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This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.

A sign used to relay information to other soldiers.
In-game description

The Signpost is a buildable structure that allows players to leave messages of up to 140 characters. The message shows up for anyone close to the signpost, you don't need to interact with the signpost via a button to see the message. The signpost doesn't block movement and projectiles pass through it.


You build a Signpost with a Hammer and 25 Basic Materials. Equip the hammer, press B to open the build menu, select and place the signpost then hammer it until completion.

Once built, the builder can open the signpost's menu by pressing E then select the edit button to write the signpost's message (up to 140 characters). The message remain editable by the builder forever. The post will also show how long ago it was built and the name of the builder.

Signposts can be built on pretty much any land except rocks or within 60m of a region border. It can't be built on bridges, inside or on top of structures.

The builder can instantly demolish BtDemolish.png it if built less than 14 days ago, refunding the construction cost.

Lifespan & Voting

A signpost cannot be destroyed by conventional means and does not consume any Maintenance Supplies or suffer from decay. The only way to affect a signpost's lifespan is to upvote or downvote it. To do so, open a signpost's menu (press E) and press the upvote/downvote arrow buttons to increase/decrease the sign's lifespan. You can only vote once for a particular sign and can only vote once every 10s making you unable to rapidly vote for multiple signposts close together. You also cannot vote on your own signposts.

By default, a signpost disappears after 50 hours but a newly built signpost can be made to last weeks with a few upvotes or can be destroyed instantly by three downvotes.


  • Try not to put Signposts too close to interactive buildings (Refinery, Factory, etc.) as this may make interacting with the building trickier (having to use Shift+E instead of E to open the building's menu instead of the Signpost's)
  • The distance at which signpost messages appear for you is configurable in the Options menu.
  • Signpost blueprints do not block other constructions, you can build a pillbox on the exact same spot as an unfinished signpost blueprint
  • You can vote on signposts built by the enemy
