Lore References

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Scattered throughout the regions are little pieces of notes and information that gives clues about the Foxhole world, as well as easter-eggs and locations within the game itself. New notes are put into the game occasionally by the developers, and can be found in game by players.

This page consists of lore text pieces as found in and around the game. Some larger pieces, such as elaborate locations, have their own articles as well, where some background information is given as well. Interesting locations without text can be found in Landmarks.

Warden Home Region

Callahan Statue

Callahan Statue
The plaque is well-kept and polished.
You are a Warden.

You are among the elite.

Sharpen your skills, test your might.
Strive for glory and lead by example.

Become a Hand of Callahan and fight back the Colonial menace.

Location of Callahan Statue
Warden Home Region - K8k1



Callahan Statue

Colonial Home Region

Supply Report

Supply Report
Section of a supply report.
Resources from offshore states are dwindling, yet our local farms and trades are booming, despite working amidst combat. It's possible, at this juncture, that they are being harassed by Warden partisan forces.

We know they haven’t the manpower to defend. I suggest requisitioning twice the usual volume and pressure these outliers back into the fold. Send men out to patrol. We’ll need these supplies if we intend to continue our push on the mainland.

Location of Supply Report
Colonial Home Region - H11k7



Supply Report

Basin Sionnach

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II
A book lies open on the table titled, “Volume II - A Brief History of Caoiva.”
…upon death or inability to carry out his duties, the Witan will gather within the Fastness in the great hall to discuss potential candidates. Like members of the Witan, the Archon must be selected from amongst the original clans that fought during the Breaking.

These clans, brought together by founder Iain Callahan, have fought hard to protect Caoiva’s sovereignty as a nation, despite ever constant attempts from the souther colonizers to usurp her independence. This process, derived from ancient peace times. This includes taking on increase responsibility upon the death of a fellow councillor or Archon.

In the event of a fallen Archon, a councillor is selected as deputy and assumes temporary power immediately upon confirmation reaching Whedon’s Row. This power may be vetoed at the Witan’s unanimous discretion. Such a provision is necessary to ensure none may usurp the Archon’s chair without backing from the Witan.

Interestingly, there has only been a single sitting Archon, not bearing the Callahan or Mercy name. That was the founder of the country’s western Gem, Duncan MacConmara. His sitting, short-lived as it was, represents a tumultuous period in the country’s history, as he led the Wardens to defeat in the battle for Sunhaven which shattered the region and saw the country’s capital overtaken by a young Velian commander who outsmarted the man at every turn.

It was the sitting councillor, “Powderkeg” Jon Barrony, whose command held the Velian Colonials in the north, who signed the agreement with the Nevish Monarchy, which would later form the basis of the Nevish Alliance.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II
Basin Sionnach - J15k6



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. II

Speaking Woods

Cult Activity

Cult Activity
There’s a board with several interconnected documents.
Someone is trying to solve a mystery of sorts. You take the time to read the central document written by a Watchman Constable stationed in the area.

It would appear we have reports of a blood cult active in the north. We’re not sure who they are or what their motives are, only that they’ve managed to lure many young Wardens into their ranks. One witness reports these cultists laying out their comrades and assembling their corpses in strange shapes. Upon further inspection, we believe they’re aligned with the stars, namely the burning arrowheads.

These zealots are dangerous, hidden, and seemingly rabid in their lust for violence. Their targets have been primarily Warden and Watchers. We’ve seen no victims of any other class, nor do they appear to maim their own.

We believe they’ve forsaken the Sun and are making sacrifices to much older gods. This rhetoric cannot spread or it will lead to even further instability in Caoiva.

Location of Cult Activity
Speaking Woods - E7k9



Cult Activity

Callum's Cape

Grave of Niall Callum

Grave of Niall Callum
A grave of import nestled in an ancient royal graveyard.
The headstone reads:

The King of the Cape, His majesty Niall Callum rests peacefully.

He is succeeded by his four daughters, his loyal subjects, his people, and his legacy. May his great fortress city remain impenetrable until the wind carries away the last grains of dirt and snow. And may no other king lay claim to the Throne Upon the Cape.

Location of Grave of Niall Callum
Callum's Cape - H9k8



Grave of Niall Callum

Exhumed Corpse

Exhumed Corpse
Regrettably, this corpse appears to have been exhumed.
At first, you believe the corpse to be a victim of grave robbers, and that may still be so, as these royal remains wear no clothing or jewelery. However, there is one oddity you can’t ignore.

A shard of rotten wood is lodged in its chest.

The headstone implies the grave is for Callum’s eldest daughter, Mary, who famously withered away, sick in bed without eating for months, turning pale before ultimately perishing.

A sad story, you think to yourself. Sadder still that her remains would be desecrated, so.

Location of Exhumed Corpse
Callum's Cape - H9k5



Exhumed Corpse

Old Ledger

Old Ledger
An old ledger left behind on a makeshift table.
To ease a bout of boredom, you flip through pages, and everything seems banal. The ledger outlines accidents and supply orders, days operating and personnel additions. However, in the back, there are a few transactions of note.

First, the mine doesn’t appear to be sending its output to Caoivish sources, which, given the territory, you find strange. The name of the destination is obviously obfuscated, only referred to as “Omega”. It’s quite curious for what appears to be a pretty standard mining operation.

Second, several personnel in this file are also listed under codenames. Dog, Falcon, Wolverine, etc. Perhaps everything was above board, perhaps not. It no longer matters, anyhow. It’s been a long time since anyone worked this mine.

Location of Old Ledger
Callum's Cape - K4k5



Old Ledger

Reaching Trail

Meat Facility

Meat Facility
You’ve stumbled upon what appears to be some form of meat processing facility.
Inside the cylinders, you see the remains of—as far as you can tell—small birds, oils, and a wide variety of salts and spices.

Location of Meat Facility
Reaching Trail - F7k8



Meat Facility

Curious Poetry

Curious Poetry
There’s some intriguing poetry on a journal page marked by a folded corner.
Eagles fly, but only beasts takes the sun;

The sands of time have turned to flies.

It's no gift, but a garish curse, the machine always seems to run.

Who tells tall tales? it is not I, my brethren are plump with lies.

Why shoot the messenger?

But I know you will, Callahan always takes my gun.

Location of Curious Poetry
Reaching Trail - D9k9



Curious Poetry

Shocking Massacre

Shocking Massacre
There is chaos all around you.
Blood still stains the frozen earth and viscera is splattered about.

The blood has long since dried, the corpses frozen for many moons, yet curiously, the coals in the fire still smoulder.

Almost as if someone had spent time here recently.

Location of Shocking Massacre
Reaching Trail - C9k5



Shocking Massacre

Cara's Rifle

Cara's Rifle
A standard-issue Loughcaster rifle.
The name, "Cara"is carved into the trigger guard.

Small cuts are marked into the stock. This rifle cannot be cleaned. This rifle cannot be loaded. This rifle will not fire. It's too light. Blood pours out from the barrel when the trigger is squeezed.

You feel it must be cursed and aren't sure why you still carry it.

Location of Cara's Rifle
Reaching Trail - C9k5



Cara's Rifle

Clanshead Valley

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III
You find a weighty tome with the title “Volume III - A Brief History of Caoiva.”
A page has been torn out, marked up, and shoved back into the incorrect location. The title, “A Golden Conspiracy,” is circled and underlined in ink.

Long before the Breaking, an event which saw our country founded, each territory was controlled by individual clans. These families held sovereignty over borders that were often contested by the neighbouring clans. This internal conflict fortified our ancestors, made them strong and hardy, as those who fell short of their duty quickly fell prey to ambitious kings.

This only tells part of the tale. Some clansmen filled their coffers by making deals with the so-called “Golden Empire” of Mesea. It’s believed that the famed Callum’s Keep was funded almost exclusively through deals that saw ancestors of the Callum family sending foot soldiers and warships to aid in foreign conquests, while bearing promises of backing should war break out across Caoiva.

This part of the page is filled with markings and notes. One underlines the words “Golden Empire” with the notation, “Truth???” above it.

Whatever deals were made between Mesea and the Callum family must have soon been forgotten, for as war found its way to Callum’s doorstep, they cut off the seas with their great fleets and closed their gates, becoming more insular than ever. This ultimately allowed the family to maintain independence, even after Callahan had united the clans of Caoiva.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III
Clanshead Valley - K10k4



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. III

Missing Rocket

Missing Rocket
Looking for a brief respite, you flip through the papers on the table for something to read.
One letter reads:

Hey Puck,

There’s not much going on over here, so I thought this one might give you a laugh.

We shot one up into the sky, and it never came back. We followed all the steps and entered the calculations coming in over the radio. Sure, they weren’t simple, but it wasn’t anything we hadn’t been through a hundred times before.

Sorry, I’ve gotten ahead of myself. My unit was dispatched to coordinate the launch of a long-range ballistic missile. Truly a standard operation without much excitement to speak of. We coordinated with a team of spotters through a command center operating out of a nearby base. Every input seemed correct, and yet we lost the rocket.

It just… disappeared into the sky. I’d always thought the sky was a dome, but now I don’t know what to believe.

What do you think?

—Cpl. Theo “Artemis” Low

Location of Missing Rocket
Clanshead Valley - K13k5



Missing Rocket

Nevish Line

Railway Worker Radio Transcript

Railway Worker Radio Transcript
The table is in disarray, with multiple clipboards that detail various accounts and inventories.
Among them is a radio transcript between a railway worker and his overseer.

Erich: Crockett! Why aren’t these finished yet? We’re months behind schedule at this point, tracks coming out of several locales are yet incomplete. We need these systems up and running yesterday.

Crockett: Sir.

— There’s a prolonged pause.

Erich: That’s not an answer to my question. Or any question.

Crockett: May I speak plainly, sir?

Erich: Is that not what I’ve asked of you?

Crockett: Do you see men working the line?

Erich: Quit answering my questions with questions and get to it.

Crockett: *lets out a long sigh* There are no men. We’ve too little manpower and not enough resources. It’s just been me and Davis for the better part of the year. We make what strides we can, but requests for aid have been denied. I suspect—

Erich: This is absurd. Have you made copies of the requisition forms?

— Footsteps are followed by paper shuffling.

Erich: This is from back in Lunarly!

Crockett: Sure is. I’ve sent out requests near weekly since.

Erich: Blazing stars, what a mess.

Crockett: What would you have us do, sir?

Erich: Stay posted, keep up the work, I’ll see what can be done. Something isn’t sitting right here, that’s for sure. You’re a good man Crockett. This is respectable work given the circumstances.

