Cale Sèche

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Un bassin inondable et plateforme de construction qui facilite l'assemblage et la réparation des plus grands navires militaires.
In-game description

The 'Cale Sèche is an extremely large player-built facility structure that is used to produce a wide variety of Large Ships.


It is built on water with a Construction Vehicle and costs 35 Rare Alloys.

Must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structures IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be constructed.


A single Power Line can be connected to it to provide the power required for production. The line can be disconnected by pressing the "Disconnect All Power" BtPowerDisconnect.png button.


The original builder, and squad members if reserved, can instantly demolish it BtDemolish.png if it was built less than 28 days ago. The materials used in the construction are refunded and dropped under the player.


The original builder can reserve it for a Squad BtReserve.png for 52 hours in the menu. The reservation can be refreshed BtRefreshBunker.png by any squad member. If the reservation expires, the structure can never be reserved again.

The reservation has the following effects:

  • Prevents non-members from modifying it (but not from toggling the dock area).
  • Squad members starting a ship production can select whether they want the ship to start reserved to the Squad.
  • Prevents non-members from remotely viewing the stockpile content by putting their cursor on the structure's icon on the map.
  • However the reservation does NOT prevent non-members from accessing the stockpile or starting a production.


It is immune to Friendly Fire but it can be flagged for "Disruptive Structure Placement" BtRemove.png to remove the immunity (5 "votes" needed).

Destructions by enemies of this type of structure are logged in the Region Event Logs.


When destroyed, it leaves behind a "husk" that can be rebuilt. Reconstruction uses the same tool and materials as the construction. Rebuilding it restore its stockpile but any ship that was being produced is lost.

Actions Log

In its interface you can view the Actions Log BtLog.png to check the modifications done to it and the logs of production orders.


Its interface can be accessed on foot or from the driver seat of a logistics vehicle by pressing E.

You close and open the Dry Dock walls with the Close Dock Area BtCloseAssemblyArea.png and Open Dock Area BtOpenAssemblyArea.png buttons in the interface.

Large Ship Production

Only one vehicle can be produced at a time. Dock Area must be closed to start a production. The Ship Parts required for production must be deposited on one of the two loading areas with a Crane and submitted to the stockpile with "Submit Loading Area Equipment" BtDrivewayEquipment.png.

Input(s) Output Temps

Putting your cursor on its icon on the map displays the types of ships it can build and also shows its stockpile content (if not reserved by a Squad you're not in).

Large Ship Repair

Large Ships can have their health, armor, and subsystems fully repaired with Repair BtRepair.png, with 10 Naval Shell Platings ShipPart2.png when the ship is inside, centered, the Dry Dock is closed, and it is NOT anchored. The process takes time and requires 10 MWs of power ProductionPowerIcon.png. The duration is proportional to the amount of health lost and is 4 hours to go from 0% to 100% health. The progress bar in the bottom right of the menu during repairs represent the current health of the ship.

Large Ship Loading

Items can be transferred directly to Large Ships docked at a Dry Dock by depositing a Material Pallet, Small Flatbed Car or packaged logistics vehicle onto one of the two loading areas with a Crane. You must select the desired stockpile in the menu if the ship has more than one before submitting the content with "Submit Loading Area Equipment" BtDrivewayEquipment.png or with RMB > "Submit to Stockpile".


It has an inventory with 15 slots and a stockpile that only accepts Ship Parts. Ship Parts can be submitted to the stockpile by depositing them on one of the two two loading areas with crane and pressing the "Submit Loading Area Equipment" BtDrivewayEquipment.png button.

The content of its stockpile can be viewed remotely by putting your cursor on its icon on the map, but only if it's not reserved or you are part of the reserving Squad.
