Weathered Expanse

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Deep in the mountains, The Weathering Halls stood for centuries as a bastion of hope during less sophisticated times. Surrounding the Halls were three great gates, blocking passage or defending from northern invaders. The Warden's prized fortress and sturdy walls endured through the Great Wars. That was until the Colonials marched on The Weathering Expanse.
Old In-game description

Weathered Expanse is a World Conquest region located in the Northeast of the world map. Open spaces dominate vast swaths of the map. The weather here is more frigid, noticeable by the snowy ground and falling snow. The map also features large walls similar to the Bulwark running through the southern regions.

Logistical Locations

Waterways & Railway Lines

Water Wells

There are __ Water Wells located within the region:

Depending on the frontline, it is advantageous to store filled Water Buckets in order to proactively store water in case of fires. Water Wells are considered as water sources, but they cannot be used to harvest water cans.


In certain war configurations, this region will be a Logistics Town (known as a 'Logi Hub'). Logi Hubs are towns located in the backlines that contain various logistical structures, which help produce/unlock various equipment. They are the only places where the tech tree can be progressed.

The Logi Hub located in Weathering Halls will contain:

Depending on the map configuration it may contain various logistical structures, which can provide various frontline needs.

  • Foxcatcher - a Refinery
  • Weathering Halls - a Construction Yard
    • NOTE: This is assuming it's not a Logi Hub.


There is one Shipyards located in the region:


  • Location(s) that contain a Seaport
    • Weathering Halls
  • Location(s) that contain a Storage Depot
    • Crow's Nest
    • Foxcatcher

Update History


Manuscript Page

Manuscript Page
While flipping through dull manuscripts, a page written in a different hand slips out. A letter, maybe. Or convincing fiction?
It was told to me that his men had all survived the cold and frigid water, but their captain wouldn’t leave the animals behind. He tried to wait out the winter, the fool.

This captain, as well as the livestock, froze to death. It’s said that when the ice cleared and winter passed, the ship sank to the depths of the ocean.

One by one, the surviving crew died of pneumonia. Months, even years after they lost the Burgundi, each crew member would fall ill until there were none alive.

No one would tell me the captain’s true name. Even the thought of it seemed to scare them.

Location of Manuscript Page
Weathered Expanse - F8k1



Manuscript Page

Snow-Caked Sign

Snow-Caked Sign
The sign is completely caked in snow.
You try to scrape it away, but you manage to disturb nothing more than a few loose flakes.

The sight of it chills you. Best leave soon or you’ll share the sign’s fate.

Location of Snow-Caked Sign
Weathered Expanse - C8k9



Snow-Caked Sign

Sign to Frostmarch

Sign to Frostmarch
A sign pointing in various directions.
The top sign reads, "Frostmarch Village 1KM."

Only, there is no town. Nothing more than a name.

Location of Sign to Frostmarch
Weathered Expanse - H4k9



Sign to Frostmarch

Ice-Caked Sign

Ice-Caked Sign
The sign is caked in ice and weathered.
You can make out the text, "Welcome to Welsford."

Location of Ice-Caked Sign
Weathered Expanse - M9k4



Ice-Caked Sign

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
You take a moment to pause and reflect.
Something about this place leaves you feeling unsettled.

Location of Inner Dialogue
Weathered Expanse - C8k9



Inner Dialogue

Musings of a Deserting Soldier

Musings of a Deserting Soldier
An old journal lies next to some abandoned bedrolls. It details the frustrations of a deserting soldier.
...our legion was called the 'Swords of Maro.'What kind of fuckin’ joke is that? A company of dullards running around calling themselves ‘swords’.

If Maro were alive to see what a farce his namesake has become, he'd have begged to swallow that bullet.

Location of Musings of a Deserting Soldier
Weathered Expanse - F4k9



Musings of a Deserting Soldier

Old in-game description

Deep in the mountains, The Weathering Halls stood for centuries as a bastion of hope during less sophisticated times. Surrounding the Halls were three great gates, blocking passage or defending from northen invaders. The Warden's prized fortress and sturdy walls endured through the Great Wars. That was until the Colonials marched on the Weathering Expanse.
2017 in-game description



Named Locations in Weathered Expanse

  • Bannerwatch
  • Barrowsfield
  • Crow's Nest
  • Dullahan's Crest
  • Eapoe
  • Foxcatcher
  • Frostmarch
  • Huntsfort
  • The Ivory Bank
  • The Ivory Sea
  • Kirkyard
  • Necropolis
  • Port of Rime
  • Revenant's Path
  • Rime Wastes
  • Shattered Advance
  • The Spear
  • Spirit Watch
  • The Stand
  • The Weathered Wall
  • The Weathering Halls
  • Wightwalk
  • Wraith's Gate


  • Weather Expanse was the fourth map ever introduced into Foxhole.
  • The town, Port of Rime, has been moved to various locations over the course of the game's development.
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