Niska Mk. III Scar Twin

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.56) of the game.

La troisième déclinaison du Niska Motor Carriage est équipée de deux mitrailleuses au détriment de la protection des passagers et de la puissance de feu globale. Cette modification était à l'origine un ajustement ad hoc effectué par les mécaniciens sur le terrain, mais elle a rapidement été demandée par les régiments de blindés sur la ligne de front Caoiva-Veli.
Description en jeu

The Niska Mk. III Scar Twin (also known as a Scar Twin) is a Warden Semi-chenillé. It is equipped with two machine guns. It can tow Field Weapons and Trailers.

General Info


The Niska Mk. III Scar Twin houses one passenger, and a crew of three soldiers:

  • Driver (Seat 1, Front)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the vehicle
    • Activates horn sound with LMB
  • Passenger (Seat 2, Front)
    • Can't do anything
  • Gunner (Seat 3, Rear)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the left-mounted machine gun
  • Gunner (Seat 4, Rear)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the right-mounted machine gun
  • Passenger(s) (Seats 5-7, Rear)
    • Able to use their secondary equipment

NOTE: Players cannot switch between front and rear seats.


The Niska Mk. III Scar Twin is equipped with two armaments:

  • 2x 7.92mm Machine Gun
    • Mounted on the back facing forward left and forward right. (85 degrés d'angle de tir)
    • Munition utilisée: 7.92mm
    • Portée Effective: 32.5 mètres
    • Portée Maximale: 42.5 mètres
    • Durée du rechargement: 3.5 secondes
    • Cadence de tir: 240 tirs par minute
    • Taille du chargeur: 50 tirs
    • Précision: médiocre
    • Stabilité: Perds sa précision rapidement, tirs par courtes rafales recommandés


It has 4 inventory slots and a dedicated ammo slot that can hold 100 7.92mm magazines.

Engine & Mobility

  • Fuel Tank: 150 L of Diesel or Petrol
  • Fuel Consumption Rate: 4.5L / min (Autonomy: 33:20 min)
  • Speed: 7.94 m/s on road, 4.37 m/s off-road
  • Can ram and destroy Sandbag Covers, Tier 1 Walls, Barbed Wire Fences, and deployed Tripods
  • Damages Field Bridges a lot. Crossing is very risky or impossible
  • Can't cross Trenches
  • Triggers Anti-Tank Mines

Health & Armor



  • It can tow Trailers and Field Weapons.
    • Hitch and unhitch the towed vehicle via the Shift + E interaction menu (the two vehicles must be very close and you in between them).


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Ligne de Batterie) 5 x
5 x 
2 MW d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x 
 Niska Mk. III Scar Twin HalftrackTwinWVehicleIcon.png 00:05:00

Must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

Le véhicule peut être stocké dans un Dépôt, Port ou Navire de Stockage.

Il peut être emballé en un large Expédiable et transporté par un Véhicule d'expédition (Barge, Cargo, Navire de Stockage, Navire de débarquement, Wagon Plat, ou Grande Grue).


The Niska Mk. III Scar Twin, like all Half-Tracks, can only handle targets in front of them. As such, it is best to keep them facing towards the enemy at all times, and protect them from flanks. Additionally, the Gunners can be killed if directly hit by weapons, so extra care must be taken to ensure this does not happen. In any case where retreating is necessary, the driver should reverse instead of turning around so the Gunners aren't exposed and can still defend the vehicle.

Despite having tougher armor, it is still a relatively weak vehicle. It is incapable of dealing with Armored Cars and Tankettes, and especially more late-game vehicles like Light Tanks, Medium Tanks, and Battle Tanks that will quickly destroy them. Additionally, heavier anti-armor weapons will be unlocked, which have higher penetration power and will quickly shred light armor.

With its towing capability and its multiple passenger seats, the Scar Twin is ideal for the transport and support of a field weapon and its crew. After driving to the desired location, the passengers can disembark, unhitch the Field Weapon, and operate the Field Weapon while the half-track crew covers them, resupply them, and help them relocate somewhere else quickly if needed.

One of the rear passengers can serve as a spotter/commander for the crew by using binoculars.

Standard Equipment Loadout
Like with every other armored vehicle, the crew should ALWAYS equip themselves with a Gas Mask and multiple Filters to avoid dying to Gas Grenades. Additionally, they should bring a Hammer and Basic Materials to repair the tank. These tactics can be buffed by wearing either a Tank Uniform or an Engineer Uniform.


  • The Niska Mk. III Scar Twin was introduced in Update 1.54 ('Naval Warfare') to give the Warden Faction a heavier towing Half-Track, which could fulfill a similar role to the HH-b “Hoplite”.


fr:Niska Mk. III Scar Twin