Crockett: I appreciate that, sir. But frankly, this is worse than a mess. It’s a disgrace.

Erich: *sighs*

Location of Railway Worker Radio Transcript
Nevish Line - L3k2



Railway Worker Radio Transcript

The Moors

Veteran's Letter

Veteran's Letter
An opened letter sits on the table.
Saints be damned, The Moors?

Where in the hell is that? You’re being deployed to some to some backwoods town? Why do they call it that anyway? It’s probably frozen most of the year, who’s bringing boats?

I wish you could answer me as I write but I know it’ll be some time, maybe years before I hear back. They’re making me a prosthetic metal leg and once I learn to walk properly, they might send me back out. I’m excited. Feels like I just got started when I got caught by that mine.

The break has been… fine, but like you said back when it happened, “You are Mesean, your blood is gunpowder, trenches are your home, the dirt your soft downy pillow. Life is too short to waste working the fields or toiling away at a machine belt.”

Then you said something crass about my mother and that’s where my memory gets fuzzy. Once I get back out there, you bet your ass I owe you a stiff drink.

Location of Veteran's Letter
The Moors - H3k5



Veteran's Letter

Trench Bath

Trench Bath
There’s a barrel, some rags, and a pot frozen over with ice.
You guess that the pot was used to heat up the water and then wash dirt from the trenches.

Location of Trench Bath
The Moors - I8k5



Trench Bath

Old Transcript

Old Transcript
An old transcript of what was presumably a radio conversation.
Whedon’s Row is a goddamned mountain fortress. Have you been there? No. Well, I have.

Can we not assault from the sea? It’s my understanding that there’s a wide open shore.

Do not underestimate the Caoivish, Consul. If you think that they haven’t adequately prepared for this, you’d be mistaken.

Damn, they’re like roaches. What do you suggest then, Commander?

We should leave them to their mountains! There’s no value in Whedon’s Row. We’ll starve them out and they are forced to emerge, Caoiva will be Mesean soil.

Location of Old Transcript
The Moors - H5k4



Old Transcript

Hand-Delivered Letter

Hand-Delivered Letter
A note to a Colonial squad leader.
They didn’t want to say this over the radio, someone might be listening. Command is going to spend the resources and drop a company up north to secure the route to Nicnevin.

If the Caoivish Wardens make allies out of them, that would be bad news for us. But if we cut off the pass, we can stop that from happening. Or better yet, discredit them. They aren’t known to make deals on a whim.

Location of Hand-Delivered Letter
The Moors - G7k2



Hand-Delivered Letter

Hidden Message

Hidden Message
There’s a book with a mark carved into the cover that looks like a star.
Opening it reveals a letter addressed to someone named Ciara.

You said you would meet me here and we’d travel north to take the long route to Morgen’s Crossing. Don’t you remember? People are gathering there.

I’ve been waiting for days, and still, you haven’t arrived. Combat is breaking out in this region. I can’t wait any longer. I’ll try to wait in Morgen’s Crossing. Hopefully the fighting doesn’t make it that far. It doesn’t help matters that I’ve got a target on my back from both sides.

Location of Hidden Message
The Moors - G7k2



Hidden Message

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
It’s cold here.
You adjust your jacket and wipe the snow from your trousers. Tiny crystals of ice have formed on the tips of your eyelashes. When you blink, it causes your eyelids to freeze together for a moment. You’re tired and want to sleep, but you know that the sleep never comes

Location of Inner Dialogue
The Moors - K4k9



Inner Dialogue

History Book

History Book
A book chronicling the history and accomplishments of Callahan and his elite military unit called “The Hands”
Some chapters detail how he was able to unite warring clans, how he led a resistance against northern invaders, brought prosperity and hope to Caoiva, and laid out the foundations of the Bulwark to the south.

Location of History Book
The Moors - H3k5



History Book

Rusty Sabre

Rusty Sabre
A battered, rusty old officer’s sabre.
There’s an inscription on the blade. “Gough-Mercy.”

A shame to see such exquisite craftsmanship left to rust.

Location of Rusty Sabre
The Moors - E6k2



Rusty Sabre

Viper Pit

Viper's Skull

Viper's Skull
A large stone sits at the center of a carefully constructed enclosure.
Here sits the Viper's Skull, Kirknell's founding stone.

This stone, as it sits, has done before us all, and will remain forever and beyond.

Location of Viper's Skull
Viper Pit - F9k4



Viper's Skull

Letter From the Office of the Archon

Letter From the Office of the Archon
A stack of letters from various parts of alliance territory rest on the table.
Return addresses from Nicnevin, Whedon’s Row, Sorovia, while some come from as far west as Wenitai.

You open a letter from Whedon’s Row.

From the office of the Archon.

Judith Abell,

These pirates must be dealt with. It’s bad enough that such sensitive Warden intel has leaked, but now we’re dealing with gutless cowards too. Did you know they’re mostly deserters, the Hanged Men? I’d like to get a noose around their necks myself.

Now I’m hearing that you’re tearing apart our arsenal and fitting them with . . . with what? It seems like a buffoonish vanity project to me. The Archon is not pleased and expects a full report explaining why resources have been spent on nonsense. It would behoove you to act quickly, lest he sends the Hands. Were it a Callahan in the chair, you might have your requests placated, but alas.

Stop acting impetuously, Judith, or you will forfeit your position. There are plenty of sharks in the sea.

Location of Letter From the Office of the Archon
Viper Pit - E8k9



Letter From the Office of the Archon

Morgen's Crossing

Deserter's Message

Deserter's Message
A weathered and well-used journal with a star carved into the cover.
The pages are full and heavy, with notes in the margins and a very broken spine, which suggests it’s been read many times. Reading the last pages, you get the impression this is just one of many journals and that it was not only intended to be found, but shared. Whoever wrote this seems to have gotten their wish, as it sits atop many copied pages. Given the wear and tear of the original, many have laid their eyes upon their words.

The final page keeps your attention.

This is where the journey ends, I’m afraid. But only for you, dear reader. Not for Morgan and I, no. By now we’ve gotten on our little boat, and found some island to call home.

When our daughter was born, it only reinforced our desire for safety and peace. There are things you will be told that will get you killed. Do not entrust your blood and bones in the hands of those who seek to make a puppet out of you. If given the chance, they will oblige, and do so without releasing the strings.

There are good folk who want nothing more than to build a new world, together; a new society, away from whistling bullets and deafening screams. They would take up the sickle and hoe before lifting a rifle ever again. They wish to hear the laughter of children and music on the wind. If these notions appeal to you, do not give into fear.

In spite of themselves, these puppeteers have used us to construct a society that preys upon the doubts of the many to serve at the whims of the few. Senators and Magisters are not standing on the front lines to hear the wet crunch of bones when stray fire finds their comrade’s skull. They are not having limbs removed and replaced just as fast so they can continue to march. When was the last time an Archon stood next to his troops?

Enclosed in these pages, I have transcribed all that I know. I am imperfect. I have likely made some mistakes, but trust that I came by it honestly, and I only seek to dispel the fog that has shrouded us all.

So please, look to the stars, and seek your peace.

If ever we should meet, I will welcome you in with open arms.

Location of Deserter's Message
Morgen's Crossing - L2k9



Deserter's Message

Mesean Senate Notes

Mesean Senate Notes
A pile of copied papers are strewn about the table, each marked with stars.
It’s a list of names and occupations. The document appears to outline various hierarchies of the Mesean Senate.

You skim the top.


Magisters Prime

Falax Natvia - M

Deimos Leventis - V

Rogier Auclair - K

Lucida Silvanus - M

Amethystus Tullia - M

State Consuls

Iupiter Curia - M

Eris Maro - V

Guion Bassett - K

Altan Sydin - Mi

Hacer Ersoy - A

Paaka Vaha'akolo - LF

Oktai - AU

Gota Novar - Es

Mil Máscaras - Wo

Guntur Khor - P

Janus Licinia - Ai

Paolo Colon - TP

Gaius Evander - NM

Bhoj Sidhu - SW

Ramiz Gjergji - X

Alvaro Vaaz - Pr

The document continues on to list several lesser dignitaries.

Location of Mesean Senate Notes
Morgen's Crossing - L2k9



Mesean Senate Notes

Nevish Alliance Notes

Nevish Alliance Notes
Among the pile of scraps marked with stars, is a clipboard with annotated documents.
It’s an excerpt from a document analysing various movements and politics of key members of the Nevish Alliance. You flip through, skimming the details.

…mainly the Archon, Fionn Mercy, who held a millennium celebration—a fair of all things—outside of the Fastness. This was, at best, childishly optimistic, and resulted in the largest riots the alliance had ever seen.

Prince Jarvi, Mercy’s childhood friend and Nevish commander-in-chief, egged on the celebration, even donating to its excess. Millennium or no, Mercy’s homeland is overrun by southern troops, and his soldiers go to war in his name, while he and his cohort drink and feast like unfettered royals.

This pair does not obey the tenets that the alliance was formed upon, and furthermore, catastrophic events such as these undermine the foothold we’ve gained in Caoiva and abroad. Our allies will be scrutinizing Mercy now, or worse, and the prince? He might well be the heir, but perhaps he hasn’t studied his histories closely enough.

This is all to say we must better guide this new generation, for I fear all will fall into chaos and history will repeat itself.

- Percival Baronny, 12 Hawk, 1000.

Location of Nevish Alliance Notes
Morgen's Crossing - L2k9



Nevish Alliance Notes


Mother's Letter

Mother's Letter
You find a letter from mother to son. Parts are frozen solid, others smudged and illegible.
Why the Brigade of the Eight Sons? I . . . I understand fighting with the Wardens, I do. But must you fight bearing the legacy of a man who left your ancestors to die? His sons were protected, lived full and in luxury, but make no mistake, you will not if you go.

In your last letter, you said you’d already pledged, so I know it’s too late. But we can run. We can leave this land. Find a way out. A way to live. Come home.

The rest is, unfortunately, lost.

Location of Mother's Letter
Stonecradle - K11k4



Mother's Letter

Journal of a Legatus

Journal of a Legatus
You’ve found the journal of First Command, Legatus Alekos Dimas.
At first, you take it for an original, but soon realize it is, in fact, a copy. Some pages have been torn out, but why go through the effort to remove pages from a copy? A page is marked.

8 Cos, 782.

It’s a crisp morning here. I fear I’ll never grow accustomed to this northern weather. In many ways, I admire them. All these years, all they’ve built and to deal with those horrid winters . . .

