Farranac Coast

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Located on the western edge of the mainland, this series of coastal beaches and islands were once the site of a large Colonial assault on Warden territory. Farranac Coast is separated from the islands by several large bays and has remained relatively peaceful for quite some time. In recent years, the tactical importance of the coast has led to increased Colonial activity, likely looking to regain a strong foothold on Warden ground.
Old In-game description

Farranac Coast is a coastal map that makes up the Western Coast. It consists of various landmasses that create a vast coastline, with several large beaches underneath steep cliffs. Further inland, it is split up by rivers, with the vast stretches of land in-between consisted of farmland and open fields.

The region's victory point is the major city The Jade Cove, which is located at the mouth of the River Mercy.

Logistical Locations


Farranac Coast has multiple waterways that are spread across the map. These consist of the River Mercy, Iuxta Gulf, and The Aging Ocean. These waterways allow naval vehicles to traverse anywhere across the map, which includes a water conncection to the Eastern Coastline, and their hexes.

Water Wells

Railway Lines & Railway Bridges

Update History

  • 0.4 - Farranac Coast was added into the game.
  • 0.10 - Farranac Coast was significantly reworked for the addition of World Conquest. The islands were removed, and the mainland was expanded to compensate.
  • 0.20 Foundation of War - The map was significantly reworked, which added another stretch of river and the major city of The Jade Cove.
  • 0.26 War Machine - The map was changed into a hexagonal shape. Certain towns were moved or removed, and land connections to The Oarbreaker Isles and Fisherman's Row were added.
  • 0.41 - a new entrance has been added to the north entrance of Jade Cove.
  • 1.50 Inferno - Preplaced Railway Tracks and Train Bridges were introduced to the game, with multiple permanent Railway Tracks and multiple Train Bridges placed on the map.
  • 1.52 - introduced major terrain changes to the map.
    • A mountain on the east side of Sickle Hill has been slightly shrunk, a mountain north of The Winged Walk Bridge has been widened.
    • Mountains east of the Jade Cove Town Hall were changed and widened, and an underground passage was created to allow additional personnel access to Jade Cove.
    • All Rocket Launch Sites were disabled. Their map icon will not appear, nor can they be rebuilt.
  • 1.53 - moved its location on the map and introduced major terrain changes to the map.
    • Farranac Coast was moved to the western edge of the map, where The Oarbreaker Isles used to be.
    • The towns of The Spearhead and Iuxta Homestead were removed. A town was added at Bone Haft.
    • Major waterways located in the north of the map were added/removed.
    • Landmasses located on the northwestern and southwestern were removed (these connected to Oarbeaker Isles and Fisherman's Row).
  • 1.54 Naval Warfare - Rocket Launch Sites have been removed from the map.


Abandoned Shelter

Abandoned Shelter
It appears that someone lived in this remote location.
Signs of life are scattered all over the rocks. The remnants of a makeshift shelter, a well-used firepit, animal carcasses and a beat-up old boat.

Location of Abandoned Shelter
Farranac Coast - D7k3



Abandoned Shelter

Cave Tally

Cave Tally
Along the cave wall, you spot a series of organized etches on either side of a separating line.
The left side has thirty-four and the right has thirty-one. A few in the middle are scuffed out.

You suspect it was used to count days or to tally something.

Location of Cave Tally
Farranac Coast - I12k9



Cave Tally

Inner Haven Vol. 2

Inner Haven Vol. 2
Volume 2 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”
...and let’s not forget Legate Thea Maro.

She was a visionary. None could have imagined how well she’d live up to and perhaps surpass her great grandfather's legacy. Naysayers and experts in the senate claimed that Warden inner defences were impenetrable, a folly to pursue. Yet, our glorious commander proved them wrong with her unconventional strategies and radical tactics.

To no surprise, she would go on to be awarded a seat on the high council representing Veli for her valor and bravery. It stunned the republic when Maro refused, opting instead to remain on the battlefield.

All of Mesea—and Veli most of all—should feel blessed to have such a dedicated and capable commander leading the Colonial Legions toward our inevitable victory.

For The End, Is Our Glory.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 2
Farranac Coast - D7k3



Inner Haven Vol. 2

Journal of a Deserting Soldier

Journal of a Deserting Soldier
A journal left behind by a deserting soldier.
I’ve decided to leave a trail with the hope it might wind up in the hands of those starting to question all of this. To reach those who feel hopeless or afraid. If my words find you, know this: you can escape.

I left this war as a high ranking member of the Swords of Maro. I promise, this is not in jest. It was heartbreaking. That company was all I had. To me, they’re family. Even today, I’d die for any one of them. But I learned there is life outside of war. You’ll soon find it too.

On my travels, a man taught me some Velian history. Our once great country struck a deal with Mesea hundreds of years ago. Did you know we once had a king? A Kingdom? The Caoivish are no better. Their greed is what forced us Velians into desperation. Their wall. Their need for control.

I'm not interested in fighting a war of opportunity. Are you?

