Endless Shore

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

The Endless Shore as it was named, for if you peer any direction into the vast sea, you will struggle to spot the other side. Much of the Warden's trading was done through Saltbrook Channel before the Great Wars. The Endless Shore once saw ships of all kinds dropping anchor in its ports. Being a major estuary, this region is under constant strife.
Old In-game description

Endless Shore is a World Conquest map consisting of multiple river channels, bridges, and large coastal landmasses. These interwoven waterways create natural chokepoints, where each landmass can become natural defensive areas.

Update History

  • 0.0.22 - Endless Shore was introduced into the game.
  • 0.0.31 - The map was revamped with multiple changes.
  • 0.20 Foundation of War - Safehouses were introduced to the game and placed through out the map.
  • 0.28 - The map layout has been adjusted to accommodate Godcrofts and Tempest Island changes.
  • 0.41 - The north entrance to Saltbrook Channel has been narrowed into a mountainous passage. An extra set of ramps have been added to the south entrance of Saltbrook Channel.
  • 1.50 Inferno - Preplaced Railway Tracks and Train Bridges were introduced to the game, with multiple permanent Railway Tracks and multiple Train Bridges placed on the map
  • 1.52 - Introduced major changes to the map.
    • The North Star was reworked, which removed the mountains and cliffs with buildable hills. Additional Garrison Houses were added to East of Liegehearth.
    • The areas around The Old Jack Tar and Battered Landing was flattened.
    • Mountains and cliffs have been reworked to make them less climbable.
    • Rocket Launch Sites were disabled. Their map icon will not appear, nor can they be rebuilt.
  • 1.54 Naval Warfare - introduced major terrain changes to the map.
    • Rocket Launch Sites have been removed from the map.
    • Vulpine Watch and Dannan Ridge have been removed along with their landmass.
    • The western side of the region has been reworked to accommodate the move east.
    • The Evil Eye Relic Base has been removed, and Sídhe Fall Relic Base was added east of Saltbrook Channel.


Old in-game description

The Endless Shore, as it was named, for if you peer any direction into the vast sea, you will struggle to spot the other side. Much of the Warden's trading was done through the Saltbrook Channel before the Great Wars. The Endless Shore once saw ships of all kinds dropping anchor in its ports. Being a major estuary, this region is under constant strife.
2017 in-game description

Somber Note

Somber Note
You find a somber note nailed to the tree.
This war—why keep fighting it? What are we fighting for? I won't anymore. Not now, not after Jackson—

There's a smear of ink between lines.

We've stood side by side since we were children. Trained together for years on, only to watch him put a bullet in his head. Everything's heavy now, I am underwater, I can't breathe. It's been days, and I'm still here. Getting hungry, haven’t eaten in days. But, I can't leave him. He fears the night. What would he do without me? Besides, I just want to stare out into the sea. At least I'll always have that, eh, Jackson?

There are two ragged sunflowers carved into the bark.

Location of Somber Note
Endless Shore - M13k5



Somber Note


A sign with directions to various locations in the region.
↑ Tuatha Watchpost.

Someone scratched in some illegible letters. It's hard to tell what it means.

→ Saltbrook Channel.

↑ Vulpine Watch.

Location of Sign
Endless Shore - F3k4




Vandalised Plaque

Vandalised Plaque
What might have once been a fitting memorial to a lost war hero is now in shambles before you, the plaque vandalised and defaced.
You can only make out a couple of letters from the inscription underneath, "u, a, n, w, v,” and what is clearly the word the word “us.” The rest has been painted over with slurs and vulgar imagery.

Location of Vandalised Plaque
Endless Shore - F6k2



Vandalised Plaque

Kelpie Statue

Kelpie Statue
A peculiar, grisly statue seems to claw at you from the sea.
Its pained expression causes you to take a deeper look, not quite believing the creature to be carved from stone. Its gaze follows your eyes; Anguish is not far behind.

Inside the upper jaw, your eyes land upon a small runestone. It clearly fits into an inset cut into the stone. Against your better judgement, you reach in and tap the runestone. Then, you quickly pull your hand away, imagining that it might chomp down, leaving you one hand less than before your chance encounter.

Of course, it’s a statue, and doesn’t move. You reach back in and test the stability of the runestone. You pull and turn and it doesn’t move. Pressing in into the slot results in a satisfying clonk, and the stone falls loose into your hand.

Some script is carved into the inset.

The ancient ones await your Sun. Your worth is naught lest it be won.

Straddling between the roiling green, a siren’s call is calm and serene.

She awaits those who would hear her song; but be afeared, lest your soul be shorn.

Location of Kelpie Statue
Endless Shore - M10k1



Kelpie Statue

Slick Runestone

Slick Runestone
This weighted runestone has rough edges.
On the back, there’s a crudely carved image of what appears to be a swimming horse.

A slick, wet film covers the stone. No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to keep it dry.


Endless Shore -w Icons & Locations.png

Named Locations in Endless Shore

  • Balor's Crown
  • Brackish Point
  • The Dannan Coast
  • The Dark Road
  • Dearg's Fang
  • Enduring Wake
  • The Evil Eye
  • Iron Junction
  • Kelpie's Mane
  • Kelpie's Tail
  • Merrow's Rest
  • The North Star
  • The Old Jack Tar
  • The Overland
  • Saltbrook Channel
  • The Selkie Bluffs
  • Sídhe Fall
  • The Styx
  • Tuath Watchpost
  • Vulpine Watch
  • Weathered Landing
  • Wellchurch
  • The Whispering Waves
  • Woodbind
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