Quai Maritime

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Un quai temporaire qui facilite le déplacement des objets et des troupes sur les grands navires militaires depuis le rivage.
Description en jeu

The Quai Maritime is a large player-built structure that is used to allow the easy access of Naval Vehicles. Ships can lower their ramps and gangways onto it to dock, unload crews, and resupply.


Navy Piers are built using Metal Beams and costs 50 Metal Beams MetalBeamMaterial.png. Their length is adjustable (between 4 and 25 meters). Additionally, up to 4 Navy Piers can be joined together to make a longer pier.

They can be built on any coastline not obstructed by large rocks. The start point needs to be less than 10 meters from swimmable water (roughly 6 meters from the water on Beaches) and the end point needs to be in swimmable water.

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be constructed.


Navy Piers are excellent for parking nearly all types of naval vehicles next to them, especially for Large Ships. Additionally, you can deploy a Crane on top of it, allowing for Shippables to be picked up and transported towards the shore.

While it is helpful in increasing docking space for Naval Vehicles, they should be used sparingly, as their construction could block vital waterways, or important water structures like Dry Docks.

No structure can be built on top of them. Shippable structures can be placed on them but not Tripods.
