Placage de Coque Navale

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Blindage externe très résistant utilisé pour protéger un navire des dégâts et de l'usure.
Description en jeu

The Placage de Coque Navale is a shippable structure used as a Ship Part in the construction and repair of Large Ships at a Dry Dock.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Naval Works) 2 x  Matériaux de Construction ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
1 x  Blindage Thermique ThermalShieldingIcon.png
2 MW of d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
 Placage de Coque Navale ShipPart2.png 00:05:00


Large Ship Construction

To be used, they must be delivered to a Dry Dock with a Shipping Vehicle and submitted by depositing them with a Crane onto one of the two loading areas. Once submitted they can then be spent through the Dry Dock menu.

Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Cale Sèche 12  ShipPart1.png 12  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  Nakki LargeShipSubmarineWIcon.png 06:00:00
Cale Sèche 12  ShipPart1.png 12  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  AC-b “Trident” LargeShipSubmarineCIcon.png 06:00:00
Cale Sèche 15  ShipPart1.png 15  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  Conqueror LargeShipDestroyerCIcon.png 06:00:00
Cale Sèche 15  ShipPart1.png 15  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  Blacksteele LargeShipDestroyerWIcon.png 06:00:00
Cale Sèche 20  ShipPart1.png 20  ShipPart2.png 4  ShipPart3.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  Titan LargeShipBattleshipCIcon.png 10:00:00
Cale Sèche 20  ShipPart1.png 20  ShipPart2.png 4  ShipPart3.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  Callahan (Cuirassé) LargeShipBattleshipWIcon.png 10:00:00
Cale Sèche 25  ShipPart1.png 25  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  BMS - Bluefin LargeShipStorageShipIcon.png 08:00:00
Cale Sèche 8  ShipPart1.png 15  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  BMS - Bowhead LargeShipResourceIcon.png 04:00:00
Cale Sèche 8  ShipPart1.png 15  ShipPart2.png 10 MW ProductionPowerIcon.png  BMS - Longhook LargeShipBaseShipIcon.png 04:00:00

Large Ship Repair

It is also the materials used to fully repair Large Ships at Dry Docks. One full repair consumes 10 Naval Shell Platings.


It can be stored in a Storage Depot or Seaport.


It is immune to small arms, fragmentation grenades, and 12.7mm machine gun fire but not to heavier explosives.

It is immune to friendly fire.
