Loch Mór

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Ancient, crumbling tombs mingle with plantations and homesteads on the shore of the historic Loch Mór. More than most, this territory was decimated by war. Fields ripped and torn by the pounding of boots and digging of trenches. Time has a way of healing old wounds, but scars never let the trauma be forgotten.
Foxhole Devblog 66

Loch Mór is a map hex located in the center left of the world map, bordering The Deadlands, The Linn of Mercy, Farranac Coast, Westgate, The Heartlands, and Umbral Wildwood. The map was added with Update 0.26.

The map's Town Base that contributes to the World Conquest's "Victory Condition" is Feirmor.

Logistical Locations

Logistical Locations refer to the ways logi can interact within the region, either for storage, transportation, or resource collection/processing.


Loch Mór has waterways that pass through Farranac Coast and The Linn of Mercy. As such, there is a Seaport located in Feirmor that can be accessed by Barges and Freighters.

Due to the numerous water sources like rivers, Water Pumps for facilities can be set up there.

Railway Lines

There are permanent rail lines that are placed around the region.

  • Railway Bridge - West of Mercy's Wish
  • Railway Bridge - Southwest of Feirmor
  • Permanent rail line that runs along the North Coast of Feirmor
    • Allows railway access to the Seaport

Water Wells

There are two Water Wells located within the region:

  • Feirmor - East by Northeast of the Town Base, across the intersection on the left side
  • Mercy's Wish - West of the Town Base


Depending on the map configuration, (North vs South, or East vs West) Feirmor can have either:

There are 3 Shipyards located in the region:

  • Friemor (Next to the Seaport)
  • Mercy's Wish (Southeast of the Town Base, next to the Storage Depot)
  • Ousterdown (Southeast of the Market Road Relic Base)

Depending on the map configuration, Resource Fields and Resource Mines will be placed around the region, with the type of fields and mines changing every war.


  • Feirmor will always contain a Seaport
  • Mercy's Wish will always contain a Storage Depot

Update History



A simple sign.
Welcome to the Olde Louster Farm.

Location of Sign
Loch Mór - K11k7




Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
In the field ahead, you spot several ominous-looking stakes driven into the ground.
As you approach the stakes, something ancient weighs down on you. The wood has rotted and splintered, and the bones of the dead can hardly be recognized as human. It’s no wonder the Hanged Men have taken it for their sigil; a defiance of fate.

The field surrounding you, now overgrown and wild, was once the staging ground for an ancient battle. Horrors have been committed here and will be committed again. The futility weighs on you.

You laugh at the irony of it all. Why did these men die in such a grisly fashion, if, after all this time, war rages on?

Location of Inner Dialogue
Loch Mór - D5k3



Inner Dialogue

Journal of a Legatus

Journal of a Legatus
You’ve found the journal of First Command, Legatus Alekos Dimas.
It appears to be original, but—after some inspection—come to terms with the fact that it’s a copy. Pages have been removed, that alone is quite the oddity. One sheet is folded over.

21 Temple, 783.

Those bastards in the Senate. All this anger, with no place to air grievances, save these trusted pages. How could they think to retire me? With so much to be done. So much left on the table. After all, I’ve done for them, for Mesea, in Aktío and now Veli.

Do these past decades mean nothing? Does standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Silas Maro in the ruin of that dreadful wall mean nothing? No. Early retirement is my reward. And for what purpose? Shall I retreat to the country, ripen in some crumbling estate, clutching my rifle like a child? This is not how I end.

Location of Journal of a Legatus
Loch Mór - E5k8



Journal of a Legatus

Rusty Shovel

Rusty Shovel
By all accounts, you’ve found a normal, old, rusted shovel. But then, you pull a tiny piece of paper that was hidden in the metal frame.
Carefully, you unfold it to find a poem, maybe a song.

They tell us to stand,
So we stand.
They tell us to fight,
So we fight.
They tell us to dig.

And we dig our graves.
For the end of the war,
We will not see.
For there is no end,
When the world’s gone to hell.

They feed us the dirt,
So we eat it smiling.
They arm us with shovels,
So we dig their trenches.
They hand us our guts,
So we can shove them back in.

Location of Rusty Shovel
Loch Mór - K11k5



Rusty Shovel

Boar Statue

Boar Statue
A beast locked in a dance with death.
A giant boar frozen in its moment of death. Who would devise such a sculpture? Its mangy look and terrified eyes revolt you, such that you wish for rain or a rushing stream to cleanse away the filth.

Location of Boar Statue
Loch Mór - N6k4



Boar Statue


Loch Mór -w Icons & Locations.png

Named locations

  • Bastard's Blade
  • Chattering Prairie
  • Escape
  • Fallen Fields
  • Feirmor
  • The Founding Fields
  • The Glean
  • Loch Mor
  • Market Road
  • Mercy's Wish
  • Missing Bones
  • Moon's Copse
  • Ousterdown
  • Pockfields
  • The Reaping Road
  • Rip
  • The Roilfort
  • Tear
  • Tomb of the First
  • Westmarch
  • Widow's Wail
Click on a region to open the corresponding page.
Home RegionHome RegionThe Oarbreaker IslesFisherman's RowStema LandingNevish LineFarranac CoastWestgateOriginCallum's CapeStonecradleKing's CageSableportAsh FieldsSpeaking WoodsThe MoorsThe Linn of MercyLoch MórThe HeartlandsRed RiverBasin SionnachReaching TrailCallahan's PassageDeadlandsUmbral WildwoodGreat MarchKalokaiHowl CountyViper PitMarban HollowThe Drowned ValeShackled ChasmAcrithiaClanshead ValleyWeathered ExpanseClahstraAllod's BightTerminusMorgen's CrossingStlican ShelfEndless ShoreReaver's PassGodcroftsTempest IslandThe FingersThe World Map of Foxhole. Click on a region to open the corresponding page.