Drummond Spitfire 100d

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.59) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Ce véhicule utilitaire léger équipé d'une mitrailleuse légère offre une plate-forme d'armes lourdes et une vitesse supérieure. Il est parfaitement adapté pour soutenir l'infanterie de flanc ou un assaut blindé.
Description en jeu

The Drummond Spitfire 100d (simply known as a Spitfire) is an open-topped Warden Véhicule Utilitaire Léger equipped with a 7.92mm machine gun. It automatically gathers Map Intelligence within a 60m radius.

General Info


The Drummond Spitfire 100d holds one passenger, and houses a crew of two soldiers:

  • Driver (Seat 1)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the vehicle
    • Interacts with nearby structures - press E or Shift + E
    • Activates horn sound - press LMB
  • Passenger (Seat 2)
    • Can't do anything
  • Gunner (Seat 3)
    • Controls the movement, reloading, and firing of the 7.92mm machine gun


The Drummond Spitfire 100d is equipped with one main armament:

  • 7.92mm Machine Gun
    • Mounted on the rear (130 degrés d'angle de tir)
    • Munition utilisée: 7.92mm
    • Portée Effective: 27 mètres
    • Portée Maximale: 40 mètres
    • Durée du rechargement: 3 secondes
    • Cadence de tir: 240 tirs par minute
    • Taille du chargeur: 30 tirs
    • Précision: médiocre
    • Stabilité: Perds sa précision rapidement, tirs par courtes rafales recommandés


It has two inventory slots and a dedicated ammo slot that can hold 100 7.92mm magazines.

Engine & Mobility


  • Automatically gathers Map Intelligence within 60 meter radius every few seconds and transmits it Fichier:Transmitting UI Icon.png.
    • Only active when driver seat is occupied
  • Can interact with most structures in proximity - press E or Shift + E
    • Can pull three times the normal amount from stockpiles - press Shift + LMB


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Parc de Véhicules) 3 x Matériaux de Construction ConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
10 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
2 MW d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x   Drummond 100a Fichier:Drummond 100a Vehicle Icon.png
 Drummond Spitfire 100d Fichier:Drummond Spitfire 100d Vehicle Icon.png 00:03:00

Must be fully researched in the Vehicle IconFilterVehicle.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

Le véhicule peut être stocké dans un Dépôt, Port ou Navire de Stockage.

Il peut être emballé en un petit Expédiable et transporté par un Véhicule d'expédition (Grue, Camion Plateau, Barge, Cargo, Navire de Stockage, Navire de débarquement, Wagon Plat, ou Grande Grue).


Due to the high mobility of the vehicle, it is ideal for hit and run attacks. This is also encouraged by the relatively low health and high repair cost of the vehicle, meaning that if it stays in one spot for too long it may get overwhelmed by even small arms fire.

It is one of the best tools for clearing up loose partisans, as well as pushing with groups of infantry to provide fire support and mobile intel coverage.

When driving an LUV, it's often faster to turn around by driving forward. Driving forward and turning left or right turns jeeps faster than backing up while turning. This should be practiced before entering combat, as jeep maneuvering can be difficult especially while fighting on a road, due to how easy it is to spin out. It's advised to practice driving these jeeps and getting used to the handbrake for proper usage.