My work of late has been no less frigid. These children are hopeless. If they can’t be trained they should be put to work. Yet, here I am, wasting away, drinking myself to an early grave with these whelps who can barely tell which way to hold a rifle.

I’m getting old, too old for this war, to be sure. This war that’s bellowed and cooled. I fear I’ll not see its end. A shame, as I’d hoped to see it through.

Location of Journal of a Legatus
Stonecradle - K11k4



Journal of a Legatus

Schematic Notes

Schematic Notes
In passing, you notice a set of schematics with various notes pinned to the stack.
Among the notes are instructions for refitting new parts onto the chassis of a simple truck directed at an individual mechanic.

It’s not ideal to entirely replace the axle, though you may think it necessary. We’ve built adapters that work with the existing axles so that when you fit the new part, the leverage is sound.

There’s a crude drawing of how the adapter fits with several scribbled arrows.

Now, as for how we plan to maximize space in the wagon? They’re built to come off peacefully. Then we can haul in a whole new fitting. Whatever the engineers want to try. It’s easy stuff, but worth noting that the chassis can only handle so much weight, so tell the guys to give’r a test before going all out.

Pete, if anyone bothers you about this, tell ‘em to talk to Ms. Abell. It’s her project. Don’t argue if they demand you stop, just get her out here, and she’ll clear it up. No one wants to see your guys get shot.

Location of Schematic Notes
Stonecradle - I8k2



Schematic Notes

Callahan's Passage

Lochan Depths

Lochan Depths
Kneeling over the ice, you peer into the frigid water.
There’s a chain of pallid blue corpses. Your eyes dart from one to the next, and you can’t shake the feeling that they’re climbing over one another desperate to reach the surface.

A pang of terror runs through your spine, and you blink the vision away. They are still, frozen and lost. To be reminded of this brings you no comfort.

Location of Lochan Depths
Callahan's Passage - K8k7



Lochan Depths

Weathered Expanse

Manuscript Page

Manuscript Page
While flipping through dull manuscripts, a page written in a different hand slips out. A letter, maybe. Or convincing fiction?
It was told to me that his men had all survived the cold and frigid water, but their captain wouldn’t leave the animals behind. He tried to wait out the winter, the fool.

This captain, as well as the livestock, froze to death. It’s said that when the ice cleared and winter passed, the ship sank to the depths of the ocean.

One by one, the surviving crew died of pneumonia. Months, even years after they lost the Burgundi, each crew member would fall ill until there were none alive.

No one would tell me the captain’s true name. Even the thought of it seemed to scare them.

Location of Manuscript Page
Weathered Expanse - F8k1



Manuscript Page

Snow-Caked Sign

Snow-Caked Sign
The sign is completely caked in snow.
You try to scrape it away, but you manage to disturb nothing more than a few loose flakes.

The sight of it chills you. Best leave soon or you’ll share the sign’s fate.

Location of Snow-Caked Sign
Weathered Expanse - C8k9



Snow-Caked Sign

Sign to Frostmarch

Sign to Frostmarch
A sign pointing in various directions.
The top sign reads, "Frostmarch Village 1KM."

Only, there is no town. Nothing more than a name.

Location of Sign to Frostmarch
Weathered Expanse - H4k9



Sign to Frostmarch

Ice-Caked Sign

Ice-Caked Sign
The sign is caked in ice and weathered.
You can make out the text, "Welcome to Welsford."

Location of Ice-Caked Sign
Weathered Expanse - M9k4



Ice-Caked Sign

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
You take a moment to pause and reflect.
Something about this place leaves you feeling unsettled.

Location of Inner Dialogue
Weathered Expanse - C8k9



Inner Dialogue

Musings of a Deserting Soldier

Musings of a Deserting Soldier
An old journal lies next to some abandoned bedrolls. It details the frustrations of a deserting soldier.
...our legion was called the 'Swords of Maro.'What kind of fuckin’ joke is that? A company of dullards running around calling themselves ‘swords’.

If Maro were alive to see what a farce his namesake has become, he'd have begged to swallow that bullet.

Location of Musings of a Deserting Soldier
Weathered Expanse - F4k9



Musings of a Deserting Soldier

The Oarbreaker Isles

Hollow Book

Hollow Book
At first glance, it appears to be a simple book. As you shift it between your hands, you feel something clanking around inside.
You tap the cover; It’s hollow.

Inside you find a hole carved out between the pages, revealing a generous amount of dried jerky bound with cedar twine. It smells delicious, but you know it’s worth too much to consume. Though your hunger might betray you.

It’s been ages since you’ve smelled decent meat.

Location of Hollow Book
The Oarbreaker Isles - H12k3



Hollow Book

Mouldy Old Journal

Mouldy Old Journal
You find part of a very old, mouldy journal. You casually flip through and stop on a random page.
The locals have told me a tall tale of a man they will only refer to as the ‘Dullahan.’ They say he’s some spirit or other who wanders the sea with flames where his head should be, beaming like a lantern.

Some say he rides on horseback, a blood red mare with its head flayed, exposing polished bone. Apparently, his ship, The Burgundi, was stranded in the north filled with cavalrymen and a cargo hold filled with horses and other livestock...

Location of Mouldy Old Journal
The Oarbreaker Isles - P7k7



Mouldy Old Journal

Letter About the Lighthouse

Letter About the Lighthouse
A letter between Colonial remote operations leaders.
There’s this crusty old captain in the lighthouse, anytime we get near he lets loose with a shotgun. I’ve lost three men, but honestly, he’s got it held pretty well. The lads are building a pyre. We’re going to try smoking him out.

We need that lighthouse for our ships coming to port from Katoma, they don’t call these islands the Oar Breakers for nothing. If you could send a couple more hands our way, I’d appreciate it.

Location of Letter About the Lighthouse
The Oarbreaker Isles - G14k8



Letter About the Lighthouse

The Linn of Mercy

Explorer's Journal

Explorer's Journal
Buried in the sand, you find a bedroll and rucksack, the bag sunbleached, the roll teeming with tiny crabs.
You rifle through the abandoned gear looking for something useful but find only a tattered notebook.

It’s filled with indiscernible drawings of what appear to be maps, each marked with an X. Some are paired with another strange symbol. Scrawlings fill the blanks, but you can only make out one paragraph near a map you recognize as the Vale.

. . . The Hanged Men, it must be them. Who else? It yields to nothing I’ve tried thus far. Small arms are useless. We’ve tried setting a hefty charge, and the damn thing hardly creaked. If we could only find something from before.

Those made in the ways of old, they had more kick. Yes. That crater, to this day I’ve not seen another like it. Find them, yes. A hefty payload, a hefty treasure.

Location of Explorer's Journal
The Linn of Mercy - M7k8



Explorer's Journal

Sunflower Girl

Sunflower Girl
A statue of a young girl offering a sunflower.
The girl’s eyes are both a welcome and a warning. She’s beckoning you to take a moment to rest, and to reflect; you sense the fear in her eyes just as strongly; the message is a welcome one, a reminder that complacency is rewarded by death, but also that you cannot force yourself to march forever.

Sunflower petals brush at your feet in the wind. You pluck a flower at the stem and set it before the girl, compelled by the dancing yellow sea.

There’s an inscription on the statue’s base. You read it.

Lost in flames, we are protected by the Sun,
Our gods need us more than a war needs won.
We stand by their side, watching down from the stars,
Praying for our kin, near and afar.

From the Sun’s embrace, we hold in our hearts,
The end of the fight is not far from the start.
Let there come peace when the Sun burns on hot,
Bring us your love when you meet us in thought.

We are the ones who did not grieve;
We are the ones who only believed;
We are the ones for whom you beg for reprieve;

We are those who have been denied,
A flame snuffed soon, yet our souls defied.

Tell us your tales, but be forewarned,
We march alongside the memories you’ve mourned.

Location of Sunflower Girl
The Linn of Mercy - H6k2



Sunflower Girl

Marban Hollow

Engineer's Notes

Engineer's Notes
You stumble upon a rusted old toolbox and a clipboard with loose documents.
A lot of it is remarkably well-preserved. The notes are filled with architectural sketches and engineering drafts, none of which you can make sense of.

Notes fill the margins, but only one in particular catches your interest.

The internal vaults should and will hold fast against conventional methods. It would take a concentrated force to break through, considering they’ve reinforced it with slabs and braided metals.

Ordinary munitions would do little more than chip the concrete. Only those versed in proper demolitions would have a chance at breaking through. Of those, there aren’t many these days.

Our take should stay safe. Well, at least for a time.

Location of Engineer's Notes
Marban Hollow - L8k2



Engineer's Notes


Old Flask

Old Flask
Just an old, empty flask.
It hasn't rusted, so you hold onto it. Just in case.

Location of Old Flask
Godcrofts - F5k8



Old Flask

Hollow Book

Hollow Book
At first glance, it appears to be a simple book. As you shift it between your hands, you feel something clanking around inside.
You tap the cover; It’s hollow.

Inside you find a hole carved out between the pages, revealing a generous amount of dried jerky bound with cedar twine. It smells delicious, but you know it’s worth too much to consume. Though your hunger might betray you.

It’s been ages since you’ve smelled decent meat.

Location of Hollow Book
Godcrofts - G10k4



Hollow Book


A sun-bleached human skeleton lies on the deck.
The bones have been picked clean. You suspect it might have been carrion birds or some kind of wild animal. Or both. Either way, a rough way to go.

Location of Skeleton
Godcrofts - F5k8




Island Outhouse

Island Outhouse
An old, rickety outhouse.
A sign on the privy reads, "Occupied.";

Location of Island Outhouse
Godcrofts - E5k9



Island Outhouse

Old Map

Old Map
Amongst the rubble you find a large map of Caoiva laid across a table. It’s wine-stained and torn.
The map is wine-stained and torn.

Despite the damage, you notice something peculiar. Various locations are marked by a black X.

Location of Old Map
Godcrofts - E7k2



Old Map

Farranac Coast

Abandoned Shelter

Abandoned Shelter
It appears that someone lived in this remote location.
Signs of life are scattered all over the rocks. The remnants of a makeshift shelter, a well-used firepit, animal carcasses and a beat-up old boat.

Location of Abandoned Shelter
Farranac Coast - D7k3



Abandoned Shelter

Letter to Juno

Letter to Juno
Excerpt from a letter addressed to someone named Juno.
...I wish they had just cooled their trade expansion. I wish they would have left well enough alone and stayed hidden in their little mountain fortress. Now Maro, she... well, I think it's all about pride at this point but she assures us it’s securing our legacy. And yet she has so many mice whispering in her ears, does she even know what's truth?

