This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.59) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.
Une variante allégée du Char d'Assaut Silverhand qui sacrifie blindage et protection en faveur d'un puissant canon de 94,5 mm. Cette plateforme d'armement à toit ouvert est conçu de façon unique pour interception les blindés ennemis avant qu'ils n'aient le temps de riposter. Son surnom est un hommage à la mutilation du grand roi qui donne son nom au Silverhand; bien que son titre lui ait été retiré, et son orgueil blessé, sa rage ne fut jamais jugulée.
— Description en jeu
The Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X (also known as an STD) is a late-game WardenChar d'assaut equipped with a hull-mounted, low-velocity 94.5mm main cannon. Its most distinctive feature is the open-top chassis, which exposes the crew to the outside.
Le véhicule a 3100 points de vie et est endommagé sous 30% de santé. Il a une résistance "Heavy Armor" (blindé lourd): il n'a pas peur des tirs d'armes légères, des mitrailleuses 12.7mm, ni du shrapnel, et les Lance-flammes ne lui font rien. Les explosifs lourds et les armes antichars représente un vrai danger. Il a des sous-systèmes ont une probabilité d'être endommagés lorsque spécifiquement touché par des explosifs lourds ou des armes antichars: Chenilles: 30% (les Mines Anticharss les endommagent toujours), Réservoir: 20%, Tourelle/Canon: 20%. Il a un Blindage de char. Grâce à celui-ci dans le meilleur scénario les projectiles pénétrants n'ont que 30% de chance de pénétrer et faire des dégâts. Cette probabilité augmente rapidement si le blindage est usé ou si touché de près, ou touché sur le côté ou l'arrière avec un angle droit, ou avec des munitions qui ont un bonus de pénétration. Il faut 200 Matériaux Basiques pour le réparer complétement de 1% à 100% de santé avec un Marteau. Sa santé, ses sous-systèmes, et son blindage peuvent être réparés instantanément à un Garage pour 100 Matériaux Basiques.
The Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X excels at vehicle combat, being able to inflict massive damage against enemy armored vehicles with its main cannon (its firing arc is limited due to being mounted in the hull). Due to 94.5mm being an AP round, it has a higher chance of penetrating armor, and can disable subsystems easier compared to explosive rounds. Targeting enemy vehicle's subsystems is highly recommended.
Due to the open-top nature of the vehicle, it is far easier to be decrewed by enemy infantry, and armored vehicles using 'air-bursting' tactics (the tactic of firing a round at max range, which will instantly explode once it reaches that max range). Additionally, it's recommended for crews to be extremely careful during combat and not putting themselves in vulnerable situations where the enemy can exploit its flanks, or the open-top nature of the vehicle.
Although it is possible to use the tank without a Commander, it's not recommended as it will limit your awareness on the battlefield.
Standard Equipment Loadout
Like with every other armored vehicle, the crew should ALWAYS equip themselves with a Gas Mask and multiple Filters to avoid dying to Gas Grenades. Additionally, they should bring a Hammer and Basic Materials to repair the tank. These tactics can be buffed by wearing either a Tank Uniform or an Engineer Uniform.
Like all vehicles that use large shells, they can be quickly submitted into them without accessing their inventory
While this can be done for all vehicles, it should only be done if they can carry/use large items
Equip the shell and walk up to the vehicle
Submit the shell into the vehicle - pressV
Similar to the H10 "Pelekys" (also known as the LTD), the Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X does not have a Commander seat when pressing the Shift + Q menu, as they do not have a hatch they can pop out of by pressing E. Due to the Passenger seat being able to use their secondary equipment for open-top vehicles, it fits largely the same role as the Commander seat
Due to balance reasons, the Silverhand Lordscar - Mk. X was the first 94.5mm vehicle in the game that was given a low-velocity modifier. This was largely due to its fast maneuverability, which allowed it to quickly engage enemy armored vehicles, with most engagements ending in two shots.
These balance changes led to the nerf of the 94.5mm shell, which reduced its subsystem disable chance being reduced. Despite the change, the previous nerf was still implemented.
The Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X from the front
The Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X from the rear
A Silverhand Lordscar Mk. X being loaded into a Freighter