King Jester - Mk. I-1

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This article is considered accurate for the current version (1.56) of the game.

Conçu à l'origine comme une ébauche pour de futures plate-formes plus sophistiquées, le Jester tire son nom de la réaction aux tout premiers prototypes montés sur des King Spire dépouillés. Ce véhicule inhabituel peut tirer des roquettes spécialisées sur de longues distances. Son châssis léger le rend facile à repositionner, mais le rend vulnérable au sabotage.
Description en jeu

Le King Jester - Mk. I-1 (simply known as a King Jester or Jester) is a Warden Char de reconnaissance equipped with a Rocket Battery for 3C-High Explosive Rockets.

General Info


The King Jester - Mk. I-1 houses a crew of two soldiers:

  • Driver (Seat 1)
    • Controls the movement of the vehicle, and can see the remaining fuel in the vehicle
    • Able to deploy/undeploy the vehicle - press F
    • Controls the azimuth of the Rocket Battery - must move the entire vehicle
  • Gunner (Seat 2)
    • Controls the reloading, and firing of the Rocket Battery
    • Uses the Mouse Scroll Wheel to adjust the firing distance

The gunner seat is open top making the gunner exposed to small arms fire and shrapnel.


The King Jester - Mk. I-1 is equipped with one main armament:

  • 3C-High Explosive Rocket Battery
    • Mounted to the sides of the chassis (cannot rotate)
    • Munition utilisée: 3C-High Explosive Rocket
    • Portée: 200-350 mètres
    • Durée du rechargement: 3.5 secondes par projectile
    • Durée du tir: 0.4 secondes
    • Cadence de tir: 15 tirs par minute (rechargement après chaque tir); Salve de 6 en 2 secondes
    • Taille du chargeur: 6
    • Le véhicule doit être déployé pour tirer
    • Précision: rayon de 30m à portée minimale et jusqu'à 41m à portée max (effet du Vent non inclus)


It has a dedicated ammo slot that can hold one 3C-High Explosive Rocket.

Engine & Mobility

  • Fuel Tank: 250 L of Diesel or Petrol
  • Fuel Consumption Rate: 9L / min (Autonomy: 27:46 min)
  • Speed: 6.67 m/s on road, 4.67 m/s off-road
  • Immune to off-road speed reduction from Snow Storms
  • Can ram and destroy Sandbag Covers, Tier 1 Walls, Barbed Wire Fences, and deployed Tripods
  • Damages Field Bridges a lot. Crossing is very risky or impossible
  • Can't cross Trenches
  • Triggers Anti-Tank Mines
  • Unable to move while deployed

Health & Armor



Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Ligne de Batterie) 20 x
15 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage I AssemblyMaterials1Icon.png
3 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage III AssemblyMaterials3Icon.png
2 MW d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x   King Spire Mk. I King Spire MK-I Icon.png
 King Jester - Mk. I-1 King Jester - Mk-I-1 Icon.png 00:10:00

Tier 2 Facilities must be fully researched in the Weapons and Structure IconFilterWeaponsStructures.png Tech Tree in order to be produced.

Storage & Transport

Le véhicule peut être stocké dans un Dépôt, Port ou Navire de Stockage.

Il peut être emballé en un large Expédiable et transporté par un Véhicule d'expédition (Barge, Cargo, Navire de Stockage, Navire de débarquement, Wagon Plat, ou Grande Grue).


Unlike most artillery emplacements and vehicles, the King Jester - Mk. I-1 is capable of being operated by one crew member, who can act as both the Driver and Gunner. The only limitation to this strategy is that the loading of all the rockets takes twice as long compared to doing it with two players.

Like other artillery projectiles, the rockets are more inaccurate at longer range and their trajectory are affected by Wind.

Rocket Artillery Strategy
All equipment that uses rockets excel at burst damage, compared to regular 120mm artillery, which are suited for sustained barrages. Due to the rocket's relatively low damage and their high dispersion, they are most effective when attacking in groups, as the large volume of rockets increases the chances of hitting targets. Additionally, every rocket has a chance of setting their target on fire, preventing them from being repaired (though the 4C-Fire Rockets have a higher chance of doing this).

Nearly all rocket vehicles can be reloaded prior to their actual deployment, meaning it is possible to do hit-and-run tactics with them. This can be done by loading up the vehicle with rockets, driving to the location, fire all of them, and evacuate before any enemy QRF forces arrive.


  • Like all artillery equipment, rockets can be quickly submitted into them without accessing their inventory
    • While this can be done for all vehicles, it should only be done if they can carry/use large items
  1. Equip the rocket and walk up to the vehicle
  2. Submit the rocket into the vehicle - press V


  • The King Jester - Mk. I-1 is the first Warden vehicle to use 3C-High Explosive Rockets.
    • It was briefly possible for both sides to produce them, however that was shortly removed after War 96 ended (when 'Inferno' officially released). This was changed in Update 1.53, which made them producible for both factions again.