How much longer do we let this continue? What's even left to fight for? Love, please write back to me. I must know that you’re safe. I'm leaving Terra as soon as is feasible. It'll be some time before I make it back to Kálokai but there's a barge coming along on which I mean to stow away.

This cock of a war, I yearn for you to see its end;I’m afraid I will not be so lucky. The lad who carried my letter, he’s trustworthy. He'll get whatever you entrust with him back to me. He knows the plan.

Please, enjoy the wine, I nearly died for it.



You guess that the letter never made it to Juno.

Location of Letter to Juno
Farranac Coast - H9k3



Letter to Juno

Messy Table

Messy Table
A table covered in old books and papers.
Standing out with its red and blue binding is a book detailing the journeys and follies of an ancient foreign sea god.

Scattered around the book are several tattered yet undelivered letters. You suspect most were intended to reassure loved ones about the state of the war.

Location of Messy Table
Farranac Coast - H9k3



Messy Table

Journal of a Deserting Soldier

Journal of a Deserting Soldier
A journal left behind by a deserting soldier.
I’ve decided to leave a trail with the hope it might wind up in the hands of those starting to question all of this. To reach those who feel hopeless or afraid. If my words find you, know this: you can escape.

I left this war as a high ranking member of the Swords of Maro. I promise, this is not in jest. It was heartbreaking. That company was all I had. To me, they’re family. Even today, I’d die for any one of them. But I learned there is life outside of war. You’ll soon find it too.

On my travels, a man taught me some Velian history. Our once great country struck a deal with Mesea hundreds of years ago. Did you know we once had a king? A Kingdom? The Caoivish are no better. Their greed is what forced us Velians into desperation. Their wall. Their need for control.

I'm not interested in fighting a war of opportunity. Are you?

I’ve met a girl. And, I know what you’ll try to tell me.

But what if? Why not? I’d like a life with her. A simple one, away from war. Would you turn down warmth in your bed? A fire to come home to? A home at all? It’s a risk worth taking.

We're headed north to Nicnevin. It’s through rough terrain where, hopefully we won't be followed. We mean to take the pass through Morgen's Crossing. A bit of an inside joke so we didn’t want to miss it.

If you arrive at the Crossing, you may find us and I hope that you do. Know that you have friends in the north.

Follow the stars.

Location of Journal of a Deserting Soldier
Farranac Coast - N10k8



Journal of a Deserting Soldier

Old Grave

Old Grave
A makeshift grave marker. Something is carved in the wood.

Location of Old Grave
Farranac Coast - J14k2



Old Grave

Old Grave

Old Grave
A makeshift grave marker. Something is carved in the wood.

Location of Old Grave
Farranac Coast - J14k2



Old Grave

Cave Tally

Cave Tally
Along the cave wall, you spot a series of organized etches on either side of a separating line.
The left side has thirty-four and the right has thirty-one. A few in the middle are scuffed out.

You suspect it was used to count days or to tally something.

Location of Cave Tally
Farranac Coast - I12k9



Cave Tally

Tent Notes

Tent Notes
Inside a tent, you find a handful of notes once passed between two soldiers. It takes a moment, but you manage to piece them together.
Oh, come on, Saoirse! Tanks don’t count for two!

Yes, you shit, they do. Oh, enough with the look. It was a bloody tank!

Some words are scratched out.

Ugh. It’s a game of body count. You’d get a point If you’d nicked the crew. It was a parked tank, you cheat.

Several arrows point to the word nothing which is emphasised by scratchy underlines.

How is that fair? So you’re telling me, you can count an injured Collie and it’s okay?

Fine. You get one point. But you need to stop cheating Cara, otherwise this shitty game is no fun.

Location of Tent Notes
Farranac Coast - I12k9



Tent Notes

Inner Haven Vol. 2

Inner Haven Vol. 2
Volume 2 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”
...and let’s not forget Legate Thea Maro.

She was a visionary. None could have imagined how well she’d live up to and perhaps surpass her great grandfather's legacy. Naysayers and experts in the senate claimed that Warden inner defences were impenetrable, a folly to pursue. Yet, our glorious commander proved them wrong with her unconventional strategies and radical tactics.

To no surprise, she would go on to be awarded a seat on the high council representing Veli for her valor and bravery. It stunned the republic when Maro refused, opting instead to remain on the battlefield.

All of Mesea—and Veli most of all—should feel blessed to have such a dedicated and capable commander leading the Colonial Legions toward our inevitable victory.

For The End, Is Our Glory.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 2
Farranac Coast - D7k3



Inner Haven Vol. 2

The Deadlands

Sunhaven Sign

Sunhaven Sign
A slightly weathered sign with ornamental carvings and a welcoming script.
Welcome to the Great Caoivish capital of Sunhaven.

There comes a time when even our wise father Sun craves hearth and home.

- Iain Callahan.

Location of Sunhaven Sign
Deadlands - G9k3



Sunhaven Sign

Lost Scout

Lost Scout
A corpse who, by the look of him, has been dead for quite some time.
You pick through his satchel for supplies, careful not to disturb the bones. In it, you find naught but a letter. It looks ready to crumble. With the back of your hand, you brush flecks of snow off the envelope, and inch the letter out just enough to read it while kneeling.

Those southron bastards actually had the balls to march. We'd heard they might be buggered enough make a move, the cunts, but even with all I’d seen, I wouldn't have thought they’d had the sacks for it. Those fucking greencoats couldn't keep their dicks tied up and just had to march north.

Some good that giant bloody wall did. I pissed on it before the boys and I trucked back to Sunhaven. Those pricks're coming, though. Gather the mules and get the girls to Whedon's Row. Stars take me if we can't hold here.

Love, Uncle Sean.

Location of Lost Scout
Deadlands - I6k6



Lost Scout

NSRF Letter

NSRF Letter
You pluck a letter from amongst a smattering of papers and stationery.
By week’s end, they’ll be setting charges on that bridge to the north. To have spent our entire lives here just to be left behind. Mercy, indeed. Forgive my harsh words then, Carol—you’ve honoured our name in your own way. It was a mistake to have mistrusted you more than these walls. They have become our prison, our shame.

Under the letter, there’s a paycheck from the NSRF to the same addressee.

Location of NSRF Letter
Deadlands - G8k2



NSRF Letter

Callahan Statue (East)

Callahan Statue
The statue of Callahan towers over you. You feel welcomed by his outstretched hand.
There's a plaque. Most of the text is legible.

Caoiva's founder and first Archon, Iain Callahan, united the land with the promise of riches, safety, and bountiful harvest.

It was with his left hand that he offered our foes gifts of friendship, alliance and protection.

Location of Callahan Statue
Deadlands - G9k6



Callahan Statue

Callahan Statue (West)

Callahan Statue
The statue is destroyed and defaced. The sight is grisly and brings little comfort.
The plaque on the statue is charred and worn, but you can make out some of the text.

…instilled fear with his right hand.

With it he commanded vast armies and raised his shield for the good of all…

The rest is obscured.

Location of Callahan Statue
Deadlands - G9k6



Callahan Statue

Hospital Desk

hospital desk
You find the notes of an out-of-sorts doctor. Most of them are medical charts, diagnoses and random markings. However, one record seems out of place.
There’s not much left to be done, I think. ‘Oh, it’ll be fine, Roger,’ they all said. I ain’t no doctor and told ‘em that the day they put me here. All we have’re these bloody books to work from, and that’s simply not enough. Only help are crippled bastards who had no chance of seeing the front. Just the other day, got a report about some wounded men down south. These were folk they say might see another day, so’s we sent out a dispatch. Blasted truck never made it.

I worry I’ve developed a martyr complex, killing meself to try to help those doomed the day they were born. Perhaps we all are. Perhaps I’m doomed to this damned orphanage. Irony is, it’s kids here that die the most. Suppose I tried, ey.

Location of hospital desk
Deadlands - G8k4



hospital desk


The Salt Farms

Location of sign
Deadlands - L13k2




Rail Work Instructions

Rail Work Instructions
Letters, notations, and log papers lie strewn about the table. It’s all quite clinical in nature.
After shuffling through the lot, one letter stands out to you. It’s unmarked, typed, and stapled to a collection of notes lined with dates and corresponding group numbers.

Once your men lift the tracks, ensure most of the rubble and refuse gets cleared. Don’t dawdle on this. Reclamation of the old train Boneyard remains a top priority, but it means nothing if we can’t bring in new locomotives.

We know not how long these quiet days will last, and don’t mistake silence for victory. The Deadlands are not ours, but should we have any hope of holding it, we need the resources found within the scrap metal of the Boneyard. Send an envoy to Whedon’s Row once the job is done. Ensure a loyal messenger, ears and eyes are everywhere.

Archon Mercy will be sending the Hands to oversee the delivery of experimental weaponry out to the coast. We can’t give the enemy time to react. We suspect they are aware of our intention to field these weapons, so our distribution plans have been kept under lock and key. Even I know only the necessary details.

Between us, I’ve heard rumours that engineers work tirelessly on production efficiencies to once again field heavy armour, which explains the investments into rail infrastructure.

I’m getting off-topic and my ribbon is running dry. Get the work done early and I’ll have a few bottles of that Picarian butter rum waiting for you.


Location of Rail Work Instructions
Deadlands - I4k9



Rail Work Instructions

Endless Shore

Somber Note

Somber Note
You find a somber note nailed to the tree.
This war—why keep fighting it? What are we fighting for? I won't anymore. Not now, not after Jackson—

There's a smear of ink between lines.

We've stood side by side since we were children. Trained together for years on, only to watch him put a bullet in his head. Everything's heavy now, I am underwater, I can't breathe. It's been days, and I'm still here. Getting hungry, haven’t eaten in days. But, I can't leave him. He fears the night. What would he do without me? Besides, I just want to stare out into the sea. At least I'll always have that, eh, Jackson?

There are two ragged sunflowers carved into the bark.

Location of Somber Note
Endless Shore - M13k5



Somber Note


A sign with directions to various locations in the region.
↑ Tuatha Watchpost.

Someone scratched in some illegible letters. It's hard to tell what it means.

→ Saltbrook Channel.

↑ Vulpine Watch.