I’ve met a girl. And, I know what you’ll try to tell me.

But what if? Why not? I’d like a life with her. A simple one, away from war. Would you turn down warmth in your bed? A fire to come home to? A home at all? It’s a risk worth taking.

We're headed north to Nicnevin. It’s through rough terrain where, hopefully we won't be followed. We mean to take the pass through Morgen's Crossing. A bit of an inside joke so we didn’t want to miss it.

If you arrive at the Crossing, you may find us and I hope that you do. Know that you have friends in the north.

Follow the stars.

Location of Journal of a Deserting Soldier
Farranac Coast - N10k8



Journal of a Deserting Soldier

Letter to Juno

Letter to Juno
Excerpt from a letter addressed to someone named Juno.
...I wish they had just cooled their trade expansion. I wish they would have left well enough alone and stayed hidden in their little mountain fortress. Now Maro, she... well, I think it's all about pride at this point but she assures us it’s securing our legacy. And yet she has so many mice whispering in her ears, does she even know what's truth?

How much longer do we let this continue? What's even left to fight for? Love, please write back to me. I must know that you’re safe. I'm leaving Terra as soon as is feasible. It'll be some time before I make it back to Kálokai but there's a barge coming along on which I mean to stow away.

This cock of a war, I yearn for you to see its end;I’m afraid I will not be so lucky. The lad who carried my letter, he’s trustworthy. He'll get whatever you entrust with him back to me. He knows the plan.

Please, enjoy the wine, I nearly died for it.



You guess that the letter never made it to Juno.

Location of Letter to Juno
Farranac Coast - H9k3



Letter to Juno

Messy Table

Messy Table
A table covered in old books and papers.
Standing out with its red and blue binding is a book detailing the journeys and follies of an ancient foreign sea god.

Scattered around the book are several tattered yet undelivered letters. You suspect most were intended to reassure loved ones about the state of the war.

Location of Messy Table
Farranac Coast - H9k3



Messy Table

Old Grave

Old Grave
A makeshift grave marker. Something is carved in the wood.

Location of Old Grave
Farranac Coast - J14k2



Old Grave

Old Grave

Old Grave
A makeshift grave marker. Something is carved in the wood.

Location of Old Grave
Farranac Coast - J14k2



Old Grave

Tent Notes

Tent Notes
Inside a tent, you find a handful of notes once passed between two soldiers. It takes a moment, but you manage to piece them together.
Oh, come on, Saoirse! Tanks don’t count for two!

Yes, you shit, they do. Oh, enough with the look. It was a bloody tank!

Some words are scratched out.

Ugh. It’s a game of body count. You’d get a point If you’d nicked the crew. It was a parked tank, you cheat.

Several arrows point to the word nothing which is emphasised by scratchy underlines.

How is that fair? So you’re telling me, you can count an injured Collie and it’s okay?

Fine. You get one point. But you need to stop cheating Cara, otherwise this shitty game is no fun.

Location of Tent Notes
Farranac Coast - I12k9



Tent Notes

Siren Statue

Siren Statue
A monstrous maiden sits atop a rocky perch.
She stares back at you, pleading; a demoness stranded within the neverending green.

Location of Siren Statue
Farranac Coast - D9k2



Siren Statue


Farranac Coast -w Icons & Locations.png

Named Locations in Farranac Coast

  • Apollo's Landing
  • The Bay of Artemis
  • The Bone Haft
  • Cackling Strand
  • Carrion Fields
  • Cormac Beach
  • Gulf of the Daughters
  • The Heart Road
  • Hermes Inlet
  • Huskhollow
  • The Iron Beach
  • Iuxta Gulf
  • The Jade Cove
  • Kardia
  • Liberation Street
  • Lushlands
  • Macha's Keening
  • Mara
  • McCarthy Fields
  • The Mirror
  • Mooring Dens
  • Pleading Wharf
  • The Reaping Fields
  • The River Mercy
  • Scarp of Ambrose
  • Scythe
  • Sickle Hill
  • Skeleton Road
  • The Snag
  • Sunder Beach
  • Terra
  • Transient Valley
  • Victa
  • The Winged Walk


Click on a region to open the corresponding page.
Home RegionHome RegionThe Oarbreaker IslesFisherman's RowStema LandingNevish LineFarranac CoastWestgateOriginCallum's CapeStonecradleKing's CageSableportAsh FieldsSpeaking WoodsThe MoorsThe Linn of MercyLoch MórThe HeartlandsRed RiverBasin SionnachReaching TrailCallahan's PassageDeadlandsUmbral WildwoodGreat MarchKalokaiHowl CountyViper PitMarban HollowThe Drowned ValeShackled ChasmAcrithiaClanshead ValleyWeathered ExpanseClahstraAllod's BightTerminusMorgen's CrossingStlican ShelfEndless ShoreReaver's PassGodcroftsTempest IslandThe FingersThe World Map of Foxhole. Click on a region to open the corresponding page.