Corps de Fusée A0E-9

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Le corps d'une A0E-9 stocke le carburant et l'instrumentation requis pour lancer l'ogive sur de longues distances.
Description en jeu

The Corps de Fusée A0E-9 is a shippable structure used in the construction of A0E-9 Rocket at a A0E-9 Rocket Platform.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Rocket Manufactory) 20 x  Matériaux de Construction en Acier SteelIcon.png
75 x  Blindage Thermique ThermalShieldingIcon.png
65 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png
125 x  Alliages Rares RareAlloysIcon.png
25 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage V AssemblyMaterials5Icon.png
2 MW of d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
 Corps de Fusée A0E-9 RocketPartCenterIcon.png 24:00:00


Rocket Construction

To be used, it must be delivered to a A0E-9 Rocket Platform with a Shipping Vehicle and submitted by depositing it with a Crane onto the rocket area at the center of the platform.


It can be stored in a Storage Depot or Seaport.


It is immune to small arms, fragmentation grenades, and 12.7mm machine gun fire but not to heavier explosives.

It is immune to friendly fire.