Location of Sign
Endless Shore - F3k4




Vandalised Plaque

Vandalised Plaque
What might have once been a fitting memorial to a lost war hero is now in shambles before you, the plaque vandalised and defaced.
You can only make out a couple of letters from the inscription underneath, "u, a, n, w, v,” and what is clearly the word the word “us.” The rest has been painted over with slurs and vulgar imagery.

Location of Vandalised Plaque
Endless Shore - F6k2



Vandalised Plaque

Fisherman's Row

Hand Carved Figures

Hand Carved Figures
On the ground you find a Colonial satchel amidst a makeshift shelter.
The surroundings show signs of a minor scuffle. Seems like someone dropped the bag in the altercation; six fine wooden figures spill out across the stone tiles. There’s a swordsman, a horseman, a general, a civilian, a pikeman, and an archer.

You get the impression someone designed them for game of sorts.

Location of Hand Carved Figures
Fisherman's Row - I7k6



Hand Carved Figures

Mouldy Letter

Mouldy Letter
Excerpt from a mouldy letter.
...they fled through an old mine.

Nothing in there but iron. Though, I heard some of the boys mention gold below sea level. Suppose you'd want to be informed if we’d found anything valuable.

The island fell quickly, for what it’s worth, but this brutish woman managed to escape. She led at least a dozen refugees through far side of the mine. Seems the workers had built a hidden alcove oceanside and loaded up supplies for months.

We're still not sure where they got the boats, however. Perhaps she cut a deal with those petty smugglers, the Hanged Men. Once they'd pushed off, the damned rebels collapsed the mine with explosives. Unfortunately, we couldn’t cut them off. Credit to them, it was a well laid out plan.

We'll send word to our men at the coastline to keep an eye out.

Location of Mouldy Letter
Fisherman's Row - J8k9



Mouldy Letter

Ragged Journal

Ragged Journal
You find a ragged journal opened to the last entry.
Morgan escaped and stowed away on a ship headed for Westgate. She said from there she would steal a truck on her way north through the Heartlands.

On and on she went, talking about getting a ship and backup and saving us — Blah blah. I didn't believe her. In fact, I was sure she'd die on her way out. Boyo I was wrong.

She pulled a knife from this dumb Collie's belt, slit his throat and gutted the wanker next to him. It was like watching a bloody dance. After they fell, she scooped up a rifle and hid in the back of a truck. The numpty waved at me from behind a few crates. After all that nonsense, I'm not so sure she is a liar, after all.

Maybe I stand a chance to get off this wretched island before I croak.

Location of Ragged Journal
Fisherman's Row - I6k7



Ragged Journal

Church's Grave

Church's Grave
A cairn that marks a grave of sorts.
There’s a scrap metal nameplate fastened to the front with something carved into it.

Here lyes Church.
He wuz a good boy.
An flufy 2.

Location of Church's Grave
Fisherman's Row - K1k5



Church's Grave

Inner Haven Vol. 1

Inner Haven Vol. 1
Volume 1 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”
…Legate Silas Maro was the first to walk the smoking remains of the Breach. Following his cowardly assassination at the battle for Sunhaven, it was his descendant Thea Maro who led our Legions into the hostile north.

Groomed from birth, an expert tactician with exceptional natural gifts, Thea exercised swift and decisive leadership. It was her will that brought us to the heart of Caoiva.

Maro offered the northerners peace, on the condition of joining our great republic. Such a distinction would have been an honour, yet they spit in our faces and call us dogs. If only they'd laid down their arms, we may have avoided generations of bloodshed.

For The End, Is Our Glory.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 1
Fisherman's Row - G9k6



Inner Haven Vol. 1

Loch Mór


A simple sign.
Welcome to the Olde Louster Farm.

Location of Sign
Loch Mór - K11k7




Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
In the field ahead, you spot several ominous-looking stakes driven into the ground.
As you approach the stakes, something ancient weighs down on you. The wood has rotted and splintered, and the bones of the dead can hardly be recognized as human. It’s no wonder the Hanged Men have taken it for their sigil; a defiance of fate.

The field surrounding you, now overgrown and wild, was once the staging ground for an ancient battle. Horrors have been committed here and will be committed again. The futility weighs on you.

You laugh at the irony of it all. Why did these men die in such a grisly fashion, if, after all this time, war rages on?

Location of Inner Dialogue
Loch Mór - D5k3



Inner Dialogue

Journal of a Legatus

Journal of a Legatus
You’ve found the journal of First Command, Legatus Alekos Dimas.
It appears to be original, but—after some inspection—come to terms with the fact that it’s a copy. Pages have been removed, that alone is quite the oddity. One sheet is folded over.

21 Temple, 783.

Those bastards in the Senate. All this anger, with no place to air grievances, save these trusted pages. How could they think to retire me? With so much to be done. So much left on the table. After all, I’ve done for them, for Mesea, in Aktío and now Veli.

Do these past decades mean nothing? Does standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Silas Maro in the ruin of that dreadful wall mean nothing? No. Early retirement is my reward. And for what purpose? Shall I retreat to the country, ripen in some crumbling estate, clutching my rifle like a child? This is not how I end.

Location of Journal of a Legatus
Loch Mór - E5k8



Journal of a Legatus

Rusty Shovel

Rusty Shovel
By all accounts, you’ve found a normal, old, rusted shovel. But then, you pull a tiny piece of paper that was hidden in the metal frame.
Carefully, you unfold it to find a poem, maybe a song.

They tell us to stand,
So we stand.
They tell us to fight,
So we fight.
They tell us to dig.

And we dig our graves.
For the end of the war,
We will not see.
For there is no end,
When the world’s gone to hell.

They feed us the dirt,
So we eat it smiling.
They arm us with shovels,
So we dig their trenches.
They hand us our guts,
So we can shove them back in.

Location of Rusty Shovel
Loch Mór - K11k5



Rusty Shovel

The Drowned Vale

Old Letter

Old Letter
Slick with dirt and damp, you find a pile of letters mingling amongst a smattering of small parts, tools and different calibres of bullets. One of the letters illuminates what this intrepid engineer might have been up to.
The mechanism won’t fire quick enough to make a difference. It overheats and I can’t seem to get the balance right. Everytime I try to hit the target it flails about wildly. Three tripods I’ve broken, Jonathan, three! How’d they manage it? Maybe we’ll never know.

I must have burned my skin to bone about as many times as I’ve broken fingers. These blasted old rifles… maybe it’s time to seek out new materials. New tools. I fear I may not be successful out here in the wetlands. Let me tell you, those dreadful birds never shut up!

If you have any thoughts, please write back in a hurry.

He signs off with only, ‘Your dear friend.’

Location of Old Letter
The Drowned Vale - E12k9



Old Letter

Dead Bird?

Dead Bird?
The grisly sight of a dead bird lies before you. Yet, depsite your own logical internal protests, you decide to take a closer look.
At first, what you take for a dead bird is in fact, a carcass stuffed with straw and leaves. Its feathers and eyes have been carefully reconstructed.

What a morbid display.

Location of Dead Bird?
The Drowned Vale - E12k9



Dead Bird?

Mad Scrawlings

Mad Scrawlings
A putrid stench fills the air. You nearly retch, but steel yourself and swallow it back. The source of the smell is clear; a skeletal corpse lay against the wall. A small rock is entangled between bony fingers.
Your eyes flit to something peculiar behind him. The wall near the corpse is plastered with mad scrawlings.

Hah. I figured out what none could. Stupid smugglers. Stupid me, I guess. They found me, and I’m sure you figured out what happened.

There’s another wall, you must know. Nothing less than a tank will crack it, and even then, I’m not sure that would do it. Maybe with enough force.

Enough . . . What is enough?

It’s dark now. Light flickers. Out of matches. Cold. Hungry. The monsters. Did I deserve this?

Location of Mad Scrawlings
The Drowned Vale - E11k2



Mad Scrawlings

Tempest Island

Hollow Book

Hollow Book
At first glance, it appears to be a simple book. As you shift it between your hands, you feel something clanking around inside.
You tap the cover; It’s hollow.

Inside you find a hole carved out between the pages, revealing a generous amount of dried jerky bound with cedar twine. It smells delicious, but you know it’s worth too much to consume. Though your hunger might betray you.

It’s been ages since you’ve smelled decent meat.

Location of Hollow Book
Tempest Island - H7k7



Hollow Book

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I

A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I
You find a book titled “Volume I - A Brief History of Caoiva” and flip to a random page.
Carden Callahan, the fourth son of our first Archon, Iain Callahan, took it upon his shoulders to quell the riots in Whedon’s Row. The soldiers were reluctant to support him initially, due to his lack of experience in matters of warfare.

As unrest spread southwest to Ogmaran, Callahan, leading a small force of his own men, infiltrated the town and held it without shedding a drop of blood. Deft in the art of diplomacy, his silver tongue earned him a bevy of new followers. They commemorated his leadership with a name befitting the son of a legend.

Thus, the Brigade of the Eight Sons was formed. Callahan led them into battle, proudly bearing the honour of his brothers until his death at the hands of Velian rebels.

Location of A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I
Tempest Island - M10k2



A Brief History of Caoiva Vol. I


Journal of a Grieving Highlander

Journal of a Grieving Highlander
Inside the cave, you are surprised to find an old journal.
A young highlander spent years searching for the Warden soldiers who slaughtered his family. He details his quest for revenge with alarming clarity. You suspect at some point, he’d drifted into madness. The last entry, in particular, is chilling.

I found them. We found them. Buried them, my love. One by one. They told our little boy to smile before they buried that hatchet into his temple.

I watched. They held my eyes open, made me. Should have killed me. They didn’t.

We made them smile too before we put them in the ground, didn't we? It wouldn’t do for them to go quickly, oh no . . . No. It wou—

The rest devolves into illegible scrawlings.

Location of Journal of a Grieving Highlander
Westgate - M9k8



Journal of a Grieving Highlander

Ava Gibbs Retort

Ava Gibbs Retort
A letter marked 'Return to Sender'lies on the ground.

You can tell it's in bad shape, and dare not touch it lest it tear and crumble.

To the venerable Alderman Higgins.

While I understand the construction of your silly wall has caused some amount of stress among the populace. This is of no concern to me. However, I’d implore you to stop sending Warden thugs to my doorstep—they scare my children.

Whatever your position, don’t presume to intimidate us, the southerners have promised protection, and have thus proven reliable. We will not be moved from our land. We will not be bargained with.

Make no mistake, it is ours. My family has owned this land for generations, you have no claim to it.

On this matter, I shall not be swayed.


Ava Gibbs.

