Rooster - Lamploader

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.59) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

Une remorque simple qui peut contenir diverses sources de carburant et peut être utilisée pour ravitailler des véhicules.
In-game description

The Rooster - Lamploader is a type of towed Trailer specially designed to carry large amounts of liquid resources from one destination to another. In order to move anywhere, it must be hooked up to the back of another vehicle and towed.

General Info


The Rooster - Lamploader, like all trailers, does not require a crew to operate.


The Rooster - Lamploader is not equipped with a main armament.


It has only 1 inventory slot, but it also has a Stockpile that can only hold one type of liquid resources at a time (holds up to 25).


The Rooster - Lamploader can be interacted with in a few ways:

  • Refuels nearby structures and vehicles - only applies to nearby entities (depending whether they have the correct fuel)
    • The structure/vehicle that wants to be refuel must click the refuel button - able to be canceled with another button
    • Visually shows refueling with a hose connecting them - will stop refueling if they are too far away
  • If towed, the driver of the towing vehicle has access to the trailer's stockpile when interacting with the inventory of structures.


Structure Input(s) Output Temps
Petite Station d'Assemblage (Station de Terrain) 10 x Matériaux de Construction Traités ProcessedConstructionMaterialsIcon.png
5 x  Matériaux d'Assemblage II AssemblyMaterials2Icon.png
2 MW d'électricité ProductionPowerIcon.png
1 x   Rooster - Junkwagon ResourceTrailerIcon.png
 Rooster - Lamploader FuelTrailerIcon.png 00:05:00

Storage & Transport

Le véhicule peut être stocké dans un Dépôt, Port ou Navire de Stockage.

Il peut être emballé en un petit Expédiable et transporté par un Véhicule d'expédition (Grue, Camion Plateau, Barge, Cargo, Navire de Stockage, Navire de débarquement, Wagon Plat, ou Grande Grue).
Il peut aussi être remorqué par certains Camions et Semi-Chenillés


