zone).

To check a base's current Maintenance Supplies consumption rate, you can hover your mouse cursor over the tiny icon at the top right corner of a Base's or Maintenance Tunnel's interface. Depending on if it has Maintenance Supplies in it, it will tell you if it's preventing decay or not with the text saying "On" or "Off".


Maintenance Supplies stacks up to 100 in inventory slots and can be stored in Base stockpiles. They can be retrieved from stockpiles 20 at a time.

They can be packed into crates of 100 units or their crate unpacked with the right click context menu while interfacing a Seaport, Storage Depot, or Shipping Container.

Crates of Maintenance Supplies can be stored in the stockpiles of Storage Depot and Seaport, up to 1000 in public stockpiles and up to 300 in Reserve Stockpiles. Only crates produced as personal or squad orders in Factory or Mass Production Factory can be stored in a Reserve Stockpile.


  • Due to the importance of maintaining defenses and various facilities, Maintenance Supplies should be produced around the clock and be available to the Public
    • Storing them in easily accessible locations, like Seaports and Storage Depots, makes it easier for other players to find and grab
  • Given the speed and the carrying capacity of vehicles, it is often more efficient to create Maintenance Supplies next to a Salvage source and send the supplies by truck or shipping container to destination rather than shipping Salvage to a far-away Maintenance Supplies facility then send it to destination[1]. As the same tendency appear to Construction Materials, on the field facilities can be a good practice to save time and duplicated low yield facilities thus saving resources


Due to the importance of maintaining defensive structures and facilities, it is vital in keeping Bases and Maintenance Tunnels filled with Maintenance Supplies in order to prevent decay. Additionally, it is recommended to provide public supplies, as it will benefit other players in helping them maintain their structures.

If a structure is decaying, it is beneficial to the faction to obtain Maintenance Supplies and provide the Base with it, especially if it's a concrete Bunker Base with Howitzer Garrisons. This will benefit the whole faction as it helps maintain tough defenses if the enemy faction gains territory and reaches that point.

While the repair mechanic for Maintenance Supplies is extremely useful for structures, this process is extremely slow, and only repairs damage from decay. This means that if a structure was previously attacked and it's health reduced down to 75%, then began decaying, the repair mechanic would only repair the structure up to 75% health (back to its pre-decay health bar).


  • Maintenance Supplies used to be named 'Garrison Supplies' and coexisted with Bunker Supplies in maintaining various player-made structures in Foxhole
    • Garrison Supplies were also known as 'G.Supplies' or 'GSupps'[2]
    • Garrison Supplies operated very similarly to how Maintenance Supplies are currently implemented, except for their ability to repair any structural decay
    • They had to be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced (unlocking Bunker Supplies as well)
  • Prior to Update 1.52, the only way to make Garrison Supplies (now called Maintenance Supplies) was in a Factory
  • Maintenance Tunnels were once capable of producing Garrison Supplies by providing it power and Construction Materials
    • These supplies could not be pulled out, and were only meant to maintain the nearby facility structures
    • This recipe was added in response to the community's concerns about the added strain to maintaining structures (regarding Factory increased queues)
  • "Supply Surplus" was a supply bonus that can occur in backline regions if there are very few structures in the region, decreasing the hourly consumption of Maintenance Supplies
    • While this mechanic was in the game, majority of the time, it would not activate
  • Despite being player-built, Anti-Tank Mines and Signposts use their own special decay mechanics, and do not consume Maintenance Supplies

There were certain Base Upgrades that would help reduce the consumption rate if unlocked:

  • Small GarrisonIconUpgradesSmallGarrison.png- consumption rate reduced to two Garrison Supplies per hour per structure
  • Large GarrisonIconUpgradesLargeGarrison.png - consumption rate reduced to one Garrison Supplies per hour per structure



  1. Speed capacity equivalent of vehicles : Truck : 17.4x1500=26k, Flatbed with Salvage : 9.5x5000/5=9k, Freighter with Salvage: 5.4x5000x5/5=27k, Flatbed with Maintenance Supplies : 9,5x6000=57k
    • A Freighter full of salvage is barely the same as a truck full of Maintenance Supplies but requires a lot of container management and is constrained by coastlines. Consider onsite supplies facility only for island without storage depot close to salvage source and far from a beach.
  2. Slang