Location of Ava Gibbs Retort
Westgate - J14k9



Ava Gibbs Retort

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
You give yourself a moment to get lost in the hypnotic waves of the Aging Ocean.
You reflect on the events that lead to this very dock, here on the outskirts of Wyattwick, taking the time to breathe carefully.

The salty ocean breeze refreshes your senses and allows your mind to drift. For the first time in months, you let your hand drop from the pistol on your belt, the one that’s been by your side since you were strong enough to lift it.

Faces of onetime comrades blur and twist in the dark while the crashing surf struggles to drown out all that screaming in the distance.

The crack of nearby gunfire halts your brief reprieve and a sudden sense of dread washes over you.

Location of Inner Dialogue
Westgate - E13k8



Inner Dialogue

Letter to a Consul

Letter to a Consul
You’ve discovered a forgotten letter. It’s marked by a Mesean seal.
Consul, there is a great opportunity here that shouldn’t be squandered.

The peasants south of the wall are angry and in need of an outlet. We should put rifles in their hands and let them march on their oppressors. Let them sow the seeds of mistrust.

If we establish a holding in the west, imagine what could be accomplished? If my hunch is correct, it would allow us to walk through the gates. The trust of common folk is a powerful tool and they already feel betrayed.

Our enemy has done half the work.

Location of Letter to a Consul
Westgate - K12k3



Letter to a Consul

Note Nailed to a Tree

Note Nailed to a Tree
There is a note nailed to the trunk.
These trees are no longer to be used for the hanging of criminals.

Anyone caught doing so will be executed on the spot.

Location of Note Nailed to a Tree
Westgate - F2k8



Note Nailed to a Tree

Umbral Wildwood

Crashed Motorcycle

Crashed Motorcycle
There's an old motorcycle with a Colonial logo painted on the side.
There's a ragged 'X'Scratched through it. Underneath it, the words, "Fucking southern mechanics"are carved into the charred metal.

Location of Crashed Motorcycle
Umbral Wildwood - D6k6



Crashed Motorcycle

Faerie Ring

Faerie Ring
Someone was bold to make camp here.
There’s an old Caoivish superstition about desecrated fortress ruins.

When the rubble forms a ring and mushrooms grow, it’s said to be a portal to another world, a world where strange creatures abduct those nearby, and replace them.

It’s all just superstition, though. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself.

Location of Faerie Ring
Umbral Wildwood - J5k3



Faerie Ring

Vehicle Husk

Vehicle Husk
You stumble across what appears to be the chassis of an old, rundown vehicle.
Its purpose is unknown to you and it clearly has seen better days. Trees, small plants and even flowers have overtaken what once must have been a massive vehicle.

Thoughts of the crew flash before your eyes. Images of ghosts who once piloted this beast until its engine sputtered out, only to be abandoned here, lost to a once promising frontier. They must have been some crew, you think. Taming such a monster would not have been for the faint of heart. You feel compelled to reach out and touch the damp, rusted metal only to be reminded that it is, in fact, just a dead machine.

All things must die it seems, man and machine alike.

Then, as if spurred on by your thoughts, you spot movement . . .

Tucked inside where the driver might have been is a small next. A litter of tiny lynx stare back at you, their frightened eyes glowing in the shadow of the beast.

A smile forces itself across your face, and you tap the machine’s frame like it’s the shoulder of an old friend.

Location of Vehicle Husk
Umbral Wildwood - I11k4



Vehicle Husk

Inner Haven Vol. 8

Inner Haven Vol. 8
Volume 8 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”
—and they still look to the past, to when Callahan united their people. If he was so great, and if their wealth so vast . . . well, their “wondrous” Bulwark certainly wasn't up to the task, and now—

The rest of the pages are mouldy and illegible.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 8
Umbral Wildwood - M7k3



Inner Haven Vol. 8

Allod's Bight

Scattered Parts

Scattered Parts
A collection of mechanical parts are strewn about the ground.
Picking through them, you notice a few you don’t recognize. They seem like they may fit current armour, but in ways which you’re unsure.

You lift a pipe and read the inscription on the side.

H5-Beta Vulcan

It has a curious fitting on one end, with large bolts and oddly shaped washers.

You toss it back into the pile and go about your day.

Location of Scattered Parts
Allod's Bight - I9k3



Scattered Parts


It's a journal written by Legatus Alekos Dimas.
Singed pages from a journal with entries signed by Legatus Alekos Dimas. Many entries are banal, but others are alarming.

24 Lunarly, 796.

I’ve eaten nothing but crab, rotten apple slices, and olives for the better part of weeks. I’d kill for some tea, or even boiled water. Since these damnable northerners locked down the border, I’ve seen too many starve: children, elderly, or worse. I’ve shared rations with my students to keep them strong, but it’s not enough.

It’s never enough.

25 Lunarly, 796.

Nothing of note today. Some of the children are sneezing up a storm with hay fever. It is common this time of year.

28 Lunarly, 796.

Death has often been a fixture in my life, and I’ve lost many comrades. I’ve accepted it as a truth, mourned them in my own way, through rage and duty. But this time…

I’m at a loss for words. My Ana, she’s inconsolable. The girl’s blood is fire and I fear she’ll too find herself buried in retaliation. The pot's about to boil over and there’s naught I can do to stop it I’m afraid.

The best I can provide is guidance.

10 Respira, 796.

The sight of her leaning in the doorway, painted head to toe in red. I’ve never seen a thing like it. She disobeyed my order, yet it was an order given only to keep her safe. Perhaps I may have been keeping our oppressors safe. They don’t know who we are, who she is. Gods help what they’ve unleashed.

Location of Horror
Allod's Bight - M6k8




The Heartlands

Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Poster
You find a note on the back of a recruitment poster.
Everything is written in erratic cursive.

If one of you Collie fuckers see this, consider it a warning. I'm coming for you, I see you now.

Watch your back, dogs.

- M

Location of Recruitment Poster
The Heartlands - C5k4



Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Poster
You find a note on the back of a recruitment poster.
A poster depicting a group of soldiers in blue standing side by side bearing shields before a mountain range. They tower over a pile of bloodied corpses in drab.

These are our streets. These are our people, these are our lands, stand up and join the Hands.

Location of Recruitment Poster
The Heartlands - C5k4



Recruitment Poster

Abandoned Workshop

Abandoned Workshop
You’ve stumbled upon what appears to be an abandoned workshop.
The table is covered in old documents. While most are irrelevant, you notice a shipping manifest stamped with the letters NSRF.

It lists supplies recovered after skirmishes in the area and names of a salvage detachment, their contributions, and payments for an operation.

One name stands out: Carol Gough-Mercy

Location of Abandoned Workshop
The Heartlands - L8k4



Abandoned Workshop

Makeshift Game

Makeshift Game
Inside the tent are two small bedrolls and a burnt out lantern.
Next to the lantern are piles of sticks pressed together to form two dozen hexagons sitting on top of flattened birch bark. Inside the hexagons are whittled wooden figures. Each one seems to represent something different, a rider on horseback, an archer, a wagon, etc. Some are knocked over on the outside the grid.

Location of Makeshift Game
The Heartlands - O6k5



Makeshift Game


There's a wide assortment of books.
Many of these books were thought to have been lost in the great wars.

You guess someone was trying to keep an archive.

Location of Archive
The Heartlands - O9k1




Wine Cask

Wine Cask
Aged casks of wine.
Someone must have smuggled these into the Heartlands.

Location of Wine Cask
The Heartlands - O9k1



Wine Cask

Fire Pit

Fire Pit
This fire pit appears to be well-used.
There’s nothing but charred bits of wood in the base of the pit.

Location of Fire Pit
The Heartlands - O9k1



Fire Pit

Inner Haven Vol. 12

Inner Haven Vol. 12
Volume 12 of a magazine called “Inner Haven.”
..the people of the north are so arrogant, they even name cities after themselves. Just look how much they spend on paltry trifles like tacky statues and lifeless paintings.

They're blind to our world. Will they even see us when the Colonial Legion storm their walls like thunder. For so long, they’ve looked down on us, but we'll be the ones standing tall.

All they'll see is the dirt we shovel over their eyes.

Location of Inner Haven Vol. 12
The Heartlands - O6k5



Inner Haven Vol. 12

Tobacco Case

Tobacco Case
A dented tin tobacco case.
Inside there’s a hand-crafted pipe alongside preserved tobacco wrapped in wax paper. There's a note.

Here's a sample of the Tobacco. Smuggled it out of the farm complexes southeast by Therízo. You Caoivish have never smoked the likes of this, I promise you. If you’re hankering for more, fill the case with some of that jerky from the Fisherman's Row. Leave it at the fort. Once it’s found, I’ll send a lad out to set up a meet.

Location of Tobacco Case
The Heartlands - O9k1



Tobacco Case

Shackled Chasm

Colonial Recon Report

Colonial Recon Report
You’ve discovered a stolen Colonial recon report.
There’s a typed letter attached, it reads:

Magister, we’ve heard from our Kraunian allies out west: the Bronze Men have taken the desert at Leiloa Fa. The Senate implores us to keep contact with them. They may be drunks and rapists, but they are a powerful force with whom we wish to ensure allegiance.

We offer them much, and they serve our interests in the west. This is a game we must play. There are whispers of resistances trickling out of the warring countries. Some refusing to fight, others refusing to provide. This is troubling. Reports from our own city-states claim total fidelity as anticipated.

I suspect the Bronze Men along with our myriad allies, will play a part in maintaining their loyalty for generations.

Location of Colonial Recon Report
Shackled Chasm - G9k6



Colonial Recon Report

A Personal Treatise on the Impact of the Hanged Men

A Personal Treatise on the Impact of the Hanged Men
There are scattered pages from a newly written manuscript.
The name "Tobias Zephyr"is signed on the title page.

You leaf through the treatise and stop, skimming over a few paragraphs.

Though the vaults were first discovered by sycophants and scheming thieves, exposing the inner workings of the vaults and allowing us access to relics of old has had its advantages. It is no surprise that many schematics and blueprints had become unfortunate victims in the various raids on our plants in the south. The engineers did what they could, but a mere imitation will always be just that, a second-rate copy.

Now through reverse engineering these beasts, new schematics have been drawn up, and we do believe we can manufacture a suitable replacement alloy for those no longer in abundance. What is more, various improvements to the overall structure, and we have made many modernizations. Such are the insights of these discoveries that we believe some rediscovered processes may yet make their way back into our modern arsenal.

