The Moors

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This article could contain outdated information that is inaccurate for the current version (1.57) of the game. It was last updated for 1.56.

The Moors is a World Conquest map that was originally added in Update 0.10 as Mooring County. It sports a sprawling trench maze that both attackers and defenders can use to gain an advantage.

The map's Town Base that contributes to the World Conquest's "Victory Condition" is Ogmaran

Update History


Hand-Delivered Letter

Hand-Delivered Letter
A note to a Colonial squad leader.
They didn’t want to say this over the radio, someone might be listening. Command is going to spend the resources and drop a company up north to secure the route to Nicnevin.

If the Caoivish Wardens make allies out of them, that would be bad news for us. But if we cut off the pass, we can stop that from happening. Or better yet, discredit them. They aren’t known to make deals on a whim.

Location of Hand-Delivered Letter
The Moors - G7k2



Hand-Delivered Letter

Hidden Message

Hidden Message
There’s a book with a mark carved into the cover that looks like a star.
Opening it reveals a letter addressed to someone named Ciara.

You said you would meet me here and we’d travel north to take the long route to Morgen’s Crossing. Don’t you remember? People are gathering there.

I’ve been waiting for days, and still, you haven’t arrived. Combat is breaking out in this region. I can’t wait any longer. I’ll try to wait in Morgen’s Crossing. Hopefully the fighting doesn’t make it that far. It doesn’t help matters that I’ve got a target on my back from both sides.

Location of Hidden Message
The Moors - G7k2



Hidden Message

History Book

History Book
A book chronicling the history and accomplishments of Callahan and his elite military unit called “The Hands”
Some chapters detail how he was able to unite warring clans, how he led a resistance against northern invaders, brought prosperity and hope to Caoiva, and laid out the foundations of the Bulwark to the south.

Location of History Book
The Moors - H3k5



History Book

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue
It’s cold here.
You adjust your jacket and wipe the snow from your trousers. Tiny crystals of ice have formed on the tips of your eyelashes. When you blink, it causes your eyelids to freeze together for a moment. You’re tired and want to sleep, but you know that the sleep never comes

Location of Inner Dialogue
The Moors - K4k9



Inner Dialogue

Old Transcript

Old Transcript
An old transcript of what was presumably a radio conversation.
Whedon’s Row is a goddamned mountain fortress. Have you been there? No. Well, I have.

Can we not assault from the sea? It’s my understanding that there’s a wide open shore.

Do not underestimate the Caoivish, Consul. If you think that they haven’t adequately prepared for this, you’d be mistaken.

Damn, they’re like roaches. What do you suggest then, Commander?

We should leave them to their mountains! There’s no value in Whedon’s Row. We’ll starve them out and they are forced to emerge, Caoiva will be Mesean soil.

Location of Old Transcript
The Moors - H5k4



Old Transcript

Rusty Sabre

Rusty Sabre
A battered, rusty old officer’s sabre.
There’s an inscription on the blade. “Gough-Mercy.”

A shame to see such exquisite craftsmanship left to rust.

Location of Rusty Sabre
The Moors - E6k2



Rusty Sabre

Trench Bath

Trench Bath
There’s a barrel, some rags, and a pot frozen over with ice.
You guess that the pot was used to heat up the water and then wash dirt from the trenches.

Location of Trench Bath
The Moors - I8k5



Trench Bath

Veteran's Letter

Veteran's Letter
An opened letter sits on the table.
Saints be damned, The Moors?

Where in the hell is that? You’re being deployed to some to some backwoods town? Why do they call it that anyway? It’s probably frozen most of the year, who’s bringing boats?

I wish you could answer me as I write but I know it’ll be some time, maybe years before I hear back. They’re making me a prosthetic metal leg and once I learn to walk properly, they might send me back out. I’m excited. Feels like I just got started when I got caught by that mine.

The break has been… fine, but like you said back when it happened, “You are Mesean, your blood is gunpowder, trenches are your home, the dirt your soft downy pillow. Life is too short to waste working the fields or toiling away at a machine belt.”

Then you said something crass about my mother and that’s where my memory gets fuzzy. Once I get back out there, you bet your ass I owe you a stiff drink.

Location of Veteran's Letter
The Moors - H3k5



Veteran's Letter


The Moors -w Icons & Locations.png

Map Locations

  • Borderlane
  • The Cut
  • Gravekeeper's Holdfast
  • The Graveyard
  • Headstone
  • Luch's Workshop
  • Lyon's Wood
  • MacConmara Barrows
  • Moon's Walk
  • Morrighan's Grave
  • The Mound
  • Ogmaran
  • Reaching River
  • Riverhill
  • Scáth Copse
  • The Spade
  • Wiccwalk
  • Wiccwood
  • The Wind Hills

Click on a region to open the corresponding page.
Home RegionHome RegionThe Oarbreaker IslesFisherman's RowStema LandingNevish LineFarranac CoastWestgateOriginCallum's CapeStonecradleKing's CageSableportAsh FieldsSpeaking WoodsThe MoorsThe Linn of MercyLoch MórThe HeartlandsRed RiverBasin SionnachReaching TrailCallahan's PassageDeadlandsUmbral WildwoodGreat MarchKalokaiHowl CountyViper PitMarban HollowThe Drowned ValeShackled ChasmAcrithiaClanshead ValleyWeathered ExpanseClahstraAllod's BightTerminusMorgen's CrossingStlican ShelfEndless ShoreReaver's PassGodcroftsTempest IslandThe FingersThe World Map of Foxhole. Click on a region to open the corresponding page.