The Hanged men, the greedy bastards, have done us an extraordinary service in hoarding the past—Colonial and Warden both—behind their mountainous vaults. It is a damn shame we had not discovered them sooner. In consequence, more intel on Warden manufacturing has landed in our lap, details behind the superb structural engineering use on the vaults themselves, and we have reclaimed a piece of our history.

The Magisters will be all too eager to study these schematics and their impact on the war effort. I dispatched copies by courier to Alympia College. Though Paeon would like to see their order abolished, I have found the Magisters to be quite helpful in my time on the council. In truth, it is a shame more are not trained. Mayhaps we would have fewer scoundrels. It is a foolish thought; the classless are like rats: stamp one out, and a dozen more take their place.

Forgive these digressions;they are the ramblings of an old, optimistic fool. Now, onto matters concerning the identities of the Hanged Men . .

Location of A Personal Treatise on the Impact of the Hanged Men
Shackled Chasm - I12k7



A Personal Treatise on the Impact of the Hanged Men

The Fingers

Hollow Book

Hollow Book
At first glance, it appears to be a simple book. As you shift it between your hands, you feel something clanking around inside.
You tap the cover; It’s hollow.

Inside you find a hole carved out between the pages, revealing a generous amount of dried jerky bound with cedar twine. It smells delicious, but you know it’s worth too much to consume. Though your hunger might betray you.

It’s been ages since you’ve smelled decent meat.

Location of Hollow Book
The Fingers - L9k7



Hollow Book

Unmarked Letter

Unmarked Letter
On a well-worn table, you stumble upon an unmarked letter.
After shuffling through the lot, one letter stands out to you. It’s unmarked, typed, and stapled to a collection of notes lined with dates and corresponding group numbers.

Dudley Balderstone… the legendary Sea Dragon hisself.

Ne’er in my years would I fathom such a man would seek the council of an old bilge rat such as I. Let’s discuss the details over this bottle of brandy you were so generous to gift.

Concerns of my Reavers harbouring deals with Meseans are unfounded; none of my men have the sacks to turn their coats. Protection or no, like yourself, I have eyes and ears in every cabin and every hall across the continent. No, Sir, ‘twas I who dealt with the wine drinkers, and only a matter of silver and garlands at that, no more. Let’s leave this palaver to honourable men, and what say you and I chat like villains?

We have quite the opportunity for a profitable partnership, you and I. Nay, friends, even. We shouldn’t let foul politics set us off course. Such is my sincerity that I write this letter prior to our sit down.

Here’s to popping the cork.

Location of Unmarked Letter
The Fingers - L9k7



Unmarked Letter

Admissions Letter

Admissions Letter
There’s an envelope marked “The Summit Institute of Mastery and Magisters”
You flick it open and unfold the paper. It looks to be a letter of admission.

Alexander Leventis,

It is our esteemed pleasure to grant you admittance to the Summit Institute of Mastery and Magisters. We are excited to welcome you to our novitiate campus in the heart of Mesea.

You are to arrive in the city in a month’s time, and must arrange for all your fees to be paid upon arrival. Once situated, you will be escorted to your chambers. These are exciting times, but understand that acceptance into such an esteemed institution is not only an honour, but a duty of the highest order.

Taking on the role of magister comes with an immense amount of responsibility. Respect and honour those who came before you, and you will, in turn, earn their respect.

Good luck and may glory find you.

Location of Admissions Letter
The Fingers - J3k2



Admissions Letter

Ash Fields

Phantoms in the Fields

Phantoms in the Fields
There’s an old, abandoned patrol camp.
Several small camps such as this are scattered around the Ash Fields. You suspect they’re used and maintained by various patrols in the area. It seems they use them for both rest stops and location markers. Visibility at night can be low in these burnt out fields.

Various personal knickknacks are left behind. It almost seems intentional, as if those posted here have made a ritual of it. Curious, you flip through a journal someone left behind.

They’re out there. I spoke to Chiro about it in the morning, and he swore on his life it happened. Alexopoulos doesn’t believe us, but he wasn’t out there at the time. But we saw them.

At first we took them for Warden scouts or a recon unit. I nearly called it in, but we watched them for a while, and they seemed to… float. I’m not sure how, but they appeared to slide forward, came right towards us. We raised our firearms, ordered them to halt, but got no reaction. They just floated right through us.

I’d love to chalk it up to exhaustion, which wouldn’t be a fib, but that doesn’t explain these… phantoms that we both experienced.

Location of Phantoms in the Fields
Ash Fields - H11k6



Phantoms in the Fields

Great March

Child and Father Transcript

Child and Father Transcript
What appears to be a written radio transcript of a call between a child and his deployed father.
Father - Why do we still grow flowers?

Child - to remember a time before war—before me.

F - And before I was born, and my father, and his father before him.

C - How do we know there was a time like that.

F - We trust our fathers and our mothers. We know that, a long time ago, there was a time of peace. Here in the old Swan, we’ve always brought sunflowers to the Fengari Church. Your grandad said it was so we could surround the darkness with light. To hold onto hope for a future. That way, the light can never to be snuffed out.

The transcript continues, but you feel you’ve intruded enough.

Location of Child and Father Transcript
Great March - I14k4



Child and Father Transcript

Child's Grave

Child's Grave
A small grave.
You get the impression it’s not very deep and was dug hastily. Carved into a wooden marker is only a name, “Markos.”

Location of Child's Grave
Great March - L12k4



Child's Grave

Grave of Dorian Grivas

Grave of Dorian Grivas
A granite headstone with an unusual amount of care and attention put to the nameplate carving.
Here lies Dorian Grivas.

Loving mother of three, loyal wife, fierce warrior, and valued Colonial.

Born in Katoma, Dorian ranked highest amongst her legion. With an excess of two hundred confirmed kills and twenty-five successful operations, she was a standout soldier who modelled exemplary leadership skills.

She will be missed.

Location of Grave of Dorian Grivas
Great March - L12k4



Grave of Dorian Grivas

Old Tent

Old Tent
You find a few bottles, some dice, and an unsealed letter.
I don’t know what’s happened here, Prefect.

I’m doing my best to make sense of the situation. It’s not like Wardens to peek south of their blasted wall. It seems we’ve rattled the wasp’s nest and they’ve seen fit to sting us for it. Tell the Legate we believe they intend to vie for control of the March to open up a southern checkpoint.

We can’t afford them a foothold this far south and must secure the road ourselves. Get reinforcements up here so we can drive out these coat-tailed whoresons.

Location of Old Tent
Great March - I7k6



Old Tent

Old Tent

Old Tent
An old, abandoned tent.
Inside, the tent smells quite nice. There are finely crafted down pillows and a fur blanket. You suspect they were pillaged from nearby houses.

Location of Old Tent
Great March - I7k6



Old Tent

Old Tent

Old Tent
An old, abandoned tent.
Your nostrils fill with the stench of alcohol and body odour.

Location of Old Tent
Great March - I7k6



Old Tent


Oil Spill

Oil Spill
Bizarrely, you find a note fixed to a metal barrel.
Dozens of unmarked barrels have washed up at the docks. The Republic claims these resources and a full investigation of their origin is underway. The oil found within is mixed with an unknown substance, and may be dangerous. Any unauthorized personnel caught interfering with the investigation will be reprimanded.

A strong sulfurous smell wafts from the barrels. Your gut intuition suggests it’s more flammable than crude oil.

Location of Oil Spill
Terminus - I10k2



Oil Spill

Explosion Site

Explosion Site
An accidental explosion appears to have scarred the ground here.
Nearby the crater you’re standing in lies a table filled with shells that you gather must be duds. These unexploded ordinances are all marked with a symbol that resembles a dog.

Though the shells were not detonated in the initial explosion, you feel no safer standing nearby, and resolve to exit the vicinity as soon as possible.

Location of Explosion Site
Terminus - F10k4



Explosion Site

Grave of Thea Maro

Grave of Thea Maro
A monument memorialising one of Veli’s greatest heroes.
In reverence to the great warrior of Therizó, a genuine hero of The Legion, and to those at her side; those whom she sent into the fray; those who earned the right to call themselves her Swords.

Legatus Domini, Thea Maro
782 - 847

Gladius Prime, Echo Pullus
771 - 835

Gladius Prime, Matias Bassus
779 - 843

Gladius, Meleana Seneca
792 - 821

Gladius, Lucanis Saturnus
775 - 824

Gladius, Schala Chronos
795 - 851

Gladius, Heron Aspída
780 - 815

Gladius--the name here has been vandalized with the words “TRAITOR” and “COLD BLOOD” carved over it.
781 - 860

Gladius, Yuta Horus
782 - 841

Thea Maro, Great Granddaughter to the late Velian hero, Legatus Prime Silas Maro, and Daughter to Magister Janus Maro. The young liberator of Therizó and her elite unit, the Swords of Maro, set in motion a turning of tides against the northern invaders that is still felt generations hence.

Their eternal rest is well-earned,

For the end, was their glory.

Location of Grave of Thea Maro
Terminus - H12k7



Grave of Thea Maro

Red River

The Battle of Red River

The Battle of Red River
The remains of an ancient cannon poke out of the surrounding foliage.
What knowledge you have of history informs you that this cannon is truly a relic of the past; one of the deadliest weapons wielded by your forebears. The black powder still stains the iron muzzle, though rust has taken much of its structure.

You consider the journey this weapon has been through, the battles, the wars. You have heard whispers of the famed Battle of Red River, and the thousands that marched over the very ground you now walk, the boots that trampled the grass and flowers, the blood that provided them nourishment in the aftermath.

They stood in lines with their primitive weaponry, praying to gods who would not answer. You take a moment to give them thanks, for you would not be here today without their sacrifice.

And yet…

The war machine churns ever still. More sacrifices must be made.

Location of The Battle of Red River
Red River - J12k9



The Battle of Red River

Remnants of War

Remnants of War
Rows of mossy dragon’s teeth stretch out ahead.
These concrete blocks are remnants of an old battle at the height of the Great Wars. They were employed to impede mechanized armour from advancing in this field.

Your chest flushes with heat as you consider the remnants of a war that has scarred the verdant fields of the Red River and beyond.

A daydream overtakes you, filled with visions of what might have become of these lands should war not have overtaken them. The villages and denizens who might inhabit them. The peace that is always promised. You lament the idea that this future might never arrive for you, but grit your teeth in determination that it will not be a dream for your descendants.

But grit only takes one so far, and your jaw falls slack. A sudden weight overtakes you as you feel compelled to peel some of the moss away from the concrete slab.

You pocket it, feeling daft doing so.

You’re unsure why, but this small token provides you with a sort of resolve, so you keep marching.

Location of Remnants of War
Red River - F12k4



Remnants of War


Makeshift Encampment

Makeshift Encampment
An ancient, rundown fortress has been converted into a camp of sorts.
A rotten stench emanates from stacks of crates and barrels packed inside the walls of this crumbling fortress. There are several makeshift shelters filled with unkempt bedrolls and belongings strewn about.

Signs of a rodent infestation are abundant. Hidden in the dark corners you the see the glowing yellowing eyes of small cats staring back, as if afraid of your presence.

You first posit that they must have used these stone walls as cover for a refugee camp. Upon further inspection, you spot many signs that children would have occupied this space. Dolls and clothing too small for an adult, small games and useless trinkets.

Whoever occupied this space, they were well-stocked for a long winter. Nothing indicates a struggle, no bodies, blood, no bullet holes in the walls, and everything seems almost frozen in time. The occupants would have picked up only what they had around them and left, especially with so much food left to rot.

Wherever the children have gone, you are thankful they at least had some safety behind these ancient walls and hope they were given shelter in the nearby town.

You press a hand to the cold stone and close your eyes. Along with the blowing wind and leaves, you swear the walls are breathing. Perhaps sighing.

You’re probably just imagining things.

Location of Makeshift Encampment
Acrithia - I11k2



Makeshift Encampment

Stone Carving

Stone Carving
You notice something out of place on the stones.
Something is carved into the wall.

Temple of the Third Spears

Cirillo House

Each letter is carefully considered, spaced and lined impeccably. Someone put quite the effort into ensuring the cuts were deep and legible.

Location of Stone Carving
Acrithia - I11k2



Stone Carving

Makeshift Altar

Makeshift Altar
There’s an altar, makeshift as it is.
A small altar has been constructed from logs and clay bowls. It seems to have been a well-trodden area from the looks of things. There are several empty journals that would’ve likely been used to practice self-reflection, a common Velian practice.

There are several crude children’s drawings to the left of the altar. The whole setup feels like as though this crumbling fort once harboured an entire community.

Location of Makeshift Altar
Acrithia - I11k2



Makeshift Altar


Rusting Bones

Rusting Bones
You’ve found a journal of First Command, Legatus Alekos Dimas.
This obvious copy has a broken spine, and more than half of the journal has been burned, leaving only a few pages legible. You believe that someone, somewhere, doesn’t want this book being read, considering it’s one of many untouched books in the vicinity.

8 Hawk, 799.

Some time has passed since I’ve last written, and the regret weighs on me. Introspection is a vital skill, but it seems such a folly to sharpen the brain as the bones rust.

12 Cos, 800.

You note the handwriting here is significantly shakier than the earlier entry.

Many moons hence, I lamented having to train a bunch of children after being shipped away to that damned northern coastal city. I hated the salty breeze, the taste of fish, and the lazy locals.

Now that I’m free of it all, I find myself dreaming of those days. I think of the twins as my own daughters, cannot separate that notion from reality. I miss them dearly and sometimes feel the grit of dirt under my fingernails from the burial. Ana’s tears still dampen my old knuckles and when I close my eyes, all I see is that steely look in her eyes, as if she would happily hold a torch to the world with a smile on her face.

Sometimes I take responsibility, my old frame simply in the way, out of touch, not thorough enough in my instruction. But that’s only self-flagellation. A piteous way to live if I’d ever known it. I am not that man.

My hand aches; I should stop. Perhaps in time I will feel comforted with all that I have done, but for now all I feel is wonder.

Location of Rusting Bones
Kalokai - G12k4



Rusting Bones

Old Fight Advertisement

Old Fight Advertisement
An old fight advertisement.
An old fight lineup is pinned to the wall. For the main attraction, there are two drawings. One man is mustachioed, wearing a wolf’s fur, baring his teeth. The other is a shirtless, muscular man.

Brawl With the Beasts
The Prince vs. Kastor Leon

See the prince of the wilds take on the blood of the Lionheart in a clash for the ages in this exhibition bout.


The Formidable Phalanx vs. The Desert Lions

Mounted Contest
Myron “The Mist” Filo vs. Jude Mavros

A Battle of Centurions - Bare-Handed Wrestling Bout
Cen. Miltiades Pagonis vs. Cen. Iduma Hasapi

It’s your understanding that such events are common in the south, that Velians and Meseans share a history of exhibition combat to sharpen their senses while providing entertainment.

Behind a wall, you spot a pair of shackles. Perhaps not all combatants willingly participate.

Location of Old Fight Advertisement
Kalokai - F6k8



Old Fight Advertisement

Vehicles and Weapons

H-5 “Hatchet”

H5 hatchet lore.png

Late into the Great Wars, the Colonials were not able to make much forward progress, as their armoured forces struggled with the terrain north of the Deadlands. Having failed in a campaign near Whedon's Row, a young, talented engineer from the industrialized western city-state of Dimiourg developed the H-class light tank.
The H5, or "Hatchet" (as it's been lovingly dubbed by the Legion) is a versatile light tank capable of navigating through tight mountainous regions or urban streets. Unlike earlier H-class tanks used prior to the Boreal Wars, the Hatchet's design needed to be streamlined due to dwindling resources. As a result, it can now accommodate a 3 person crew and can reach slightly higher speeds. This makes the Hatchet a perfect tool in a first recon operation or in the advance guard of an assault

Devitt Mk. III

Devitt mark III lore.png

Based on one of the first mechanized vehicles ever commissioned for war, The Devitt series of light tanks were a refinement and a repurposing built to adapt to changing battle conditions. To the north of River Mercy in Mooring County, a new design went into development shortly after the Breaching. With its enchanced resistance to ballistics and increased maneuverability for its crew, the Devitt allowed the Wardens to keep pace with the Colonials, who at the time were far more efficient.
Even with these advantages, the earliest models of the Devitt were masterful examples of care and craftsmanship. These armored vehicles may have been works of art, but they were very time-consuming and expensive to develop. The Mark III was designed to increase efficiency and lower production costs. During this time, the Wardens began recycling their decommissioned vehicles by melting them back down to raw materials. This updated design allowed for easier manufacturing and fitting of recycled parts; this meant more Devitts could be sent out to the field. Whether it's on the front line, protecting a convoy, or leading a border assault, the Devitt is a sturdy and reliable asset.

Landing APC

Landing APC Lore.jpg

The multipurpose Landing APC is an amphibious warfare vehicle designed to transport infantry across both land and sea. This is an all terrain carrier that can hold up to eight soldiers and has a moderate amount of storage space. Capable of resisting small arms and explosives, this vehicle is effective at ferrying troops into combat zones at the front line.
An earlier model of the Landing A.P.C. was instrumental for the Colonials in taking Fisherman's Row and the beach landings of Farranac Coast. This particular vehicle has been iterated on many times throughout the years since the Great Wars, with variations coming from both Warden and Colonial engineers. If there's water to cross, the Landing A.P.C. is invaluable in strategic manuevering or running soldiers and supplies offshore.

Field Machine Gun

A wheel mounted, high caliber, anti-infantry gun that requires two soldiers to transport and operate. The Field Machine Gun is excellent and repelling enemy infantry and will also have superior suppression capability. During the Great Wars, these heavy guns were only used on static emplacements for defensive purposes, but they have since been repurposed for the field. Equipped with 12.7mm rounds, the Field Machine Gun is feared on the battlefield for it's ability to steamroll through well defended positions. A front facing armored shielding provides cover, allowing operators to push forward during attacks with relative safety.

Siege Tank

Devstream 86 Slides-21.png

A relatively recent addition to the Colonial arsenal, the HC-7 or "Ballista is a specialized tank fitted with a front-facing mortar cannon designed to level structures with ease. Built on the bones of the smaller but proven H-series chassis, the HC series of tanks brings improved armour, more reliable treads along with the formidable 250mm short-barrelled Hades mortar.
The team behind the ballista operated out of the Velian capital of Damokratos. This intrepid young crew apprenticed under the engineers responsible for the L-series or "Lance" battle tank, earning invaluable experience. One intrepid mechanic by the name of Dell'oro Ricci noted the H-series' inability to directly tackle defensive structures and would often fall behind or suffer significant damage, thus identifying a gap in the Colonial arsenal.
The Ballista has since become a staple in the Legion's feared armour division and -living up to its namesake- lays siege to our enemies before the know what hit them.

O'Brien V.110

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In response to border insurgents south of the Bulwark, the O'Brien V.110 Light Armoured Car was developed to eliminate infantry in tight, urban locals. Sacrificing heavier armour for speed, mobility, and versatility, it can maneuver between buildings, walls, and tight streets with ease. After several prototypes and defenses, the v110 manages to strike the perfect balance and is a true testament to Warden resilience.

T3 “Xiphos”

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A mainstay of the Colonial arsenal, the T3 Armoured Escort or “Xiphos” has lead urban assaults for decades. Like a snake the Xiphos can strike at a moment's notice and from any direction. Its lightly armoured exterior protects its crew, while the fang-like turret cuts down any resisting infantry. Since its inception, the Xiphos has been feared by opposing forces and to this day remains a harbinger of the Colonial Legion.

Flood Mk. I

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When Cormac Flood designed this, the Wardens' newest armour, they knew it needed to compete with what was, at the time, a far more versatile Colonial assault division. During the burnout of the Great Wars, Flood tore apart an abandoned Colonial Lance. With new knowledge gained, he applied his skill as a craftsman and engineer to design a vehicle that was more efficacious and could out-maneuver or out-gun anything the Colonials could throw at it.

"I won't let them outsmart us, I won't. They're brutes, bullies with no class. When they march on our glorious capital once more, they'll find themselves confronted by a beast the likes of which their worst nightmares couldn't possibly conceive." -Cormac Flood.


The Battle of Red River

Two hundred years before the onset of the Great Wars, a civil war sundered the country of Veli. Caught between the Meseans of the south and the northern Caoivish, an ideological rift threatened the fabric of unity."

As the first stones of the Bulwark - a coast-to-coast wall built as a response to ongoing tensions with the south - were set, many Velians feared what it might mean to be cut off from northern aid. Other were dismayed by the prospect of increasing Mesean occupation.

Now, after fifteen years of bloody conflict, the hands of Veli make on final stand at the apex of the Red River against encroaching Republican Colonial Forces. The Battle of Red River would have a monumental impact on the centuries to follow.
Will there be a glimmer of peace or generations of violence?"


Developer Comments

Developers have given info about the game lore through comments on the Foxhole Official Discord over the years.